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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. So I was going to tell you to write something on your profile but Tristian and Kim beat me to it

  2. I was saying good night to Shezzy, Noxberry :L
  3. 1. First and current impressions of me? 2. What's the last game you completed to 100%? 3. Have you partaken in martial arts classes? (I believe you said something about this long ago.) If so, what was the style you studied? 4. If you could travel to any place in the world right now, where would you go? 5. When's the last time you had ice cream? :>
  4. Eliedad! Sanae, yeah! She's super dandy <3
  5. ( <: )7 YEAH Yesss. Just when they were able to come to an agreement another problem sprung up. The Teacher's Assistant Union is bothered by the treatment of students.
  6. Oh my! You actually went the whole night! What a trooper! Mhmm! Hope that coffee (AND DONUTS) wakes you up good. I'm okayish : )
  7. Bummy Luxie~ Morning to you Shock! How's the day treating you so far?
  8. Heh.. Aw, adjusting to DLS is hard ain't it? :c You'll get used to it soon. lol :L Hiya Levant It's Sanae from Clannad.
  9. My second pick would definitely be Celice C^: To be quite honest, I was mega poopie for a while but now I am okay ish And how is da Shock? oh dear... >u>
  10. Hey, that's fine. Your Raven one comes to mind whenever I think "SHOCKMASTER". Idk why :P Okie dokie!
  11. no need to fear her baked goods <3 ....c: Howdy Sol~! o/ She's Nagisa's mother, Sanae. Close! Wow. I heart Nagisa, so this makes me pleased. c:
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