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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I agree. His face is so sklrmgk. I'm pretty good. Just relaxing with a cup of coffee. \o Oh, you're welcome. And yay! I'm happy you decided to give Clannad another chance : ) :D I am! Okay... well not anymore bc young link pic [: Not bad. I am harvesting the moons while sipping some coffee. ULTIMATE relaxation!
  2. Bonjour Alicia, Breezy and Jiac ^^ Young link is amazingly cute <3
  3. @Nox: Why are you fleeing? It's not like I'm going to hurt you... (:
  4. @Shock: This is the other three hour class. Thankfully it's not AS boring. : ) Many thanks.. ;w;
  5. @Shock: Hiiiiii Shocky pal! I'm still in class. Aww thank you for offering ;u;
  6. crap i missed the page ;n; curse you school
  7. My neighbours are pretty cool. The ones on our right are a sweet elderly couple. Every year they share pears from their pear tree with us. (^u^) And when their little granddaughter comes to visit I help to entertain her. The ones on the left have two kids that I went to school with. Both of them have a good head on their shoulders and I've had good talks with the younger one. Three houses down to the right lives a really rowdy family. Well, the parents are cool (the dad helped us with shovelling~) ...it's just their sons! >n< They're always fixing/racing around the street with that car of theirs that sounds like it's about to explode when they start it up. And in the summer time they stay up SUPER late and talk SUPER loud ;n;
  8. Hi Alicia ]: Yeah. I had a class in the morning. Better. Nightmare was spot on ^u^ Cursed sinuses...
  9. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay!
  10. ha haha hahaha HAHAHAHA dusk, you're so funny :')
  11. "...And thus Dusk vowed never to return to the thread again. The end."
  12. the jiggs looks super cute-icles <3 no stay
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