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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. thankies :)))))) shock is a fashionista confirmed
  2. ANON WATCH YOUR CENSORED LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN Heehee Scarves are the greatest I agree x1000 I agree x2000
  3. Haha, yeah :L A warrior needs his strength. I'm sure Sol knows the value of good nutrition. With exception to ice cream but then again who can resist? <:
  4. Thanks Shocky pal ^u^ IKR D: Not really. I kinda just like looking at the clothes. AND OMG THE SCARVES! SO pretty!
  5. Dat WHIMP Huh. Must have forgotten that deet <: Oh hey that reminded me of this in ToV good old raven [:
  6. Okie! *turns that frown upside down* I've been toughing it out! And at least my prof gives us breaks inbetween!!!!! No, it's fine <: Yes \(^u^)/ Cool places like H&M.
  7. Calls are hard. And fun! But at the same time hard (for me). lookin gud Kratos If there was a joke to that it totally went over my head. c: No, what? Don't do that >: hm huh And you say I'M a meanie. That is the rudest thing I've ever heard. You should be ashamed >: U
  8. ~(@o@)~ Noooo! What a disappointment >: Don't give up. Shulk is still waiting for you out there! golly gee to the wee I agray! Lectures can get so duuuull. Especially three hour lectures based on cellular structure. Blehhh. The mall is magical place!
  9. Pls forgive me Breezy Go drink some tea. I bet you'd feel even better :^U Slash see more improvements Slash idek ______________ with a tomato!
  10. You're the best thing now? >o> <<<<<<<<<<: Nou shush
  11. SHUUULK O: What is the story? How did you miss out on the greatest that is Shulk? Yes! Might as well make the best out of the day :L You must speak more about you! Mei's day was just okay. My lecture was cut short and instead of going straight home I decided to hang out at the mall. \(^u^)/
  12. Hiiii Sophie Wophie Yuri has got his eyes on you <:
  13. Right. I must skedaddle. Enjoy the day everyone~ ruuuuuuuuuuuude And that's just fine! If not even better than my typo curse! ^u^ Thanks : ) Woop! haha i saw that >u> !!!!! so fantabulous ;o;
  14. O: Emotes are just my thing I guess. I rarely typo them. Words on the other hand... >w> SHCOK NOESS <- oh look a typo I'd never be on your case. I mean that would make me hypocritical \( ;u; )/ I agree times 2 billion <o< *refuses to pay*
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