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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Oh phew life is not so bad after all and thankies <3
  2. Oh meh gawd. I am so in love with your sketches. Teach me how to colourrrr~! Also, I love the works on your tumblr. Keep it up! ^^
  3. Online: Meimei (it's all I can remember right now) Offline: Hopey, Hope-insky, Hoopy, Hoops and my older bro used to call me Chubbylumpkums... >w>
  4. Gasp! You're cool too, thanks. ;~; Ahh running into him in the future would be amazing. Hoping that he'll still remember me. I mean, I could get placed at the same location but I really need something closer to home. Alas. Merci mon ami. many thanks to you too friend
  5. Aw, thankies /;w;\ Yay. Don't let anyone/thing keep you down. I'm pretty okay atm. No major complaints. :) OH YEAH! This kid's mom gave me a ride to the bus stop after work, and the bus came soon after that. Honestly, she put me in a good mood like it was so nice of her \;w;/ But Sooooool it won't be the same! There's this super dandy kid at work, and to think I may never see him again is the pits. Like today, for no reason, he called me cool and I was like "BROOOO....You're the cool one here *winky face*" Ok, I didn't wink but I was pretty happy. Rip my heart
  6. I've been running around today. I'm so tired ;u; Tomorrow is the last work day for the season, so it's bye bye to the kiddies for the summer. *Sniff* How are things with you Shocky pal?
  7. Eep! S-sorry. 2. First and current impressions of me? 3. One place you haven't been and would love to visit? 4. Do you have a waifu?
  8. 1. Do you have a role model? If so, how did they impact your life?
  9. Hm, yeah. Sf has been pretty active today. Record breakingly active.
  10. same but i guess i don't have to worry about missing stuff .-.
  11. I like vocaloid and have yet to come across a song I dislike. ...Although, it's not like I do much searching.
  12. alrighty [: phew that's good to hear
  13. Stevedai *curtsies* Shocky pal! My day was okay. Now I'm feeling the soreness from working out yesterday, but eh. No pain no gain. How are yooooou?
  14. Man, I just want a Paper Mario Wii U ;~;
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