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Posts posted by CyberNinja

  1. 14 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    And democracy is still far better than any other system imo.

    Under what evidence? Under what parameters are be defining "better" as well? I'm assuming you are well informed on the subject and not solely making a proposition based on the assumption of unanimous agreement.

    12 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    PLease... PLEASE tell me you are seriously NOT actually believing in the BS that Dimtiri created democracy. Please tell me this isn't the case.

    Well we can agree on that.

    12 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    If ANYTHING, Edelgard's system is legit the only system that comes CLOSEST to a democracy. 

    Well I suppose they're pretty close in how neither system actually reflects the desires of the population.

    6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Perhaps, but the fact that I am witnessing people making such incredibly ignorant and biased remarks, dismissing literally so many traits and actually trying to declare that Edelgard is nothing but a villain and her story is you being the bad guys, I'm sorry, but I have little patience for that. Especially since I expected better on this site. 

    When did this place become like reddit of all places? 

    Around the time you made a proposition without evidence.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    This is an extremely bad take


    2 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    outright insulting since a lot of people (including me) don't have CF as our first route and still don't consider Edelgard the villain

    Weird flex but ok, that's your prerogative to be to be insulted and to not insult you further I'll only leave it as an implication of what I have to think of that. 

    7 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    CF, they wouldn't have made Rhea such a terrible person (torching her own city, something "villain" Edelgard never does across despite being in a similar situation in three routes)

    which they only have Rhea do in this route, when all routes have Edelgard commit the crimes she does in White clouds and 3/4 routes have her as the main antagonist, with her own route still hinting at her darker tendencies. Edelgard still uses her own citizens as human shields, the thief enemies have dialogue showing that her war has left her people in abject poverty and Ferdinand's paralogue shows that the Empire is cracking under unrest as Edelgard allows her nobles and the Agarthans to fully exploit her own people to win the war, a war which was as mentioned avoidable. Edelgard is a villain, you being offended by that doesn't really matter until you give some evidence to the contrary. It's Edelgard's evil actions (assassination, hiring bandits, terrorist attacks) that drive the plot of White clouds, she is the one responsible for the harm, damage, or carnage caused by the war, being the instigator. In a literary and actual sense, she is a villain. Her character, (need for control, imperialism and nationalism) push her to slaughter her former friends and classmates to fulfill the ambitions of the Imperial nobility (reunification) and drive her need to reorganize her government as distinctly totalitarian. It is Edelgard's ambitions, her messiah complex, and controlling nature that causes her to take the actions she does, it is through these distinct character flaws that Edelgard becomes the Villain, and a rather charismatic one at that!.

    7 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    given CF such a positive ending.

    She forms a totalitarian government, rewrites history to destroy any evidence that the Church, Kingdom, or Alliance ever existed (yes Ashe, there was more to take) and in endings where she solves her shortened lifespan (Lysithea) and most others, she never actually steps down. I won't argue on the merits of her choice of governmental system, but I wouldn't say that your stance is without controversy.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    That is all certainly an interesting take considering many people would probably certainly argue against Edelgard being a villain in her own route. I don't disagree with what you're saying, it's in fact very much how I view CF. But I don't think CF isn't trying to justify itself. It seems that the game does want you to believe Edelgard is justified in what she's doing. And it just ends up working very poorly if CF is not your first route.

    Not being able to call out Edelgard and have her answer to anything didn't seem like "this is on purpose", it felt like lazy writing.

    I think the writers are more self-aware then we give them credit for. A lot of people dislike Edelgard for making Jeralt's death about her, in her supports with Caspar, he'll actually call her out for making everything about her. Its stuff like this that repeats often enough to suggest that there is in fact certain concepts they want you to pick up on.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    I never said her actions didn't make sense. All of what she does is fine for a villain. But CF tries to make her a protagonist and allying with the evil mole men on the basis of misinformation does make that particular route feel questionable because it doesn't feel like anything we're doing is justified.

