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Posts posted by SirNicee

  1. Calm Cavalier/Horseman (Day 4)

    Name: Bradley

    Class: Cavalier

    Appearance: Bradley is a young man in his early 20s with brown hair and eyes, standing slightly taller than Edgar. His armor is a very dark blue with white accents, and he possesses a cautious and calculated expression. Both he and Edgar have rather identical-looking plain, brown horses as mounts before and after promotion.

    Description: Bradley, much like Edgar before him, is a cavalier from Davin with a military background, and one who tends to travel from place to place in search of things to do. Unlike Edgar, however, being a hero and charging in recklessly is not necessarily something Bradley focuses on. In fact, he's much more calm and rational, preferring to think things through and find nonviolent solutions to problems. Oftentimes, however, Bradley is rather passive and goes along with the more loud-mouthed and assertive Edgar's plans. This is what led him to joining Malcolm's group, as previously mentioned in Edgar's description. Though reluctant at first, Edgar was his best friend, and Bradley didn't want him getting hurt, so ultimately, he decided to stick around.

    Crit Quotes: 

    "Here we go."

    "My apologies..."


    The Crunch: When comparing him to Edgar, Bradley is the slower, bulkier of the pair., preferring lances over swords He specializes more in HP and Strength, with slightly higher Defense as well. This statistical difference will remain for much of the game, and as such one might consider promoting him into a Great Knight to take advantage of his best stats. However, being a cavalier, he and Edgar are basically interchangeable, equal in usability. 

    Additional Notes: Bradley wouldn't admit it, but he has crushes on various members of the army, mostly women.

  2. Brash Cavalier (Day 3)

    Name: Edgar

    Class: Cavalier

    Appearance: Edgar is a young man in his early 20s with shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes, at a relatively average height and weight. He wears violet-colored armor and a brave expression.

    Description: Edgar hails from Davin, a country recovering from a war that happened some time ago. He and his partner Bradley were both friends since childhood, both the sons of feared military leaders. As children, their personalities were practically identical, but they began to diverge as they aged. Edgar, as of today, is a brave and chivalrous young man prone to getting into dangerous situations in the name of "being a hero." With him and Bradley becoming fully-fledged knights recently, this has given them plenty of time to roam the land in search of 'bad guys' to smite. This is ultimately how they came to join Malcolm's group: The pair were fighting off bandits trying to pillage a village along the Davin/Corus border when the heroes arrived to assist them. Edgar was even the one who convinced Bradley to join permanently when he heard the gang's ultimate goal, which Edgar, being the hero-wannabe he is, thought was really exciting. And so continued Edgar's journey to fight evil and protect the Davin way of life.

    Crit Quotes: 

    "Eat metal!"

    "Here I come to save the day."

    "Watch and learn!"

    The Crunch: Of the Cavalier duo, Edgar is the speedier of the two, with high Skill and Speed and slightly higher Luck. Compared to his counterpart, he also tends to prefer swords, deeming them "far more heroic" than lances, and finds it easier to double early on, but if he can't double, he's likely going to be doing less damage. Ultimately, though, he and the other cavalier are interchangeable, they both do the same job just fine.

    Additional Notes: Admittedly, inspired partially by Eduardo from TLP. Also, isn't particularly interested in romance aside from MAYBE Bradley.


  3. And here we go with number two.


    Veteran (Day 2)

    Name: Calvin

    Class: Ranger

    Appearance: Calvin is a man of average height in his late-30s to early-40s, with yet more green hair (though it's closer to a chartreuse) and a generally rugged appearance. He wears a blue jacket with a grey undershirt and pants, along with the gear one might find on a typical archer. Clearly, Calvin does not care much about appearing professional, despite his position.

    Description: Calvin is, much like Malcolm, a fairly reluctant leader. Back twenty years ago, he was a simple mercenary working to feed his family. He made a lot of friends and helped overthrow a dictator, and with this connection came fame. With the fame, however, also came uncertainty with what to do with his life, especially after his mercenary group was disbanded. He ultimately decided to join the military, and within the military he became something of an icon. His pre-established skill with a bow allowed him to take up a high position shortly after joining, and eventually he became a general, even if he disconnected himself from the rest of the military. Calvin, rather than worrying about political affairs, instead preferred to take in recruits and train them in a variety of weapons and combat styles. Though this helped make his trainees better soldiers, Calvin wound up growing rusty, and his own individual growth plateaued. He mellowed out a bit, too, growing more mature and distancing himself from his younger, money-loving self. One thing has remained, however: Aside from teaching, he really doesn't like being a leader. So, perhaps somewhat selfishly, when he and a group of his knights were forced to leave Corus, he had his pupil Malcolm help him lead the efforts to end the recent string of violence spreading across the country.

