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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. ✲゚*。✧ Happy last day of 2014 ✲゚*。✧
  2. ARYA HIIIIII :D /slips back into the darkness
  3. Tendeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Long time no see I'm doing just fine today :D And you?
  4. This year had it's ups and downs but in all I'm very thankful for a lot of good things that happened : )
  5. shhhhh I love coffee :D It soothes the soul idek that actually sounds really nice
  6. I went through a phase where I would only drink coffee while listening to this...or playing it in the background or something >w>
  7. oh, im so sorry sophiee ;~; haha godot!! ...godot ;~;
  8. GASP that case was so sad imo and yes it was really great too
  9. Justices for All! Case 4 was pretty intense from what I can remember.
  10. Tristian/Shock is a november buddy friendly pal bro. He is super cool to talk to and knows how to lighten the mood. He is also very kind, genuine, and patient and I'm glad that he made his way over to SF. #Teamwatercoffeeandtypos
  11. Your brother is a flooder and I love it : )
  12. First, what the hell is that Second, *hugs you to death again*
  13. Well I promise not to hug him like that at least for a while lol Yeah : ) That took some strengh to survive. And occasionally bringing back old lingo is neato [:
  14. Okie dinky [spoiler=][2014-12-26 7:03:04 PM] Mei Starr: So I shall bid you a farewell [2014-12-26 7:03:07 PM] Mei Starr: cause like [2014-12-26 7:03:09 PM] Mei Starr: dinner is done [2014-12-26 7:03:14 PM] DodgeDusk: Oh [2014-12-26 7:03:15 PM] Mei Starr: and I'm HUNGRY [2014-12-26 7:03:15 PM] DodgeDusk: Okie [2014-12-26 7:03:16 PM] Mei Starr: OH [2014-12-26 7:03:18 PM] Mei Starr: okie [2014-12-26 7:03:19 PM] DodgeDusk: Enjoy [2014-12-26 7:03:22 PM] Mei Starr: thanks [2014-12-26 7:03:26 PM] DodgeDusk: CHOW DOWN [2014-12-26 7:03:27 PM] Mei Starr: enjoy your rest [2014-12-26 7:03:29 PM] Mei Starr: I WILL [2014-12-26 7:03:31 PM] DodgeDusk: LIKE A BEAR [2014-12-26 7:03:35 PM] Mei Starr: YEAH [2014-12-26 7:03:36 PM] DodgeDusk: I will [2014-12-26 7:03:39 PM] DodgeDusk: Yeah [2014-12-26 7:03:40 PM] Mei Starr: and you sleep soundly [2014-12-26 7:03:42 PM] DodgeDusk: WORDS [2014-12-26 7:03:45 PM] Mei Starr: like a SHEEP [2014-12-26 7:03:49 PM] Mei Starr: WORDSSSSS [2014-12-26 7:03:52 PM] DodgeDusk: I will now! [2014-12-26 7:03:58 PM] Mei Starr: yey :L [2014-12-26 7:04:10 PM] Mei Starr: god these long good byes [2014-12-26 7:04:12 PM] DodgeDusk: See yiu tomirrow [2014-12-26 7:04:14 PM] DodgeDusk: Wow [2014-12-26 7:04:15 PM] Mei Starr: Yeah! [2014-12-26 7:04:23 PM] Mei Starr: On 2014-12-26, at 7:04 PM, Mei Starr wrote: > god these long good byes i love them [2014-12-26 7:04:27 PM] DodgeDusk: Same [2014-12-26 7:04:31 PM] DodgeDusk: The BEST [2014-12-26 7:04:31 PM] Mei Starr: ^_^ [2014-12-26 7:04:40 PM] DodgeDusk: DodgeDusk hugs tightly [2014-12-26 7:04:52 PM] Mei Starr: Mei Starr hugs tightly back [2014-12-26 7:05:03 PM] DodgeDusk: ^~^ [2014-12-26 7:05:06 PM] Mei Starr: nite nite o/ [2014-12-26 7:05:10 PM] DodgeDusk: Nite [2014-12-26 7:05:16 PM] Mei Starr: or whatever you're gonna do [2014-12-26 7:05:25 PM] DodgeDusk: Ojay [2014-12-26 7:05:32 PM] DodgeDusk: After this message [2014-12-26 7:05:32 PM] Mei Starr: omg [2014-12-26 7:05:36 PM] Mei Starr: i can't stop typing [2014-12-26 7:05:38 PM] Mei Starr: xD [2014-12-26 7:05:40 PM] DodgeDusk: Reply snd I won't [2014-12-26 7:05:44 PM] Mei Starr: okay [2014-12-26 7:05:44 PM] DodgeDusk: So [2014-12-26 7:05:46 PM] Mei Starr: oh noooo [2014-12-26 7:05:48 PM] DodgeDusk: It DTOPS [2014-12-26 7:05:51 PM] Mei Starr: !!!! [2014-12-26 7:05:56 PM] DodgeDusk: My spelling lmao [2014-12-26 7:05:59 PM] DodgeDusk: >: [2014-12-26 7:06:00 PM] Mei Starr: xD [2014-12-26 7:06:04 PM] Mei Starr: my stomach [2014-12-26 7:06:06 PM] Mei Starr: i can't [2014-12-26 7:06:10 PM] Mei Starr: eevn [2014-12-26 7:06:12 PM] Mei Starr: spellaf [2014-12-26 7:06:15 PM] DodgeDusk: DodgeDusk pats stomach [2014-12-26 7:06:18 PM] Mei Starr: thankies [2014-12-26 7:06:55 PM] Mei Starr: OKAY good night see you tomorrow I hope you sleep well my friendly pally good buddy Kieran
  15. i don't think anyone said he was >w< but i think he's groovy Woah...sorry there *let's go* Wow I'm impressed.
  16. I thought you were "foxy grandpa" hey hugs are GREAT maybe >w> >: he was so young
  17. Night night Kieran [2014-12-26 7:00:42 PM] Mei Starr: I'm a good birdy massagist-ist?? [2014-12-26 7:00:53 PM] DodgeDusk: Yeah! [2014-12-26 7:00:56 PM] Mei Starr: ^_^ [2014-12-26 7:00:57 PM] DodgeDusk: You should [2014-12-26 7:01:04 PM] DodgeDusk: Start a business [2014-12-26 7:01:17 PM] Mei Starr: or a birdness!!!!!!! [2014-12-26 7:01:19 PM] Mei Starr: ha aha aha [2014-12-26 7:01:21 PM] Mei Starr: heh [2014-12-26 7:01:25 PM] DodgeDusk: Ha [2014-12-26 7:01:28 PM] DodgeDusk: Hahahaha [2014-12-26 7:01:32 PM] Mei Starr: hahahahahahaha [2014-12-26 7:01:39 PM] DodgeDusk: Hill-arious [2014-12-26 7:01:44 PM] Mei Starr: O: [2014-12-26 7:01:48 PM] Mei Starr: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [2014-12-26 7:02:01 PM] Mei Starr: i'm chirping up a storm [2014-12-26 7:02:03 PM] DodgeDusk: HA HA HA HA HA [2014-12-26 7:02:06 PM] DodgeDusk: Lmao [2014-12-26 7:02:11 PM] Mei Starr: what is wrong with us [2014-12-26 7:02:17 PM] Mei Starr: or me [2014-12-26 7:02:20 PM] DodgeDusk: Everything
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