    Because nothing your doing in that route is justified. Edelgard cultivates a cult of personality around misinformation and manipulation. Part of her revealing her past to you is due to the interaction of her crests and yours (another topic) part of it is her emotionally manipulating you. The game has already established that there are bad actors and unreliable narrators, specifically they hedge on leaving the player confused on CF because we don't know how much is Edelgard's own lack of knowledge and how much is her intentionally obfuscating the past to paint a better picture. She is emotionally dependent on Byleth but she also views them as much the same as those "loathsome beasts" she detests, she truly believed that due to Byleth's lineage (aka bloodline) that they would choose their race "Nabatea" over humanity. Hubert's A support also covers this concept that the major topic of discussion is of Byleth's bloodline and well...


    Hubert: That is not the case for inhuman creatures with lifespans well beyond our own. We must fight to preserve what makes us human. You are the one closest to the enemy. I wonder if you will be able to maintain your humanity to the end.

    Byleth: If I'm unable to...

    • Hubert: Does that mean you know I will do what must be done? You must trust me a great deal.

    If that isn't ringing alarm bells I don't know what to say. Again let's look at what Edelgard has to say about Crests and relics in light of this, she insists that they are not gifts of the goddess but creations of Man, she paints a picture of Rhea and dragonkind as schemers jealous of humanities' ingenuity and neglects to mention how relics were made... when Amyr is a weapon made to her specifications. 

    It isn't without reason that CF is the route that gives the least amount of information, it isn't an accident that what you are given is wrong. There is a reason that the route highlights that Edelgard is willing to lie to even her friends and closest allies... including you. It is the only route that Claude dies in and the route where you fight the most former friends (Two houses + Knights of Seiros) every single character has them calling out YOU for joining Edelgard. The route doesn't call out Edelgard because the entire route is designed around gaslighting the player into supporting Edelgard despite them being called out for it by every major character, in Azure Moon Dimitir's behavior was the problem, in Crimson Flower YOURS is. 

    The route paints Edelgard as the hero defeating the evil Rhea but leaves in some seriously questionable behavior that it doesn't let you call out, these are the red flags that let you know something is wrong. Claude's route shows the lies but you still believe (assuming CF 1st route) she was justified with what she(and you) knew, VW opens you up to Azure Moon where you realize how far Edelgard will go, it destroys the illusion CF created. Silver Snow lets you look at things objectively again, Edelgard will ask you to join but you know better now, if you hesitate or deny her, it doesn't matter you are an enemy now, because you are not her ally your bloodline makes you an enemy.

    So no, CF doesn't properly justify itself, it was never meant to. That's the point. If it was your first playthrough you can fall for Edelgard's propaganda, if not you'll see through her lies.

    Edelgard is the villain, even in her own route: recall that the endings review the events are all as viewed from a historian's perspective.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    And apparently accidentally in the Blue Lions route

    If they had the power to take the kingdoms head on, they'd have done so, that is so obvious I don't even know why we're discussing it. They act in shadow because being revealed means defeat. Their logic in story makes sense, they want to kill the Dragons, they also want the three kingdoms locked in a state of perpetual conflict, Edelgard works to end the war while Cornelia works to exhaust the resources of both the kingdom she controls and the rebels. Agartha doesn't start seriously supporting Edelgard until she risks losing and will cut ties once it becomes clear she's lost or they'll lose too much (Myson's death) if they remain. Both the Empire and Agartha work to complete their genocide of the Nabateans and both work to hunt down the KOS. In 3/4 routes they can kill of Rhea whenever they wish but use her to supply cheap demonic beast units. to the empire. Ideally the empire will emerge victorious but be too worn down to be a threat, Arundel will engage a massive civil war utilizing the unrest he's been spreading throughout the empire and they'll use this to headcap Edelgard and subvert the entirety of Fodlan. They'd then begin their pogroms against the human population of Fodlan as they see them as "mere beasts" since both nobility and commoners carry the blood of Nabatea (crests) and they view the humanity above as irrevocably tainted by Sothis and her ilk. If Solon is to be believed, they do view themselves in a messianic sense (Saviour of all) for those they view as true Ary-humanity. So I've joked about this before but Three houses is the most faithful Fallout 2 adaptation I've seen and Agartha are the Enclave.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Azure, Roundabouted Out said:

    No wonder SS Endgame is called Miracle: The Chapter.