    Crit Quotes: (I will also be including one non-Crit quote since his crit quotes don't do the best job of portraying his character)


    "Here we go."

    "You're just unlucky."

    "I was never a good leader. Back in my heyday, I had a leader myself, and then my leader had his own leader. I was a follower through-and-through, so apologies if my abilities aren't up to snuff."

    The Crunch: Calvin is essentially your early game crutch. A lot of his ability to do this stems from his weapon, a bow with very high durability but pitiful might. Outside of that, he's a fairly strong unit who will kill most anything in one round for the first few chapters. After a while, though, he usually ends up as a worse version of the Lord, but with swords instead of lances. Though one can if they wish to, there's rarely any reason to once one reaches the mid-game.

    Additional Notes: 

    -Calvin has a tendency to ramble and talk to his horse, who he named Tobias after an older friend who died not long before he received said horse.

  4. Ooh, this is a fun concept. I should probably try it out.

    (also it was Day One when I started working on this so I might as well post it)


    Lord (Day One)

    Name: Malcolm

    Class: Marksman (Essentially a Lord that uses bows. He promotes into a mounted class similar to a Ranger or Nomadic Trooper, except with Lances instead of Swords.)

    Appearance: Malcolm is a young man of around 18 years, somewhat tall and thin. He possesses short, pine-green hair and similarly green eyes. The guy possesses simple, light armor with a single shoulder plate and rather typical archer gear, all with darker colors, mostly blues and greens. Malcolm's expression and posture are carefree and relaxed, indicative of his personality.

    Description: Malcolm is an archer in training from a noble family in Corus, the home of the continent's largest religion. As a child, the man he admired most was an individual named Calvin, a soldier who fought as a mercenary twenty years ago in one of the land's most notorious armies. His constant fantasizing and daydreaming led to him not taking things very seriously, a problem which only got worse as time went on. Despite his attitude, Malcolm did have one thing to focus on: Every day or so, Malcolm would practice his archery in an effort to join the Corusan military. Though his parents never entirely approved of his career choice, they understood that there was no stopping him; after all, this was the first time he seemed to truly care about anything. This wound up working out for him, as he ended up being recruited into Calvin's group, being taken in by him as a pupil of sorts. Not all was well, however, as soon soldiers of Corus began dying unexpectedly, with the culprits seeming to be higher-ups in the military. Malcolm wound up deserting along with a group of army recruits and his tutor Calvin to avoid the killings. They stayed in hiding for roughly a month until noticing increases in bandit attacks and soldier slayings. Frustrated with the inaction, Calvin decided to get everyone together to take action into their own hands, and forcing Malcolm to take a  co-leadership role to improve his character. Despite Malcolm's reluctance,  a desire to avoid letting his idol down resulted in him accepting this role.

    Crit Quotes: 

    "I've got my sights on you."
    "Stand still, already."
    "This is my lucky day."

    The Crunch: Malcolm is somewhat reliant on his ability to land critical hits, with high Skill and Strength growths and decent Speed and Luck. Putting him in harm's way is generally a bad idea, as his defenses early on are pitiful, but he does have a personal weapon that boosts his defense to help with this. He's something of a glass cannon, with high bases by archer standards, but his defenses will remain low without stat boosters. Promotion is ultimately where he shines, however, thanks to his high promotional gains and access to Lances, making him one of your most versatile and powerful units; the only issue is getting to that point. Overall, he should remain at least decently useful throughout the game, even in spite of his bow lock.

    Additional Notes: Malcolm took most of his design inspiration from various archers through the series, such as Wil or Ronan.

  5. Well, it's semi-late, but oh well.


    Title: Dead Man's New Job.

    Word Count: 2624

    World: Real world (Sort of.)




    You have died.


    How? It’s simple, really. You weren’t being careful when you were hiking up on that trail, and some loose rocks went and ruined your day. Curse your friend for convincing you to take that trail with him that day, even if you were the one who wanted to go hiking after a long and emotionally-draining work week. You doubt he even tried to help you avoid your fate.


    Still, it’s not like he could do much. From what you could remember, you’d actively told him to keep a safe distance ahead of you for the sake of comfort. He’s been a good friend for all these years and has listened to every word you’ve told him, so there’s no reason to believe he would ignore what you told him. When you think about it, you really shouldn’t be so angry at your friend… and yet you are.


