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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Hee I literally just finished watching this anime Nibutani <3
  2. Fe9 animations felt kinda stiff but I could never turn them off thanks to... And also Ike's Aether.
  3. I'll do my bestest ('^')7 Okie~ The snow glows whit- The result of having that song stuck in my head since I woke up :P
  4. Oh good B) The past is in the paaaaaaast~ ♫ let it gooooo Cleaning, homework, bills, calling some people. All the fun stuff .n. ^__^ Like you. Thank you friendly friend. Colour will come the next time I get an urge to draw.
  5. o/ Oh no Shock's laptop how could it .n. I had a computer like that not too long ago. Every time I watched a video it made an annoying beeping sound before shutting off. Sigh, not so good times. My weekend is oookay. I need to get some stuff done before my friend drops by in the evening. Hee Also I finished the rough sketch of your pose yeeee Hee smashing tofu. Nice. It's also pretty cool seeing the items break in slow motion. B) Thanks.
  6. Boo, I read your sentence wrong. *Rubs eyes* Sounds really entertaining. Depending on what's getting smash to bits. I'm currently on free time. But you definitely shouldn't see me around these parts later in the afternoon (like 1:30). If I am, feel free to tell me to LEAVE. .w. Howdy Shocky pal~ How's your weekend going?
  7. Your fishy time will come again soon. Do not fret. Oh yeah, go for it. Writing is so much fun. Just...finding the motivation can be a bit difficult.
  8. Good. That's nice to hear. Whoa. Is he releasing pent up frustration or is there a purpose to the breaking? I'm okay. I have a lot to do, and currently I'm budging my time.
  9. Ah, hello Ace. Seeing you reminded me that I need to start writing again.. I agree. Fish is also good in soups! Howdy Sol~ How are you feeling today?
  10. So kind ;u; Aw, not even hot chocolate? Fair enough. b^]
  11. Kitty! ;~; Dusk is a meanie-bo-beanie. He ate my tears. Thankies Shock And oh my coffee discussi- WHAT hot coffee is super dandy and so is iced coffee B)
  12. heeeeeeeey no need for that you were at your PEAK ...i wasn't :))))))))))
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