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Status Updates posted by Koneko

  1. happy birthday friend I hope you're doing well c:

    1. Jiac


      thanks friend! yeah i'm doing fine \o/

  2. I appreciate your new icon friend it's pretty 10/10

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Thanks, friend, it was made by the great artist sylveonzoroark.

    2. Koneko


      I need to see more of their works it's perfection

  3. -inserts how many days are left til christmas-

  4. will do anything for microsoft surface studio

  5. hi derek ilu welcome to the forest you nerd

  6. indulges in college application hell

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Serpent of Sheol
    3. Julius Nepos
    4. Koneko


      idk if I need to talk about it but if it gets terribad I know who to go to!! thank you for your concern friend

  7. happy birthday lux! have a great one as always c:

    1. LuxSpes


      Thanks Kitty :>

  8. !! kat's sister hello nice to meet you uwu

    1. Einto


      Hello (^ ◕ᴥ◕ ^)

  9. happy birthday friend I hope you have a great one \o /

  10. happy birthday baka maka I hope you have a great one and all that good stuff c:

  11. hattiii happy birthday

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Thanks, friend!

  12. happy birthday, I hope you have a great one c:

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thanks so much!!

  13. Happy birthday Bal, I hope you get lots of presents and cake and all that good stuff uwu

    1. Balcerzak


      Thanks, it'll be a good day. :)

  14. happy birthday friend, have a great one!

  15. Happy birthday! Though you're hiding it from everyone, I hope you have a great one regardless you dork

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Nightmare



    3. Koneko


      goodbye cruel world for creating a monster like Nightmare

    4. Nightmare



      /me tasukete

  16. happy birthday silva c: I hope you have a great one!

    1. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Thank you so much! :>

  17. your theme has too many feels for me ;__;

    1. LuxSpes


      I should have put a feels warning in my sig.

  18. happy birthday david!

  19. happy birthday sylv!! I hope you have a great one this year : )

  20. Happy birthday Kim! You've grown a lot since coming to Manual and I'm really glad I got to see all of it happening in front of me :") I hope you have a great one this year and many to come!

    1. Kinumi


      friend i hope you know that your message brought forth tears of joy

      no matter how old we are we'll always be family AND I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU thank you so much for being here for me

  21. I'm not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with potential of a superman.

  22. friend your profile ;__;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightmare


      I improved it a little.

    3. Koneko


      the little tidbits make it count, well done

    4. Nightmare
  23. Congratulations on your lvl up, happy birthday Jerome!

    1. Jiac


      Yes I'm lvl. 15! Thanks Kitty! Too bad I can't grind to become lvl. 16 like you...

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