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Posts posted by MrNight48

  1. before i check out part 2, I meant to say I actually have been thinking about ways you can warn the player about possible traps without it being immersion breaking. One idea I had was using the fallen nils body with a message to the player if they chose to talk to it with "this body shows signs of being impaled". The player would then know to be on guard but could still be manipulated into the trap trying to avoid the obvious looking one.

  2. Seems like we're opposites on the scale of game designing then, Mr.Night!

    My focus was to provide multiple options (i.e, choosing what character to promote/focus on leveling), to see what creative solutions Marc could pick up with the tools available. Yours seems to have been to force him to use creative strategies by using his habits against him (if I understood your message correctly). I'd like to see how that works out for you, or if your submission played out as you intended it to.

    Also, sweet more Frickblade art lol

    I might have made some too.

    mmm not quite, turning his habits against him was the plan for RF 5 using the information I gained from him playing my RF 4 submission which gave many ways to beat the hack and learn exactly what are his habits. It was not shown for obvious reasons but I gave the player a lot of wiggle room to solve the various problems I threw at them as well as flexibility of strategies. Will explain them with this list of what I learned when marc played my hack and what I can use against him.

    In Part 1

    - Marc changing the tactician name told me he would do things simply because I told him not to in a harmless environment. If he doesn't feel the risk he will be bold.

    - Marc doesn't visit houses. There was 10k gold in one which would allow him to buy armorslaying weapons, light runes, runeswords(which do a ton of damage against the moneyman as well due to his low resistance), or stat boosters. (one robe would have made marc sage more durable for counter kills.) There was also a hero that, if killed, drops the luna edge which could also destroy the moneyman. This tells me that if I put the winning strategy in a house, he is more than likely to miss it.

    - This also tells me he doesn't rely on gear to get by if he doesn't have to. Which is also proven by how he ignored the chests because he felt the risks of death did not outweigh his curiosity of the possibility one of the super weapons could be in them.

    - I also learned Marc does not risk the high tier units. One of my favorite jokes is wade's death quote where he argues with me for not instant killing marc if he was the first to die. The fact we rarely see wade and bro die but yet he was all too willing to let the others die tells me he takes risks with units that are expendable. (although I made claire the dodge tank and sentimental the mage tank so they weren't completely useless)

    - The fact he despawned the troubadour says so much because it was something he could have easily dealt with. However he choose to flex his engine know how just because he could which tells me he will try to do this as much as possible. (Much to his dismay when he tried to despawn the moneyman and released the Hector trap)

    Part 2

    - Marc does not like crits in ragefest submissions, which saddens me because they always add a unexpected "WTF?!" moments easier. even controlled ones are a grey area which tells me I need to get creative of adding them in whenever the player feels like it. (goods news is I have with the re-balanced luck blade. In exchange for luck you can do more accurate damage.)

    -Putting Marc in a tight, open enough space with tough enemies really makes him feel the urgency and pressure. He nearly didn't notice he almost ran out of time.

    Part 3

    -Do not give Marc choke points, that is where he hits his stride.

    -Marc is really confident in his defense mission game, nearly to the point of arrogance. Can exploit this later.

    Part 4

    -When all else fails, cheese it and he did with silencer. ( I purposely didn't put an iron rune on the moneyman to give a surefire way out, provided you kept claire alive and snagged a killing edge in part 3 from a dead guy)

    - This also points out that once Marc thinks something is useless, he won't check again later to see if it's still true. (i.e ignored the brave sword, killing edge, bolting tome from various enemies.) Although it was surprising he desperately tried to hold onto the Nosferatu tome despite having no one to wield it for a very long time.

    - Marc can resist temptation to a certain degree since he didn't rely on the luck tome to suddenly work.

    With these little notes, you can begin to see where you can lead him into his favorite strategies and where you can destroy his confidence in them.

    @Night: Your submission was short, so it wasn't really an issue. I honestly would like to see more of you in the contest. =X

    Which... leads me to believe that perhaps people should either make their submissions short and brutal, or long and easy. Either way, I'd want progress to be consistent. It becomes very demoralizing when I've wasted a lot of time on my days off on a submission without anything to show for it.

    Also yes, your assessment of my strategies sounds just about right. Congratulations. You figured that out faster than one of my old friends did. He acted like he was smart and stuff, and that he could design a truly horrific submission by studying my play style, and guess what? Never happened.

    I wasn't always like that, mind you. I used to grind up my units, avoid the jeigans, and so on, but that got old after a while, and during commentaries, I prefer to use strategies that take the least amount of effort so I can focus on just talking instead of playing well (Hard to do both). Midnight Sun shows just how little I care about abusing the Jeigan unit. DX

    Hooray! my science was fruitful but yeah I wouldn't mind making short brutal hacks because they are a lot better making time-wise.