    Why is that, you wonder? Was there some sort of deep-seated resentment in there? You do remember him being a far better student in high school, even being the valedictorian of your class while you remained comfortably mediocre. Still, you did hold a higher paying job for most of your adult life than he ever did, so I guess there wasn’t really anything to complain about.


    Still, there’s one thing eating at you at the moment. How can you still be thinking if you’re not even alive?


    “I can answer that.”


    A sudden wave of light washes over you, being the first thing you see after nothing but pitch black. The only thing more overwhelming than the brightness is the wave of yet more questions entering your mind.


    “Those questions, as well. Now, wake up. Your eyes will adjust, don’t worry.”


    You find yourself doing as the voice says, almost automatically. It’s as if your body is moving on its own. You now figure that you really don’t have much of a say in this matter. Whatever the voice says must be the best of solutions.


    “Ah, thank you. Allow me to introduce myself.”


    Standing before you lies an imposing figure, clearly masculine yet not to the point of being grotesque. This individual towers over you, and literally so; his height more than doubles that of your own two-story home. He wears a set of plain robes, white as the clouds, and a face that suggests dignity and power. Whoever this man is, you instantly know he’s not one to mess with.


    “I am the man who will be overseeing you during your stay here. I go by many names, but for your own convenience, you may call me Ishmael, the name of the first son of Abraham. I have assessed your… performance.”


    “My performance?” you ask him. “Performance in what?”


    “In life. I’m sure you have heard the tales.” He begins to pace around the empty field of clouds which you are standing on. “Those who have made their lives positive, either through Christ or through other means, live meaningful afterlives. Those leading a life of sin, of course, go to Hell. The severity depends on your sinfulness, but nothing quite measures up to Heaven, as you can imagine.”


    Suddenly, you notice him shrinking at a considerable rate. You aren’t sure why, he was doing just as fine a job being giant, but perhaps it’s for his own comfort. When he finishes, he is only slightly taller than you, maybe at around six feet. A book manifests in front of him, which he proceeds to pick up and read.


    “You, I’ve noticed, are an… interesting case.”


    “How so, Ishmael?”


    “Simply put,” he states plainly, “you’re average.” He glares somewhat at you. “Not holy enough for Heaven, yet not sinful enough for Hell. A sort of purgatory, if you will, an in-between.”


    The look on your face says it all; you are, simply put, lost. You were never the religious sort, and the idea of an afterlife wasn’t one you necessarily agreed with. Still, here it is, undeniable proof, and you’re pretty much speechless. Besides this, are you really that average? True, you’ve never done much with your life, but you’ve never considered yourself much of a sinner. You are, by all accounts, a simple, law-abiding citizen.


    “Allow me to elaborate,” he continues. “Practicing one of the Abrahamic religious will tend to grant you great leniency when it comes to where you end up, so your lack of faith could be said to be your… downfall, of sorts.”


    He then proceeds to show you his book, which lists off a surprising number of your life experiences. Those times you donated to the Salvation Army are there, but so were your less-than-positive moments, even events you don’t remember. You can’t even recall the time you walked past a kid who fell off his bike, yet there it is. Just staring at some of the things you’ve apparently done makes you mildly upset.


    “And this is… this is all real?”


    “Yes,” Ishmael tells you. “It’s all very real.” He stares at you some more. Then, silence.


    “...is that all? What’s going to happen to me?”


    “Hmmm… I think I have an idea. Follow me.” He points to his right, and when you look in that direction, you notice… a doorway? Ishmael goes in that direction, opening the door. After beckoning you to go inside, you oblige, partly out of willingness, and partly out of fear for your own afterlife.


    Inside the door is what appears to be an office. Well, less ‘appears’ so much as it is actually a regular office, with some minor oddities. There is only one chair, for one. It sits at a desk facing the wall, one with a window revealing the outside world. Looking outside reveals just more clouds, which doesn’t particularly surprise you given the circumstances. The last thing of note is a book sitting on the desk.


    “Huh, what’s…”


    You walk over to analyze the book. Upon inspection, you soon notice that the book is entirely empty. What’s the use of this?


    “You’ll see.” Ishmael laughs a little. “Go ahead, sit down.”


    “...okay…” You sit down. This chair is actually absurdly comfortable, you feel like you could sit here all day. “What’s this all about?” Ishmael sighs, manifesting another chair and sitting down beside you.