    I swear, the Falcon Knights felt like they probably had no bow weakness at all.

    Actually had an enemy proc miracle three times, admittedly this was only on hard and I was skipping over enemy phase so I didn't notice the physic user, but I'm not inclined to play that map again.

  7. 2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    Not necessarily. She would have been better if she was just more educated on the history of Fodlan and the reality of the fact that she is working with the people she should have prioritized taking down over Rhea, who she had little to no reason to target if she knew the truth~ 

    Why? If we're basing it off her established character, its clear that she and Hubert are human supremacists thus having Seteth, Rhea, and Flayn in any position of power would be unacceptable for them. Furthermore if you read Edelgard's character sheet, you realize that she hates losing control. She is an autocrat and one who doesn't recognize the independence of the kingdom and Alliance. If you remove the Agarthans and Nabateans, then this is simply the story of an Emperor working to reclaim the old borders of the empire, she is embracing the Adrestian dream of reconquest. So it doesn't matter the ideology of the three lords, Edelgard would attempt to kill them regardless to reclaim the empire because 1) her need for control would not trust independent actors to create the society she desires 2) Her #1 goal is unification, attacking the church is just part of pretext. With this in mind, allying the Agarthans makes sense because she intends to fight the other two kingdoms in a state of total war. Her actions make sense when you look at her how she is rather than how you think she should be. She's the main villain.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

    i highly disagree about not revealing her backstory. Her C support literally defines her as a person and gives you the player the reason to want to fight at her side. All the other small details aside it is the pivotal point for the player to decide if thats enough for you to side with her. 

    I tend to er on the side of "no your changes won't fix it, it'll be worse" because well one, I've read their fan fiction and two they need to first explain the role of the characters before making changes. Case in point, you don't need to make a villain realistic or have some tragic backstory explaining how they came to be. The Agarthans can be as cartoonsihly evil as they are shown to be, it isn't an issue. The problem the Agarthans have is they lack charisma, presence, and fanfare. If stolons spell caused the time skip and we didn't get to kill him until well into the second half of the game, suddenly they're a lot scarier. Instead they seem incompetent and trite, "oh how I was defeated by beasts." About a minute after we met them. We don't even get a new face for them besides Thales all the rest are generic portraits if they get a name. So slithers can work and the story as it stands does need them or the world breaks, they're just not all that charismatic as villains unlike Edelgard, who IS main villain of the story.


    illnprobably post something a bit more coherent and detailed when I have the time. Currently phone posting.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Ah. Perhaps I am mistaken. Church was my first route so I played it quite a while ago (and my incentive to ever play it again is basically nil despite enjoying that final boss fight). I recall her only having beasts, no golems. If she does have golems, how does that even work? She only has beasts because the knights around the monastery had crest stones implemented and went mad with her. Who organised the golems to show up and control them? 

    Presumably she activated the Gareg Mach defenses because they appear around the fortress stairs.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Crimson Flower I'm guessing, based on the Golems getting buffs. She doesn't use Golems in Church route as far as I can remember. And the beasts she does use don't get buffs, though they do buff her.

    You do fight golems in the SS finale, don't remember if they got buffs, makes the Seiros shield a nice thing to have though.

  11. On 11/19/2019 at 1:22 PM, ZeManaphy said:

    Really? People thought the Immaculate One was hard? She was the easiest part of the map. The Golems were the worst, especially with Rhea’s Buffs, I had to reset several times thanks to crits.

    Which one? CF is easy, SS changes on whether you can kill her before a white beast enters range.

  12. 1 hour ago, Sid Starkiller said:

    I'll check once I finish this fight. EDIT: Nope.

