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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. 03 Joe DeMeowgio 10 Señor don Gato 8 Xerxes IX 10 Chairman Meow 10 Saint Purrtrick 10 Ms. Fortune 10 Bob the Cat 16 Conductor Whiskers 03 Tubbs 10 Mr. Meowgi 02 Lady Meow Meow 10 Guy Furry 10 Kathmandu 10 Ramses the Great 10 Sassy Fran 10 Billy the Kitten 10 Frosty 10 Sapphire 10 Jeeves
  2. Which class does the most kills in your Fire Emblem playthroughs? spiked mace (if it could be introduced)
  3. FE5 is really not The Black Sheep of Fire Emblem. The game mechanics were controversial to the players. Not everyone liked them what I can understand. Who wants to see it happen that someone misses with 99% although you should have 100% hitrate actually? The story is great. Also mission objectvies like survive / defend and escape returned. It has the best game mechanics tied with FE10 Imo. Idk what Super Thracia is. After reading the comments it sounds pretty challening. Looking forward to it!
  4. ^ Yeah, Ashera's auras have 90 HP. Only Cain / Giffca, both reavers and Elincia can ORKO an inside aura. I guess these examples only should show the damage difference between SS and brave weapons.
  5. @ Quintessence Alright, thanks! I've taken most of your points. Of course you must be lucky with biorhythm. Brave weapons have a really bad accuracy against the auras because of Ashera's authority stars. The only thing I'd disagree is blessing the wyrmslayer for E-3 since Cain can oneround Deghinsea.
  6. Hmm? There's only one question. RegradlessI could vote. Could you try to vote again please? If it still doesn't work I must check this problem.
  7. It also happens in FE5; even more that you miss with 99%.
  8. With support grinding you could bring Ike x Tanith at least to C at the end of part 3, theoretically even B. It wouldn't really matter if both are separated in part 4. Ike doesn't really need a support in part 4 if you use him against enemies with physical weapons. As for Tanith she's a helping hand in the desert chapter but Jill will do the main work, even Skrimir with resolve could do more than Tanith. I understand the last point and I dropped my Ike x Soren support suggestion. It's probably one of my favors to support them and give resolve to Soren to use him as front unit in 4-1. However it only works if he has good biorhythm. A crit of a swordmaster can oneshot him. Edit: I'm going to fix the point "Supports".
  9. For collecting as decoration, yes. For eating, no. Opinion about fast food chains?
  10. 06 Joe DeMeowgio 10 Señor don Gato 10 Xerxes IX 10 Chairman Meow 10 Saint Purrtrick 10 Ms. Fortune 10 Bob the Cat 14 Conductor Whiskers 04 Tubbs 10 Mr. Meowgi 04 Lady Meow Meow 10 Guy Furry 10 Kathmandu 10 Ramses the Great 10 Sassy Fran 10 Billy the Kitten 10 Frosty 10 Sapphire 10 Jeeves
  11. Do you live rather in a city or in the country? Actually California but I should head to Rhode Island first because my GF lives there.
  12. Neko Atsume 10 Joe DeMeowgio 10 Señor don Gato 10 Xerxes IX 10 Chairman Meow 10 Saint Purrtrick 10 Ms. Fortune 10 Bob the Cat 10 Conductor Whiskers 10 Tubbs 10 Mr. Meowgi 10 Lady Meow Meow 10 Guy Furry 10 Kathmandu 10 Ramses the Great 10 Sassy Fran 10 Billy the Kitten 10 Frosty 10 Sapphire 10 Jeeves
  13. Ok, updated my guide. Thanks for your corrections! Thanks for your improvement suggestions! I added very most of it (worded it slightly different in a few parts). Your last sentence is the reason why I don't recommend to train units who take too much effort like Laura, Meg and Fiona. As for the number of units I don't know exactly if I may count units who only do chip damage (Ilyana in the beginning, Leonardo, Volug). If these unit can be let out, then the number of units I really use would be four (Edward, Nolan, Jill, Zihark). Oh yes, I forgot meteor. Added it! Thanks! Tanith is more usable in the endgame because of her speed cap and triangle attack.
  14. Gelukkige verjaardag, Hattu!

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Dankjewel, Julian.

  15. I guess this guide is completed for now. I'm going to proofread everything all over again later. I'm pretty sure there are still some typos and other errors. If there's sth. to add or correct please note it. I know that some things I've mentioned are disputable. This support should mainly help Ike for the longrun since he's forced till the endgame. Of course you can still support him with other earth affinity units like Tanith later.
  16. I don't think that I've ever played a hated or poorly reviewed videogame. If anything Project X Zone 1 because there was no story and the game mechanics were mediocre compared to its sequel. Otherwise I can't give any other examples. FE2 doesn't seem to be a bad game from what I've seen despite I haven't played it yet.
  17. ^ I have no special feeling for them. I never have seen them in the real nature. As indoor plants I'd prefer more colorful plants. Favorite kind of chocolate?
  18. Honestly I only tend to post in this thread when Crizix is here which happens rarely. Yesterday was an exception and I regret it already that I shitposted here.
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