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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. turn that frown upside down [: /throws a party for myself O: Looking good Celice! I'll still refer to you as Shock/Tristian. But do it whenever you get bored of Celice, I guess
  2. Just fine. Woke up with a headache but it quickly went away ...dat name change of yours C: Woop woop~!
  3. Hello you two (^v^) I hope life is swell on your end
  4. howdy morning ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ
  5. And when they were in the bubbles you would use Flurrie to blow them across the opening :D So cute! I also found it funny when they fought the Jabbies. The casualties were always great. :3
  6. C: wonderful Eep! Those things! I loved walking around with like 100 of them They felt like my groupies. C:
  7. Lexi isn't alone! I didn't like Percy either Well actually I didn't like any of the trains :S Most of them are on paper! And like...effort. The ones my laptop are hella embarrassing >w< thohoshi >w>
  8. since forever! where have you been? O:
  9. meep >w< If only I was more motivated to draw But you'll see something eventually ;^;
  10. yeah ;~; it was that pain you get from being exposed to loud noises for a long time sooo how was Hoshi's yesterday AND today? <:
  11. My yesterday? O: Hmm... it was soooo busy omg. And I got a headache ;~; But around 11pm I felt good ^~^
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