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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. So Gen 2. of FE10 with Ike's adopted child from his marriage with Soren? Sounds hell fun!
  2. Not yet, but I shall change soon. Planning to buy a Airi Ban figure till the end of the year. same question
  3. Soul doesn't need a billion dollar because he's the fresh prince.
  4. If a game with the title Nintendo's Princesses existed, what genre should it be? Dislike it. PC Idk what happened again. Couldn't put the cursor under the quote box for some reason.
  5. It might be, but as for German standards it's horrifying. It happens not really often that the German police acts as helpless as right here. I guess the offset policemen from Berlin wouldn't have had better control about this situation.
  6. Yes, like 15 minutes ago when I searched for the title. Is it a good series?
  7. Wow, I can't post properly again. Can't text below the quote box. Anyways... opinion about the current forum?
  8. https://www.pinterest.de/pin/576038608569143388/ Byakuren from Touhou
  9. Sure I have since 4-P is the first chapter they fight together and they could reach C for 4-3 at best. It seems to be that I underrated FE10's support conversations.
  10. Umm... then I should start supporting these two in my next run.
  11. I bought the special edition which means that I played and finished all three parts. Conquest Conquest was probably the hardest FE game on the lowest difficulty I've played yet, even more difficult than Thracia 776. Tbf I never consired FE5 as hard but rather luckbased in some points. The enemy's level rised overproportional to your ally's level. Since you're very limited with your ressources you can only focus on few units through the entire game not to become underleveled. The consequence was that I couldn't train some underleveled units like Odin or Mozu and never could get all the children. It's almost as unbalanced as FE10's in that way that some underleveled units can't be trained. Since bexp. doesn't exist, it's even harder. So at the end I used pretty much the same characters in each chapter. As for the gameplay it's the best part since FE10. Defend and time based missions returned - fantastic! Weapon triangle was increased - well implemented. However the weapon durability became infinite unfortunately - I'd say the only real issue I had. Some new interesting staves and weapons were added. Same goes for classes and skills. I like the idea of personal skills. They also fit to the character's personality and make everyone unique in their way. However the one might have a better personal skill than the other one. The skill system is the same as in FE13 which is alright. Storywise all the parts are bad, but I don't play FE only for the story so it's fine for me. It was a really good game overall. Birthright I only go for the map design since story and mechanics are the same as in CQ. Unfortunately this game feels like FE13 for the most part. Most maps are very simply designed and uncreative. However mission types like defend and escape still exist here too, so it's still a big improvement compared to Awakening. However the difficulty and map design are inferior to CQ. It's a good game for beginner but has no real replay potential. Though I have to admit that I prefer Hoshido's cast much more than Nohr's. Revelations Revelations was "interesting" to say it in this way. It featured lots of interesting map mechanics. However they don't work in a FE game. Warptiles from FE5 returned although the ones in REV are by far less fatal. Moving elevators are beloved which slow down the game a lot. In one chapter you have to play roulette by choosing the right door multiple times. If it's the wrong one, you're doomed. FE is a strategy game, and not a luck based game. 95% if these mechanics simply don't work. I have to admit that REV has the only good designed final boss. CQ's and BR's final map and boss are disappointing. The fight in REV reminded me on a boss battle from Devil Survivor 2 which was pretty fun for me. Nevertheless all in all the worst FE game, tied with FE13. I have to say only Conquest was worth its money. So I sold the special edition and made even profit from it. Would rebuy CQ sometime.
  12. This is not even true for the most time in the game. Zihark has a better defense than Edward will have when he reaches Zihark's level. https://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/characters/average-stats/edward/ https://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/characters/average-stats/zihark/ Edward will surpass Zihark's defense when he's already benched. As for Edward's defense you can help so much to give him a support with Leonardo or Aran to give him +3 defense. If his defense is average, he might take to steel lances in his face. If you're really lucky, then maybe even two steel bows. But it's not the standard case, only possible with powerleveling and blessed defense growth. Anyways Edward's affinity will screw him at the latest in part 3 because two tigers or tiger + cat will kill him. The best strategy is to bring him down unequipped to wrath-zone and let him attack with wind edges / storm swords for the rest of the chapter to get some free kills maybe. Zihark's defense doesn't really matter since he shall become your dodger anyways. Just support him with Nolan or Volug. And give him resolve to become almost invincible if he still should be hit. PS: Resolve might not work on him, if he gets attacked by a cat first which can't bring his HP downto <50%. So a tiger still has the chance to kill him.