    Speaking of CF Dimitri, maybe you guys have some detail I missed: what is up with his characterization? It's like they tried to blend the axe-crazy part with the calmer-after-Rodrigue's-death part, but it just comes off as waffling between them. Please tell me if I missed something here!

    According to Dedue, crazy Dimitri was the way Dimitri actually always was. It's just that in Crimson Flower he never reaches the point of discarding the mask he wore during White Clouds. Instead he's more or less stuck in the state he was in during ch. 10-12, openly murderous towards Edelgard but trying to maintain some semblance of sanity for his friends sake. Like the other poster said, since Cornelia never did her coup, he never hit the low of no longer caring.

  13. 2 hours ago, KevinskyHaaz said:

    My main reasoning for 3 Houses being better as a live action show instead of an anime has nothing to do with aesthetic or production value or anything. I just think that typically anime tends to be a more heightened reality, while I prefer that Fire Emblem be a more low fantasy with lots of grit

    FE4 exists, the only change form then to now is that the characters were implicitly rather than explicitly superhuman, however Sigurd was one of the Holy Blood heroes who could murder armies on his own (in a game that actually tried to show the real scale of actual war). They might not have been doing anime jumps through the air but they were no less superhuman than say Elric of Melnibone. So the "true Fire Emblem" you crave hasn't existed for a long time, and arguably never did.

  14. 6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I thought their rough draft turned out pretty well. I'd suggest comparing this to the 90s Fire Emblem OVA and deciding which one you'd want to watch more, but a two and a half minute trailer with no dialogue isn't a fair comparison to a two episode pilot. Still, it's a strong case.

    I'll be honest: there is not a single scene from the opening of three houses that I see at all being well portrayed in a live action. I can only see a live action as enjoyable in how bad it would be.

  15. 4 hours ago, Jotari said:

    A unit that can reliably attack offensively with both physical and magic would be a cool niche though, granted Mortal Savant does exist, but I don't think it's particularly tailored to anyone like simply throwing magic on Emperor would be for Edelgard (actually she might make a rather decent Mortal Savant). Plus, armoured magic users are something people have wanted for quite a while.

    Just because people want something doesn't mean it is good to have. Magic users are basically immune to magic for dying to everything else and knights are theoretically immune to physical attacks for amror weakness. You choice is to either make them a bad mage or bad knight. Furthermore the two play opposite roles since one is meant to tank enemy phase and the other to kill enemies on player phase. Like the halbardier, it doesn't offer anything that hasn't already been supplied with other classes. As others mentioned there would never be a situation where using magic would be preferable to her combat arts or attacking normally.

    some classes are better in the hands of AI only. The baron works best as a boss or enemy only type, look at death knight when you give such a class/unit to a player. 

    If you really wanted to make such a class then you'd have to redesign the rest to properly accommodate the change. Magic isn't even Edelgard's strength it's a hidden talent to open an alternate path for her aka making her a dark knight/gremory.

  16. If you wanted her as a mage, just make her a dark knight. Dimitri is a halberdier and Claude is a Bow Wyvern, the problem isn't that Edelgard isn't overpowered, it's that her class lacks a true niche to call its own. It's supposed to be fortress knight without the magic weakness, instead it's as vulnerable as any knight without the capacity to negate physical attacks. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    That's very presumptuous of you to assume you have any idea of what I plan to do, wouldn't you say? Also, Grappler is male only anyway, so why'd you bring it up?

    No, you're just going to use swords on a character that is good at swords and axes but not lances and you'll refuse to use axes when the only viable flyer is an axe or lance user. So you're either going to spread out your skill points amongst a ridiculous number of weapon skills you'll never use during a maddening run or your not, that limits the amount of classes you'll take in the latter or you've lost all ground to talk about what's a better use of resources in the former. Regardless the point is that you actually say what your doing and open your own strategies to judgement.