    “Well, here is my idea. You can imagine the task of deciding who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell is a daunting one, right? Indeed it is.”


    “Wait… you’re making me do that?”




    Well, shoot. You get to work for eternity, and not only that, it’s at a job you have no idea how to perform. Back when you were alive all you really did was deliver mail, this is a whole new ballpark right here.


    “Who said anything about working for eternity?”


    You turn to look at Ishmael. Of course, you forgot he could listen to your thoughts. Just pretend that’s not creepy at all.


    “It’s just until we can decide where you end up. And before you start, let me give you some motivation.”


    He goes silent for a minute. You wait for him to respond, and it takes him a moment, but eventually, he does.


    “If you do well enough, I’ll guarantee you a good spot up here.”


    Well, that brightens your mood considerably. It’s hard not to take his request seriously, given the stakes at hand. A potential boring job, or eternal suffering? That’s the opposite of a hard choice, you think to yourself. You just have to do your job properly, if you can figure out what you’re doing.


    Once you sit down, you see what looks to be a short line of people that you don’t even recognize for the most part. This is probably the group you’re going to judge for now. They’re all suspended in place with their eyes shut, apparently unable to move or even speak.


    “This seems fine,” you say. “Can I start?”


    “Of course. I would like to warn you, though. This will take longer than you think. That’s about all, I will be around if you need my assistance.”


    With that, he vanishes. So much for being around. Oh well, let’s try to figure out what’s going on. You look through the window and read through the book’s empty pages some more. Let’s hope this all works out for you.


    The first individual is an old man in a nice suit. You know nothing about him, so you assume you’re just supposed to judge by his appearance… until you look down. You notice the book’s pages start to actually fill with words. You just stare at it in silence for a moment, not sure if you should wait for this to finish. The book ultimately does finish filling up while you’re thinking about it. You read through to see what this man was like.


    Well, you would read through it, if only you could figure out where anything is. Damn it, this book is confusing. You should probably figure this out soon, but… how? No table of contents, no notes, no… nothing. What to do, what to do…




    There’s Ishmael again. What does he have to say now? You turn to look at him.


    “It’s in chronological order. I hope that clears everything up.”


    He vanishes again. Well… damn, honestly you should have thought about that. Chronological order, of course. You read from the beginning and you are able to confirm that the book starts from his birth and formative years. Besides that, some of the words appear to have been highlighted. Perhaps those are things you should keep an eye on. That should help plenty.


    He was a district attorney, one who helped put various violent criminals behind bars. Despite a rough personality and shortcomings in his early years, he devoted his life to his job and did a good job of it. In fact, the most sinful thing the guy seems to have done is forgotten to go to church every now and then. This guy seems practically built for heaven, so you might as well mark him down as such.

    You see two levers, one for Heaven, and one for Hell. This seems easy. You go ahead and try to pull the first lever, wondering what happens next. Once you look back out the window, you see the man practically levitating; in fact, it’s like he’s floating into the air like a balloon someone accidentally let go of. Well, if there’s one word you could use to describe this, it would probably be trippy. Oh well, on to the next individual.


    Here we have a woman in her mid-50s, looking frail and tired. You almost feel sorry for her until you read what happened in her life.




    This woman is a serial killer. Her husband and some friends of his died under ‘mysterious circumstances,’ she clearly did it, and yet she never got convicted. The book reports her levels of religiousness as ‘high,’ yet her remorse is ‘astonishingly low.’ Still, there is hope for her; the old ‘self-defense’ defense. Was this really the case for her? You dig through to look.


    As you read, you find the section detailing the crime. The details are… frankly horrifying. However, there’s nothing here to suggest that the woman was acting in self-defense. It’s a wonder to you how she got away with this crime. Well, not anymore, you say to yourself as you pull that second lever. The woman begins to descend until she is entirely out of view.


    “Okay, this is incredibly easy. Who’s next…”


    You don’t see anyone when you look up. Huh, that’s odd. Maybe they’re further back, so you just have to wait. And so, wait you do. This could take a long while if you’re unlucky.


    You hear a cough. You turn in that direction.


    “Oh, sorry.” It’s Ishmael again. “I saved this one especially for you. I figure it will be a good judge of your character, so please be ready.” With that, he disappears again, leaving you to wait some more.


    You don’t have to wait much longer, thankfully, because here comes someone right now. They slowly float toward you, their face growing clearer and clearer as they approach. As their familiarity grows, however, so does your dread.


    “...oh no.”