  3. I say it's fine however not my design style.

    For me, when I make mods, I need to have a purpose that is fundamentally different than the original gba fire emblems other wise why bother? I excel at difficulty and new mechanics because that is what I enjoyed most out of those games. Until I got too good at them and all challenge was lost. Designing these hard hacks is my way of saying that these games still have some serious fire left. Untapped power the engine was force to hide for IS feared the western audience couldn't handle it. I am a guy who is into chess, which is why I love fire emblem so much because they took the chess idea and made it far more cooler. I want to make something that helps any player share the joy I had on those long quiet nights playing this game, coming up with strategy after strategy for the various challenges gba fire emblems threw at me while I mastered them. To push the player into that "how am I going to survive this with all my valuable soldiers?" and the crowning moment when they do.

    For more of an idea of what I am taking about, my submission was more of a test sample to prove my theory of your playstyle. There are 2 main ways I noticed how you beat submissions. You either demonstrate how much knowledge you have more than the creator on how the engine works and what you can get away with, or you cheese the hell out of it with the safe low risk strats. ( i.e turtling/bait and switch/overleveling the best unit, etc.) I also wanted to see what you was confident in, arrogant even where I can exploit it and turn all your favorite strats against you and force you to get creative.(again just a theory so I could be wrong overall but still) You have said that you get silent when faced with a hard challenge and that is boring but to me, that is the calm before the storm. I know because I have pushed my friends into that very state with very heated soul caliber matches until I caused a breaking point which results in broken controllers. I know because I have also gone into the silent state to channel all my focus only to snap and roar like a lion because something did not go according to my plan no matter how much skill I put into it. I am not going to say what kind of submission I was cooking up for RF V because I still might make it and release it for the public anyway. (Just tweaked to counter more playstyles)

    With all this said, however I get it. Time is cruel and we lose more of it only when we know what to do with it and it sounds like you have hit that point in your life. I just been hit with that lesson when I realized I couldn't keep up the hardcore player of mmo lifestyle. That when my guildmates left for another game, I couldn't go with them because the game they wanted to play was too time consuming to a new filthy casual like me. So I get that you may not be able to deal with submissions that require some time to go through. Going to end my comment here because I lost my train of thought :/

  4. Have you already found playtesters for this? If not, then I'd be willing to play test for you.

    nope so I will send you message once it's ready.

    really hoping these aren't going to end up ragefesty lol

    Ragefest has stricter rules on what I can throw at the player. This however gives me far more creative power on what I do as long as it's fun. hehehehehe



  5. almost done for testing, need to add the carefully crafted enemies/play test it and its ready to go.

    time to explain what the hack is to generate some hype for the demo

    -100 turn defense mission in a big ass castle.

    - Rampaging dragon and sorrowful healing golem

    - Infinite Ballista's, fight hard to defend them or the enemy will have some new toys to tear you a new asshole.

    - Some very important people are touring the castle. keep them alive and each one supplies you with troops and money.

    - whats in one of the 3 chests? 3 words, infinite bolting tome!

    - Weapons have been redone to an extent. weaker weapons run out faster making strong weapons very desirable and plenty of ways to get them from killing stronger enemies. No "iron weapon everything" here.

    - 3 recommended savestates every 25 turns. Only the bold would attempt this savestateless because...

    - Waves get progressively harder to bat shit insane in the dark pouring rain. Can you hold out till the last turn?

    EDIT: also forgot, still deciding on this, flyers can fly over walls. Might add a new layer of strategy to defense missions.

  6. Yeah that's part of why I was thinking of it like a Mario hack type of collab, where everyone makes their own chapters as they have been before, but rather than a contest format where they submit their chapters separately, they get put together in the same game and people can play them and give feedback and such.

    ah now that idea I would support far more than just a team hack. Although we will have to be careful about slot space. I tend to use tons of slots that is never seen by the player. i.e me putting in a all powerful character to test my custom events and if they are working like they should.then comment him out the code.

  7. Honestly, I'm not sure on it. I already have a theme for my part in mind and even a custom animation idea for myself that I could share. However the biggest reason I have always never worked with others when it comes to projects like this because timing/pacing is everything. I'm the kind of guy who works better if I don't feel the pressure of someone needing me. I have always valued the option of simply not doing it when I feel like something is too much work or taking a break. (honestly I still have animations I said I would finish still not finished for another project, sorry to the people it concerns)

    It would be cool to see but the execution however I am skeptical about.