  13. Huh, really? Didn't know that. I tired my to do my latest LP on word. But it ended that the images from word to this forum were corrupted in their colours. Had to replace each single image in SF which tripled the time for update. It was so timeconsuming and a waste of effort that it wasn't worth to burn my freetime for this at the end. I also wanted to restore all my parts before the update because of the broken spoiler tages. I can't even fix them properly because all the parts which include spoilers inside, become corrupted. The only thing I could do, is to turn off any notifactions which would make replying and interact with people quite a lot harder. Since my box is full already it doesn't make a difference if I will get 600 more messages in my notification box. Funnily I don't doublepost as much as most other people but only reading through all the double or even double triple posts is annoying. My intention with this thread wasn't originally to ask for a return of the previous site (lol, I don't know the opposite term of update). I just would like to have some issues fixed or removed like the option for deleting notifications or brining BBcodes back. As far I see no one knows a solution for my original problem. RIP friends I guess.
  14. That's right, but I still don't want see foreign UN / avatars in my profile. It gives me an uncomfortable feeling. Also Idr if you could see all your posts in the previous version. I believe so but it wasn't as public as it is now. I guess you had to do multiple clicks on the profile to find them. Seeing all my posted content in my title profile site also gives me an uncomortable feeling. I suggest now to add the option of disabling letting other members viewing my profile.
  15. Shall I edit the title to #BlameNewSF? And that's the main issue I have. I don't want to be "stalked" by people I don't know. I only want to have familar people as my friends / followers.
  16. In the previous SF you had the option to agree or decline a friend request. If you accepted, you had them as a friend too already. In this version apparently everyone can follow everyone without letting the followed person ask for agreement. You also have to make the extra step by following the person who followed you.
  17. I might be openmouthy right here but the entire previous SF should be back. I can't do LPs anymore in a proper way because BBcodes were removed. I have more than 600 notifications in my notification box I'd like to delete but can't. I can't even post properly because of the double post glitches and the fact that I have to restore the saved content of my previous post every single time which is super annoying and caused me some fake posts like quote boxes I couldn't delete in a normal way. People can add me as friend now without asking me for agreeing anymore - an absolute no-go for me! Sorry for my complaining but that's how I really feel since mid January.
  18. I'm asking this because it seems to be quite different to the "friends" option. Following is only onesided while adding a friend was twosided already. My main issue is that foreign people started to "follow" me without giving me the option to accept or decline the request. I don't want to be followed by people I don't know the heck who they are because I don't know if they could be bots. That's the reason why I disabled the "follow" option. I'd like to activate it back but only if there's a way to remove people from this list: Thanks for your help in advance!
  19. ... and how often? With DB members I mean exclusively all characters who only appear in Radiant Dawn and fight till part 3 for Micaiah's party. This includes: Edward Leonardo Nolan Laura Aran Meg Fiona As for me I rarely can bring them to the endgame unless in drafts. The main issue is simply that they won't reach the level as an equivalent of Elincia's or Ike's party. Aran is outclassed by Nephenee capwise, also hard to use in HM and no personal weapon in part 3. Leonardo is outclassed by Shinon and Rolf level and growthwise. However fun fact: With Lugnasadh he can theoretically double the auras without whitepool but it's hard to make him doing this with his poor strength and speed growth. Laura isn't needed since you have Micaiah. Meg and Fiona are waste in HM. Nolan is better than Boyd imo due to Tarvos, earth affinity and better speed growth. I sometimes bring him to the endgame. Promote him as quickly as I can (when speed is capped). Edward is a good myrmidon but he has strong competition in form of Zihark who joins with bases Edward still needs to reach, Mia who's the easiest to train for being in the strongest party and Stefan who joins with good enough bases and growths for the endgame. My decision is often against Edward unfortunately although he's a really good unit imo. That means I rarely use a DB unit in the endgame which is sad since they're all exclusive characters in FE10. They really need more chapters to get enough levels to be tied with the GM's.
  20. I want to see them back too... but they have to make sense. In FE10 they don't make sense at all. The DB is disadvantaged since Micky never has any which also downgrades her lord position massively compared to Ike who has three. Also it's stupid that some trivial bosses like the trans-Laguz or Goran and Zeffren have as much or even more than leading characters like Sigrun, Pelleas or Ludveck.
  21. I guess the OP of FE4 thread is gone and couldn't change it in time? Also second point is true. Tbf I stopped talking about Trails games in the FE4 thread and used the topics in the General Gaming section and the subforums in the Discord server instead. It's just that I don't feel comfortable to post here right now because it's permanently talked about stuff I don't know and don't care. It's incredibly hard to interact unless I want to let it end into a monolouge. So it's really better for me to leave HHH until the Heroes-Hype is gone which might be never the case.
  22. But Lucia sucks too in protecting herself and has two of them.
  23. Adding Pelleas to the DB in part 3 would give the party authority stars. Edit: Crap he has only one. Why?!
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