    It’s your friend. He doesn’t look a day older than he did on that hiking trip that got you killed. Or rather… the trip that got you both killed, from the looks of it. God, what happened to this guy? Did he go tumbling down the cliff? Did someone push him? Did he jump? You have more unanswered questions than you can count. You need to read through this.


    You find information you already knew. He was a friend since middle school, you two were very close, even working at the same mail delivery business. He may have been more of a clerk while you handled deliveries, but things were good between you guys. You don’t really see much major for a while. It’s not until his death where things get confusing for you.


    Apparently, he was responsible for your death… but entirely on accident. He’d nearly tripped earlier on the trail, but he managed to recover and keep going. However, through a contrived series of events, this lead to a few rocks being misplaced, allowing you to slip on them. It’s frankly absurd, but… he still killed someone. The fact that he of all people did this… it frustrates you.


    This creates a problem. A conflict of interests, maybe? Whatever it is, it’s making it hard for you to judge what should happen to him properly. There’s the resentment coming in, but you can’t forget that this was accidental. You want him to go to Heaven, but something’s telling you he doesn’t… shouldn’t… no, no, no, he should be fine to go up, but…


    “What to do, what to do, what to do…”


    You spend several minutes sitting there, pondering your options. It’s giving you a rather extreme headache. No matter how hard you try to think about this, you simply cannot figure out what to do… what to do… oh dear.


    “Ishmael? What should I do here?”


    The man appears from the other side of the door. He doesn’t seem disappointed, but not entirely pleased, either. It’s more of a neutral expression.


    “I had a feeling you would ask. It seems you’re being indecisive. If you really want to, I’ll make the decision for you, but it will cost you.”


    “Cost me? What will it cost me?”




    He pulls the first lever. There goes your friend, you have no idea if you’ll ever see him again. To think, he had to do your job for you… it disgusts you. What is wrong with you, what is wrong with you?




    “Now, now.” He looks down at you. “The punishment won’t be so severe. Take a look outside, if you will.”




    When you look outside, the line has returned, people and all. However, there is one noticeable change: The line is several times longer. You can’t even see the end of the line, it’s so long. This is really what you’re going to have to deal with?


    “It’s this or a guaranteed eternity in the flames of Hell.”


    “Y-yes, sir…”


    “Thank you. Good luck.”


    And so, you go back to work. You have no idea how long this line will go, but rest assured, you will eventually see the end of it. It will just take time, patience, and motivation, and you have plenty of those, especially the latter. After all, when your choice is eternal suffering or a long line the choice is obvious.


    You think.


  6. It would seems FE8 Green and FE8 Girls patch are dead link now.

    I wonder if anyone still have the files to reupload? I'd reupload mine but it's on another pc.

    I think I have both of those on my computer. I'm pretty sure the Green is up to date, I don't know about Girls, but that probably is, too. Might stick them up on Dropbox or something.

    EDIT: Here's the patches, if anyone's curious. Found the Girls patch on that Kaizou uploader Jayko04 posted on the Binary thread, and the Green patch was downloaded before they removed it from the uploader here.

  7. Hey not sure if I just missed this or its a bug or what but not sure what to do.

    I did Val hard -> attempted to start Alicia hard but when in doing so it took me to a chapter called Extra: The Chronicle, which appears to be out of place (There are spoilers in the chapter into) and unfortunately when I finish the chapter it restarts the exact same chapter, meaning I can't progress with the stats I had on the characters from part 1.

    Is there actually an Alicia mode? Starting a new game with her just put me at The Chronicle also, but starting with Ash put me in the correct spot.

    Thanks for the hack I've had a lot of fun with it.

    I'm pretty sure there is no Alicia mode. The Alicia mode is just an extra exposition-filled story chapter.

  8. Kinda liking this one.

    Stand Name: God Save the Queen

    Stand Ability: [Path to Victory](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Path_to_Victory)

    Power - A

    Speed - B

    Range - D

    Durability - B

    Precision - E

    Potential - C

    Description: The ability to ensure your victory through a certain sequence of choices. Sub-power of Victory Manipulation. The user is capable of choosing from a certain pathway of choices, a number which will ensure the highest likelihood of making them victorious in any kind of outcome.

  9. Tried the "white patch", tried FE6 and FE7 too just to make sure, tests came negative. Tried FE8, VBA kept throwing out error messages and I couldn't close it. Not even VBA-M would work.

    EDIT: Also, is anyone able to translate what the readme (I think it's a readme) says? I honestly don't know.

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