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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. When I read Axel, this came in mind because it's the only Axel in VGs I know.
  2. I listened to Black Tar. I'd not say it's classical Hip-Hop song. It's mixed with rock similar to Linkin Park I'd say. But yes, it's a cool and interesting song. Kinda surprised to see it in Xenoblade, but ok. 7 Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Bramble Blast
  3. It's confirmed that Nintendo isn't good in making Hip-Hop themes. Honestly I don't like it either despite I loved the game. I don't really see a melody. It's even a less enjoyable theme than Yo Yo Yoshi 2.5 Tales of Xillia - Indomitable Fists that Know No Equal
  4. Sounds pretty interesting for a Pokémon theme, even a bit scary. Not bad! 7.5 Yoshi's Story - Yo Yo Yoshi
  5. cucumber Opinion about the combination Hawaii (ham + cheese + pineapples)?
  6. A bit overpowered. No seriously it will go on my nerves after a few minutes. 3 Kirby's Dreamland - Green Greens
  7. Kurth: Joins late with low level but great bases and potential at first sight. They're just fake. His base speed is abysmal and his growths aren't good, better than an average Laguz, but still not worth the effort. Pelleas: Joins late but just has normal bases and growths. Still the only dark magic user besides Lehran. Sanaki: A weird one. Starts third tier but has bases in several stats of a first tier unit (HP, strength). Her growths are above average aside of speed. I wouldn't call her as an Est though for being third tier already. Elincia: Starts third as well with abysmal bases but terrific growths which equal her bad bases. Since she's only really playable in part 4 she struggles with her bases. Paragon will make her a beast. The only Beorc who can ORKO an aura without TA. She'd be an Est for me if she wasn't third tier.
  8. I don't mind lakes unless they're connected to navigable rivers. Of course there are plants and insects inside but it's natural "dirt". Quarry ponds (artificial lakes) are very clean. Rivers are an other thing because I can't stand the dirt of ships.
  9. Cool! Go ahead! Make HHH great again! I know I'm exaggerating a little bit but I'm open for anything unrelated to Heroes there right now. Also I killed this thread apparently.
  10. Heroes will never die as long FE won't. Characters of all future parts will be added sooner or later in Heroes, and I don't see a reason why the interest should drop. I know that the Pokémon Go hype is gone but I think it's because there weren't any new updates lately? Also Falcom Discord chat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fire Emblem Discord chat I was in FE chat for like two weeks but it was like the most boring thing ever. Left already.
  11. Heroes will never die as long FE won't. Characters of all future parts will be added sooner or later in Heroes, and I don't see a reason why the interest should drop. I know that the Pokémon Go hype is gone but I think it's because there weren't any new updates lately? Also Falcom Discord chat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fire Emblem Discord chat I was in FE chat for like two weeks but it was like the most boring thing ever. Left already.
  12. A very quite theme for a Touhou stage. Quite like it. 7.5 Super Smash Bros Melee - Final Destination
  13. is correct... maybe in my case it's not obvious The person below is a different person than their above poster.
  14. That's a pretty nice idea. Maybe too simple that I didn't come up with it. I have a few lakes in my area I could use. Honestly I'm lucky it's summertime means warm outside. So I can do this without any problems right now. Since it's pretty hot outside I don't use too warm water. I even use the garden sprayer to splash my body which is enitrely cold water. Nice way to refresh. If it was wintertime, then I'd have a problem. Then I could do the advice in the post above which is as simple as effective.
  15. The thing is that Heroes will be a due to all its updates. Just wished for a bit more variety in HHH.
  16. I don't the exact definition of an "Est"-character but I assumed that these lowleveled units in lategame should have good growths. That's the case for neither. Also Kurthnaga is trash in HM. Gets doubled by all the generals. Brave axe / sword general reinforcement in E-1 will ORKO him.
  17. It sounds disgusting? It IS disgusting! For already 16 days my dad and me wait till the new shower is installed because craftsmen don't work properly. How to do my body care? Well, since I don't have a bath I have to do the "nostalgic" way by picking a bucket with water to throw it over my body in the garden like in good old times, decades, no even centuries ago. I'm feeling like in the mid age. I just have to take care that no one sees me... What's the point of this topic? Body care without bath or shower isn't only exhausting, but it also gives me an anxious feeling. I don't wish anyone to come in a similar situation like this.
  18. Tbf HHH is more "dead" because it's just Heroes talk. Also yeah, the update is the most unnecessary thing which happened to this forum.
  19. I just noticed the comment. Who is the "Est"-character in FE10 because no one comes in mind?
  20. Much MUCH better than the player map theme. In general I like the enemy phase map themes more than the player ones in FE6. 7 FE8 - Ties of Friendship
  21. it's alright 6 FE10 - Fading Embers
  22. is correct The person below me doesn't have >30°C outside.
  23. It's ok, nothing really special. 5.5 Project X Zone 2 - Intro
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