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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Should get rid of the little yellow thing in the top left of her avi.
  2. In my run I did and bought him the glass bow which attacks with magic. Later I reclassed him to a sorcerer to get bowbreaker which wasn't really necessary tbh.
  3. Sacriest thing you've ever dreamt. Only after a longer dry period and not like a Monsoon.
  4. http://www.wallpaperup.com/633649/blonde_hair_cape_earmuffs_makuwauri_short_hair_skirt_sword_touhou_toyosatomimi_no_miko_weapon_wristwear.html Selena from FE14
  5. 1. Opinions about FE14 (if you have played it)? 2. Favorite videogame theme? 3. Any interesting sights in Illinois? 4. Would you do LPs with commentary in the future?
  6. Alright, thanks for your help! Completed 27 which was easy thanks to Selena's axebreaker. It took me a few turns but I didn't want to use other units because of Garon's sun. Corrin gave him the final blow like it had to be. I'm going to play 28 later because I'm going to stream it for a few people I promised it. Corrin has capped luck now and got a bit defense. His strength is still mediocre but energy drops and the power portion shall fix it. Niles for being a sorcerer has bowbreaker now but it won't help him at all. Takumi still has about 60% hitrate against him and can oneshot him thanks to his awful HP. (using status items on other units) I have three wyvern lords and Xander to pair up with Corrin, Elise, Arthur and Selena/Effie. Using defense rally in turn 1 is guaranteed. Since Arthur is a berserker he can do a strength rally and theoretically oneshot Takumi with a crit. I'll remove his fortune from him though.
  7. Odin's alive... but level 7 first tier. And Nyx died in chapter 24. In this run I only used a few units because I noticed experience sharing isn't really recommended in Conquest. Otherwise my units tend to be underleveled (which some units still are). And I found that increasing support levels takes very much time. The first of two marriages happened after chapter 23. The only pairings are Corrin x Felicia and Arthur x Beruka. Corrin's daughter died btw. .
  8. ^ That's the answer I was feared. Corrin married Felicia who's still a maid. The only contender for a sorcerer would be Niles because he has high magic. He's level 13 too so it'd be possible to let him learn bow breaker.
  9. Just a question: How to make Corrin a sorcerer? I can reclass him only to a sniper or a kinshi-knight.
  10. I see. So I'm going to reclass him to a sorc till he has reached level 15 for obtaining bow breaker. And then I'll reclass him to his orginial class back (which should be possible I hope). I see. He definitely needs HP, strength and defense. Why are stat drinks exactly bad? I thought they're like status boots, only with the diffence that they'll work for only one chapter. They cost like nothing. No one except for Beruka and Arthur has the required weapon level to use brave weapons. A silver weapon is as powerful as two brave attacks and more accuracte, so I'll go for them. Actually the four strongest characters are the three fliers (Beruka, Camilla, Percy) and Xander. Arthur as a berserker is pretty good too. As for the other two I still have to think.
  11. What do you do if the weather is very nice? Wheel of Fortune
  12. I'm very close to the endgame (going to do chapter 27). However I'm a bit unsure about myself if I can beat the final two chapters. I'd like to have a few advices of you how to be prepared correctly. A few facts of my playthrough: playing normal classic My units are ~ level 16 in average (between 10-19). My endgame units are: Corrin, Arthur, Effie, Elise, Beruka, Camilla, Percy, Niles, Felicia, Leo, Xander, Mozu, Azura, Selena I haven't used any of the status items yet (including boots) except for the two arms scrolls. Wasted one on Mozu and gave on to Arthur so he could use the Aurgelmir ofchapter 26. There's no way for me that anyone can use Excalibur and the Revive stave because their weapon level isn't high enough. I'm going to sell them. Corrin is actually pretty bad. Not only that he's only level 13 but also his level ups were disappointing for the most part. He's fast but that's it. His strength is only 20. I used a heart seal only on Camilla and made her a wyvern lord. I have only one rescue stave left and four freeze staves. I could buy a couple of trap staves in the stave shop. I have about 60000 gold. So my questions: Who to give which status boosts (especially boots)? What to buy in the shops (was thinking about the status drinks which are very favorable)? Which skills are very important for the endgame?
  13. #52: What would you do if you had to go to school or work but you can't use the public transport because of a strike or due to circumstances beyond our control?
  14. Favorite TV-series? Never really bothered with them... except for Alf.
  15. Since his strength growth is awful, his speed growth is mediocre and light tomes weigh a lot you must be very careful with him. Nosferatu weighs 12. Almost everyone which isn't a first tier enemy with a steel weapon (except for myrms) or a general will double and kill him.
  16. Soren has the best availibility, decent growths all around and adept. Furthermore he's the most interesting supports. Ilyana has the highest strength growth so she's the only one who can use all tomes without speed penalty maybe (probably energy drop necessary) but she's sort of slow. Tormod comes a bit late but his growths are good all around. Celerity is an advantage to use him more frequently than the others. Calill joins with good bases and good weapon levels. She is a good alternative if you didn't use Ilyana and Tormod. She's also one of the magic users who can use heavier tomes.
  17. ^ It depends. The pasts years become warmer and warmer. Snow isn't really a thing anymore. On Christmas I could rather do barbecue instead of sleighing. And the number of tempests rised dramatically. This week I never ever have seen so much rain. A few neighbour towns were under water. Thankfully I live on the country so I wasn't really affected. Three wishes you'd like to have fulfilled?
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