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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Cookie Question: Soft, chewy chocolate chip! THIIIIIIIIIS OMG And I also agree to cheesecake being all sorts of fantastical
  2. SO CUTE <33 Oh, um... I don't have any pets to post a picture of sadly. Oh, I used to have fishies but they quickly died.
  3. OMG elie that is so funny Thankies Fre! You've got this Lux. All that dying you did was just you testing out different ways to go! Now that you're more experienced, I'm sure you'll fare better. ( Ooor maybe you'll get more lucky ^^; ) rip brave FemShep Oh no... (O_O)
  4. Eep! I'll shan't EVER stop thinking of those who have fallen by my hands ( >; ~ ;< ) GASP I'm so sorry pls forgive me /grovels I'll TRY to stay away from you next game! Thanks Lux! I can't believe it too 0_0 And we thought Kim was bloodthirsty... >w> Noooo! Well look at the bright side... You couldn't possibly do worse in the next round! :'D
  5. In for game 4! okay i just caught up omg THAT ENDING HOLY WOW Thanks guys ;u; No hard feelings next game right? Hee..he.
  6. No Zackary you mustn't speak of that here But you're correct
  7. good on you! why not get the most out of your games though it probably gets a little frustrating at times ;_; O: you're my role model though a couple of minutes ago you weren't, but now you are again yey (^u^)
  8. blueberries are great watermelons are better no bias
  9. Of course not : ) *pulls out blender*
  10. >w> I've decided that I'm going to write. A LOT.
  11. Hello yo- No wait come back! Oh, it's not the same. The one I was thinking of was the "History of Auj Oule" with the Karla person. It had multiple parts that needed to be completed at certain points of the game :c Curse that subevent! Haha, can't help but love Tales for those moments ^u^ Umm... Thanks to Shock's reaction I'm not going to comment on this.
  12. !!!!! You meaniebutt. O M G Tell me about it. Those golems have a special place on my list of enemies I strongly dislike. Best of luck on getting close to 100%. I missed a sidequest too and if yours is the one I'm thinking of then yeah, it's no biggie. ~(^w^)~
  13. NOOOOO Tales of Xillia, right? I hate falling out of that gosh darn ring.
  14. just the same oldddddd drawing maybe some smash maybe some writing I was planning on reading later but I'll save that for tomorrow. Saturdays are chill days.
  15. *juggles you first* ' u ' *wipes tears from your face* You're right, other half. Perhaps I just enjoy a little hardship in my life!
  16. You make my life hard(er). :3 *juggles* :L Now I want iced coffee ~
  17. I'd say something to that but I can't seem to organize my thoughts to make sense ;_;
  18. No problemies ^u^ Yeah, strike. (>;~;<) The Teacher Assistants are pretty unhappy and refuse to grade the work of students. Aww noooo I strongly dislike when they do that. I mean it's the first week, gosh! Yeah! You stay on top of things young Aki! Yay~! Another coffee fan! Oh, cappuccinos are amazing, aren't they? (^u^) But good for you, watching you caffeine intake. I tend to go a little crazy, like when McDonalds had free coffee some time back ^^; Haha, zombie Aki. I like lots of sugar in my coffee. Gosh darn you sweet tooth. And I agree with you on iced coffee. That stuff really hits the spot. :D *juggles*
  19. Best of luck in Uni! I totally understand being busy, though I've been given extra time thanks to my campus going on strike. >w> Sameee. Coffee helps me! (^u^) Though, I'm not sure if you're a coffee person :P o/ The need to throw you a PARTYYY Yeyey : D
  20. *throws a party for shock* I...uh...felt the need. Your day must stay good. I command it!
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