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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Aaaaaand then she ends the class. >w> What timing.
  2. Oh, I swear this class ended already. The teacher just started another lesson... ;~;
  3. i agree also shoutout to Camilla's hair
  4. i dislike her official art too though it's her head that bugs me it just seems...disproportionate ??? oh and dat panty shot >w>
  5. Putting her hand aside, let us take a moment to appreciate Leon and his everything.
  6. Shock?! :O Are you implying that Pikmin are EXPENDABLE. Cause they are. Those poor plant things. :'L
  7. \^_^/ Haha, totally! >:D Yeah, you push through. And step on that stuff while you're at it maybe They lived good lives...
  8. IT'S OKAY. REALLY. Yeah! Meet-ups are fun :L Decent~ Hope nothing has been bringing you down to the ground as of late. (;~;)7
  9. ;u; The trip was wonderful. NYC is so BIG (no surprise). Hmmm it was a solid 8/10. Would have been a 9 if I got to see the Damian too! Yes, thank goodness. Stupid bees grumble mumble. How is the Shock today?
  10. Shock I promise I'll answer you when I get home. See yoooou
  11. I wouldn't dream of it Kieran. : ) Yeah Glac. Dark Pit is amazing heart
  12. This little kid next to me is so cute and he let's me pinch his cheeks aw Too bad I have to say good bye to him like...right now. Crai ;~;
  13. Mobile is sooooo poopie B( HI SHOCK! I'm back in Canada! Also Duuuuuusk I've been meaning to say I like your avi. ...I like your avi.
  14. Long bus rides make me curse the fact that I'm tall. No leg rooooom! (╥_╥) So yeah, the resting didn't really happen. Also I'm not in NYC yet hee. Our hotel is in Connecticut??? I'm not 100% sure tbh :/ Super sleepy. I'm gonna take a nap.
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