  18. 4 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I didn't think about it at the time, admittedly. Personally, I'd probably emphasize swords, because I'm not convinced axes are all that and a bag of chips. And because they have low weight, meaning not needing to worry as much about being weighed down. 

    Because personal experience means nothing - I can't be assured I'll have the same success with axes you and others had... and I'd much rather not chance it anyway given how dangerous Maddening enemies are. Whiffing and getting bodied on the counter would be, to quote Sonic, NO GOOD.

    I agree with you on Thyrsus, but if I say so myself, it's rather presumptuous to assume that I would go out of my way to recruit Lorenz for that alone... Also, I would note Empire Pegasus is one of the few flying battalions. If I'm giving it to Edelgard just to shore up her hit rates with axes, that means one of my fliers has to go without a battalion... and I'm not sure that the opportunity cost would be worth it.

    I would say that depends on what skills you're building. Also, looking at Axe and Sword Prowess, the accuracy gap is 18 points at level 1 for both, and decreases by 2 points for every higher rank.

    Ok so your going swordmaster Edelgard, not Pegasus because she sucks at lances, not wyvern because you hate axes and since you hate grappler I doubt you intend her to be a knight. So Assassin? 

    Im curious do you have documented success or mathematical proof of what you say or are you just blowing hot air?

  19. 4 hours ago, escotanner said:

    We finally got around to playing Three Houses today.

    Thanks to me buying the DLC, my sister quickly changed her outfit, but is still bitter about the way her hair looks. She also got Anna and was excited to play with the cats and dogs around the monastery. We weren't able to recruit any students today, but she was able to get Bernadetta's B support (all she said was that it was sad) as well as few other students' supports. We still weren't able to get on to Chapter 3 because she decided to go grind up her units. 

    During one of the fights, she nearly lost Lysithea and Raphael kept critting nonstop. Her Claude and Byleth are the strongest characters she currently has and Lorenz is doing surprisingly well as a brawler considering brawling is his weakness. She plans to raise everyone to level 20 pretty soon which is weird because she's already overpowered and she's on normal, but it's not my playthrough I guess. She's starting to learn how to play the game by herself, but she keeps forgetting how to switch weapons. Next time, we're going to take on Lonato's rebellion and hopefully recruit more students!

    She'll be swimming in master classes by the time she meets the Death Knight.

  20. 3 hours ago, Sid Starkiller said:

    I wouldn't give anything to AM because it already has the most playable units. The others need to be brought up to its level (that, and Rodrigue has to die for Dimitri's arc).

    VW: Is effectively short 2 units from AM (Dedue & Gilbert). Judith and Nader would be perfect.

    CF: By far the fewer units in the game, even with the addition of Jeritza. Unlike Rodrigue in AM, Randolph and Ladislava die abruptly, in absolutely no buildup or effect on other characters or plot. Randolph, Fleche and Ladislava would make up for losing Catherine, Flayn, and Seteth respectively (so I guess Jeritza is a substitute for Dedue/Hilda, just because?).

    SS: Haven't played it, so I can't really say who to add, but I wish Seteth was exclusive to it. It wouldn't make any sense, but SS has nothing to call its own (maps same as VW minus Gronder, technically the same final boss as CF even if different mechanically), and that's dumb.

    Might have been neat if Flayn and Seteth had exclusive Saint class versions of the classes they normally have. Instead of Charm they would have Sacred power. Maybe make them both flyers too so Seteth would be a Lancefaire Canto sacred power Wyvern, Flayn could be a faith based Pegasus flyer, having Canto Sacred power and Faith uses x2/Lancefaire. For class mastery, they could acquire ancient dragon wrath.


    I'm joking


  21. Probably Ufotable since that's the only name I recognize and they do good work-

    18 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    I haven't seen much anime, so I'm going to say Bones, just because I know they did Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. 

    Ok them too.

    16 hours ago, KevinskyHaaz said:

    I'd prefer a live-action Game of Thrones style show on HBO 😉 

    Nominated for worst taste evah. Then again they could adapt Crimson Flower, hear their good for having dragons torch cities.

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