  8. Short update, sorry for taking so long. Xenoblade X came out and I have been lost in it ever since. Also doing the make a fun chapter project so this LP will get updated every now and then. sorry about that.

    ch 17x Eilwood the pirate

    glorious money!
    eilwood's journey to be a pirate lies in that direction
    got canas to rob him of his book.
    forgot I had hand axes so I make lyn pick some up for hector.
    They all crash into the rock that is hector
    2 levels off this scrub pushes hector into greater heights. 10 speed is not bad and salvageable with speedwings later.
    nice nice, eilwood, keep being well rounded.
    96 wins is what is needed to be this strong.
    finally ok level for matthew. oh look it's magic for serra.
    wait what?! 52 wins for him to cap levels? hax!
    first lesson in being a pirate is looting villages.
    now to talk to the pirate captain for recruitment
    getting some more shit to sell or use.
    Not fighting the group there because nearly everyone is level 20 already.
    I may regret not getting the sleep staff, only time will tell.
  9. I could, especially since once they cap at lv20, fielding them would be no point. We'll see.

    ch 17: Stupid thieves

    The team, prin is to get raven.
    Hector gets the luck cause he needs it....
    Ok maybe he didn't now that I am thinking about it. Oh well less crits.
    simple but effective position.
    Hector doesn't even need wolf beil anymore.
    Good levels for these two. No complaints.
    eilwood barely survives for a 1 stat lvl?! wtf?
    broke his rapier too. which is kind of bad.
    nearly killed raven because I didn't realize that was him. Was quickly murdering all that got in my way.
    I am sad to say she won't keep this awesome level.
    cause I can't stop the horse units with just lyn. which means
    another merlinus death :(
    I really hope I can promote him before 28x
    this fucker is making off with my valuable loot.
    I throw lyn on a pillar while I watch my spoils leave me.
    This one archer doubled and killed 2 guards. It was shameful on their part.
    at this point I decide to restart. I want that knight crest for gold.
    more or less the same levels. doesn't matter cause
    Time to make these level stick.
    by rushing as fast as possible with hector as the tip of the spear. I crash into raven faster.
    which lets me get in range to box that thief. Don't get the silver sword but whatever.
    I lose merlinus again while going for the guards. Sad times
    but I got my knight crest :D
    at the price of vulneraries >:(
    time to RETREAT!
    oh god YES!
    pity these archers, for they die in a trapped box.
    magic is fucking scary all of a sudden.
    Eilbeast handling it better than his blue haired buddy.
    got my other loot.
    not going to risk it without heals.
    he missed 1 double for a lackluster level. Nothing else he can get that is expected from him really.
    The man with the red stache is no more,
    was only able to save 1 guard but got an extra mine so win I guess.
  10. Yeah I am pretty sure the mine glitch still works, there was just no mine given in original fe8.

    Surprised you didn't break until now Moniker, was voting for you to play simply for the tier 3 animations.

    I say cheat your way through with mooving or nightmare edits. Give them weapons that give the bonus stats of +30 speed and luck to make sure the evasion is off the charts high.

  11. ch 14 - 15: Eliwood shines while Hector solos

    got a tent and I give hector his first skill book.
    the team. oswin will guard merlinus with no weapons while marcus moves his ass down to the bottom village.
    threw eilwood to the back. he wasn't ready
    cause it is obvious this will be tedious
    put matt there to deal with the back.
    erk comes out, serra is already moving to save his ass.
    fun fact, these guys don't move. Their AI is attack in range.
    go go go go
    Hector is rubbing off on eilwood. Look at him tank the odds.
    but this is really bad. I am taking heavy damage on all fronts.
    he took out many but he had to drop sometime.
    this time matt helps eilwood out.
    erk is in danger because he is a fucking idiot.
    got erk and the village
    only for eilwood to die.
    again. -.-
    some slight trading
    the new formation.
    worked out way better this time. they chasing marcus while I pick them off from north to south.
    erk saved.
    while merlinus, might actually die.
    heal up while clearing the mob
    I lose merlinus and it rains, great.
    I really hope to keep this awesome level.
    I really should let him die.
    no magic why?
    hector is in trouble for once.
    oswin just chilling at his spot.
    fucking erk I swear.
    because erk sucks so fucking much I bring out weaponless lowen.
    you are not worth all this trouble for I swear.
    matt barely survives
    iron blade mine.
    marcus has made it. he can just buy vulenaries and camp out.
    merlinus dies again.
    this is downright depressing. Also almost out of wolf beils this early.
    oswin still chilling.
    boss erik making his move.
    while I make mine as well.
    the rain stops. time to make my counter attack.
    beautiful levels guys.
    heal up eilwood while I send in matt to clean up that mess.
    Hector is also camping out with shit load of vulenaries
    hahahaha he got own by 1 crit from eilbeast.
    oh the shame.
    Still got some time, going to clean up while shopping.
    missed a level up, all he got was hp and luck I think.
    that erk death really fucked his levels.
    eilwood is coming along nicely
    more cleanup.
    oswin is finally free while matt caps speed.
    not worried by his lack of str gains since sins cap str at 20.
    the final enemy
    I free priscilla and buy a shit ton of swords.
    heal spam as much as possible and-
    I am done. time for ch 15.
    The only one I need.
    apparently my combat sucks and I will not be getting that dragonshield.
    because Hector shall not move off the royal toliet.
    They all need to go the bathroom badly.
    also note, mages are doing tink damage. that is awesome.
    missed a level again but he got hp/str/luck/def
    several turns later and they collectively only did 3 damage.
    this thief sucks, he never makes off with the treasure.
    another good level. Also means he won't beat lyn's speed.
    yep, he solo'd an entire chapter. By being a fat ass on a chair.
  12. I'm sure by then serra and matthew can handle it.

