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Posts posted by Koneko

  1. Nah, the lab itself was fine since everything had been done before. It was literally wait for the TA to come see what we did. All the hard part had already been taken care of. Usually those labs last 3 hours but because they asked us to do everything in advance, there was nothing to do in the actual lab.

    Our prime minister should call the Mexican president and discuss building walls around the northern and southern borders of the US. Seriously though, if Trump gets elected I'll wonder in what kind of twisted twilight zone nightmare I'm living.

    I hope you guys are okay cause it is dumb america is dragging everyone into hell cause of how they think they can fix corruption with more corruption

  2. Last week the lab session lasted 5 minutes because they gave us the majority of the workload (as in 5 hours worth of calculations) as an assignment to do before the lab itself.

    It's not like it's going to be all well and good for Canada if Trump is elected. The States are our greatest economic partner and he wants to enforce protectionism and we'd have to rebuild a lot of our connections in Washington.

    that sounds like too much stress in 5 mins I would've screamed externally and internally in your position

    well rip captain canada I guess we are all screwed today

    make this day known as america's biggest f-up tbh

  3. And all the students will be stressed because they have now handed 3 lab reports that are worth 15% of the grades and still have no idea if they're doing the right thing or failing horribly. The labs for that class are just an organizational mess in general.

    I'd think you 'muricans would be more stressed about potentially reserving plane tickets for Canada than lounging regarding the elections >v>

    I felt that so hard in my geometry class freshman year when she posted all the grades last min and that was just screams all around

    tbh I might just move to asia at this rate

  4. I don't know since we still haven't received any grades for anything beside the exam (despite some of the assignments having been handed in months ago. TA isn't doing is job)

    wow gj teach he's gonna be stressed when grades are due for the semester

    also that feel when you want to sleep but the election has got you like ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

  5. I had a lowish result on one of them because of a dumb error, but the teacher said that the mean was pretty mediocre, so I guess I'm still above average?(he didn't give any specific number)

    Glad you're doing alright. And you have my best wishes regarding school! I'm sure you'll do great Kitty.

    as long it didn't kill your grade in that class it should be okie

    though thank you lots I appreciate it friend I need all the luck I can get at this rate

  6. >w>

    I'm doing good. It's been a pretty relaxing week-end after a couple of weeks of madness due to exams. Been mostly working on some programming assignments, though there's one that still kind of puzzle me, but I think I'm making progress.

    How are you doing?


    oh yeyy you finished your exams gj friend v proud of you

    I am doing alright, kind of AHH about school but it should be fine hopefully

  7. Fave

    i heard in the new game u have a lunch with SHOGO in the POLICE cafeteria....... but why??

    wait there's a psycho pass game and I haven't even heard of it before

    where have I been my whole life

    At least he was a good antagonist, which is more than what can be said for season's 2 antagonists.

    season 2 had some good potential plotwise but it kind of fell out and that was : (

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