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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Shin Megami Tensei IV WTU IV confirmed I'm going to play sth. else now. Tired of this shit.
  2. This is the most ridiculous videogame I've played yet in terms of standard difficulty.
  3. I had one with dia (no Pixie) but it didn't help me because she was killed then after she healed me. BTW is there only one default difficulty? It's the mission I have to recruit three demons by talking.
  4. Great! In the second quest in SMTIV I got my first Game Over already. ._. Enemies tworound me.
  5. Thank goodness. And after reading Shezzy's response I was really thinking that your warning was meant ironically. Does the Jonathan guy has the same voice actor like Daichi from Devil Survivor 2? If so, this game has earned the first pluspoint already.
  6. BTW about 75% of my bought games were influenced by recommendations of the people in this forum here since l haven't played many videogames before at all. They introduced me into new great series like Tales of, Persona, Devil Survivor or Zelda. If Shin Megami Tensei belongs to the category "great" too... well it'll become apparent soon. Intro I'd say. Only played it for like 1h. I'm replaying this from the beginning again atm and will focus more on the conversations now.
  7. Nobody and you said good things about this game so I was curious.
  8. It's fine. BTW I knew your favor towards this game already like some other guys here. I mean you recommended me to play it. And I try to complete this game somehow. I didn't want to sacrifice all my memory space for nothing.
  9. Even if these were ironical posts (I can't judge) I couldn't get into SMTIV so far. I'll try to continue it and hope it'll become more interesting for me. To interprete your response correctly I facepalmed myself by saying bad things about this game, didn't I? You know that I might have strange opinions, don't you? And btw the same what I said yesterday: Opinions are Opinions
  10. 12 Crash Bandicoot 10 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 26 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 10 Crash Team Racing 10 Crash Bash 7 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex 7 Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure 8 Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced
  11. Played SMT IV it for one hour so far... and it bored me so much that I continued with Conquest. Maybe it's because of the story but I still couldn't get into this game. Well, I had total different expectations after playing Persona and Devil Survivor.
  12. Why the exact same question again? Read previous post.
  13. I only finished Abyss + Vesperia yet so I can't give an exact ranking. Abyss Vesperia Graces Symphonia Xillia 2 Are you even interested in the Tales of series?
  14. This reminds me to start with SMTIV sometime... but I must finish my Conquest run on hard first.
  15. How many kids could you imagine to have? It was a good day, so fine.
  16. I remember a time when I was insulted or was even kicked out of group chats only because I opened my mouth and said sth. positive about sth. I like. Honestly I enjoy(ed) these disputes.
  17. Opinions are Opinions Without them life would be boring.
  18. I guess it's part 1 which makes me want to play FE10. Really the best part in terms of difficulty. After part 2 I kinda lose the interest because the chapters of the GM's are so easy. The change to the DB in part 3 keeps my motivation high, though.
  19. I know... and it's ok for me. Idc if someone has a different opinion than me. Just accept opinions is what counts.
  20. FE10 and Conquest are both great, but I still like FE10 more than Conquest.
  21. I feel absolutely appreciated. And I go even further: Even FE5 had better chapters than Conquest... at least if I may compare that this game is 17 years old. If some mechanics in FE5 wouldn't be so questionable...
  22. Adding there are also defeating boss and seize chapters with a turn limit.
  23. Have you played Thracia 776 yet? It also features escape and defend missions which are pretty damn good actually.
  24. Actually FE8 had only survive chapters. You don't have to defend a certain spot the enemies may not reach.
  25. Fates has still some escape missions and some other new interesting gimmicks. Revelations is the path of the gimmicks.
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