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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I love the second Kamui's hair so much http://luminescentblade.github.io/KamuiCustomizer/
  2. [2015-06-27, 12:11:47 AM] Mei Starr: aaasaaaaaaaah jude is so cute <3 [2015-06-27, 12:11:50 AM] E Woozy: Yus THIS BC IT'S CUTE LIKE KIM
  3. Anon pls don't make me hug you to death
  4. GASP (*´∀`*) >w> u should know my answer
  5. INIGO THEME YAAASSS everything about this post made me die especially your avatar help
  6. I'd love to see the return of Ice Climbers. <33 Though if Isaac made it instead I'd have no complaints. Eep! Okay, I'd love to see him too.
  7. Treasure, that is what you are Honey, you're my golden star You know you can make my wish come true If you let me treasure you
  8. I care a lot! In regards to Fates, I don't mind spoiling characters, mechanics, and certain parts of the plot. I'll generally pass on support dialogue.
  9. i'm going to JUST DO IT now! au revoir o/ tell me about it =n= so unnecessary
  10. plausible explanation wee~ aye aye ('^')7 the thing with camilla's cutscene and the music? yes nice touch to a ridiculous scene
  11. What I don't understand is how could someone like Garon produce such beautiful children? Those women must have been angels or something. ^_^ Dude, same with my room. We have mutual suffering going on. Ok. I'll DO IT. We've got a trooper over here.
  12. I feel like I need to put this somewhere
  13. rip Anon You stayed Anonymous til the end
  14. Whoa... So this is a thing. "Garon pls" indeed
  15. That's right! You're moving~ I hope you enjoy your new house ^_^ Yes. The heat is literal suffering. : ( Go eat some ice cream or take a cold bath or do something else cold. Other stuff! I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO LINK THAT And I'm so glad you did :L
  16. lol I was just about to ask you that. I am fine. I may need some motivation later to start reading .u. How are yooooou? such anonymousness dammit anon
  17. hey thanks the existing fe tristan does not do your name justice howdy friend o/ what even is your name Honestly, a non avatar Hope character would make my life. \(;u;)/ Well...as long as they're not lame. *looks at FF13 Hope...* >w>
  18. Same goes for me if I ever see Hope in fe that'd be pretty cool
  19. "Whoa, Refa in hhh!" she says as she slithers into the darkness (good night~)
  20. Hmm... Can't be throwing a party for you when you're about to sleep. *unthrows party*
  21. *Throws a party for shock* She's pretty tsun when you first meet her and mostly stays in her hotel room. Also, she dislikes when you talk to her frequently. Something about it being "a waste of time." YES! WOOLIES ARE SO CUTE~ *squee*
  22. Life is pretty okay now, thanks : ) Teeeaaaa! It's a shame there is such CONTRAST in our personalities :OP
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