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Everything posted by Koneko

  1. CONGRATS also my mom was a-okay with giving a bunch of skirts to you for christmas she wants a list of which ones you like
  2. I usually don't mind unless the type of outfit is terrible for rain
  3. clearly! I wouldn't mind but you don't have to friend
  4. you too kim having a common weeb name sucks
  5. oh yes that makes more sense ty : )
  6. yes I would greatly appreciate it ;__; ty
  7. many attempts later it looks like this(?) I think I fixed the size but the angle is the only thing messing me up
  8. I'm visualizing it to be something like this but then at the same time there's this feeling that SOMETHING is wrong about it ?? idk man
  9. how does one draw glasses from the side this is more difficult than I thought
  10. kitty/kitten in japanese is koneko koneggo came from sf user knight of argentum/egg suggesting this as my name change yes
  11. I think they meant writing in the space between the two lines vs putting all of your words on the lower line for each space(?) idk tbh
  12. was it bad if I was confused if that was me or an actual cat
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