    ch 13x: Time to pitch a tent

    we start off with a death. the plan here is to send marcus unarmed to get my money.
    not working too well it seems
    This shit has been surprisingly hard. Matt handles the south while eilwood and hector try to block shit.
    everyone else chips
    listen fucker, I need you to get magic
    got my money. shit load of swords confirmed.
    holy mother hector got some resistance. Matt got the typical level.
    block with guy, he has no weapon cause I already gave his killing edge to matt
    oswin has become enlighten and does not strike back at his opponents. he has given him other worldly defense.
    grooming matt to be a fine assassin as shown here.
    good eilwood, always get stats you need every level.
    it has been a desperate struggle up to this point. it would be a shame if-
    OH SHIT!!!!!!
    others take the heat which means
    I beat this chapter and merlinus is mine.
    ch 14 is next because ch13x was so short.
  13. Oh my god your Lyn isn't going to cap speed before promotion. That's, uh, not typical. That being said, good luck 5manning this entire game, I feel like you're going to be running through a LOT of swords before the end. (And axes too because Hector. Lances not so much until Eliwood promotes.)

    pft what? My lyn can still- HOLY SHIT SHE ONLY HAS 2 LEVELS LEFT TO GET 18 SPEED WTF!?

    I seriously didn't realize this until you said it. This is the first time I got a no capped speed lyn but she is getting a lot of strength so I guess that is ok. That 16 speed will have to do because she won't get promoted till after saving zephy.

    I have a feeling choosing Hector Mode would be slightly easier as earlier promoted Eliwood>>>>earlier promoted Hector.

    Horses OP

    Somewhat but eilwood mode is just easier compared to hector mode by a significant amount. I never played eilwood mode again once I unlocked hector mode to this day. Plus eilwood promoting to a horse earlier is run saving because saving zephy would be incredibly luck based without his horse.

    Ch 11- 13: Enter the blue haired monster

    ch 11:

    The only way to play
    This is where training matthew pays off. I can throw him to the wolves and expect something from him now. which I totally do.
    holy speed batman!
    yeah they had no trouble clearing out the place. even got a new lockpick out the deal.
    Also matthew got str yay!
    of course I murder every assassin. Hector already powerful.
    ch 12:
    meet eilwood, the weakest lord out of the 3 because he went for balanced stats. however he can be a beast. how? by doing what most really do not want to do which is actually use him in the early chapters instead of putting it off later down the line.
    Like so by putting all the chumps behind eilwood, if you want a diamond you have to put your coal through intense pressure and trial by fire.
    whoa speed again? This might be the best hector ever!
    apparently serra made me restart for a reason, for a better stronger hector.
    make the others trap this bastard for eilwood.
    Matthew's first assassination, so proud.
    this little bitch actually helped me out by being a coward.
    cause now I can go shopping for a sword and axe so I don't use up their starter weapons so fast.
    yes eilwood, get speed & hp. speed & hp is more important for you than str right now.
    yep, both of you got some really good levels.
    ch 13:
    Took his weapons because I need him to rush and get that mine. Planning to get the uber spear.
    sexy fucking levels, I am so proud of you all.
    made it to the village with no problems.
    the other village however is a problem. I sent eilwood because hector can handle the south by himself better.
    got the same levels luckily
    got my mine again.
    got guy and ch 13x
    even more solid levels. eilwood and hector about to meet up at the castle from clearing their routes.
    serra went with eilwood and matthew went with hector in case you were wondering.
    hmmm....guess the level goes to hector.
    I am getting insanely lucky with the speed procs.
    now for the chapter that actually had some challenge to my 4 man crew.
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