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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. <('v' <) i'd rather not imagine that thanks ^w^ you're gonna kill me holy crap
  2. you already know the answer to that :L maybe ...i'm not ;~;
  3. Wowee Well I'm certainly a fan of the design~
  4. Wait! I remember you mentioning that... meep but omg things worked out in the end \(^_^)/ So this time get your wallet... like READY
  5. Ooo Love the Gaius theme HK *wipes away your tears* No you haven't You may proceed with the story telling when ready.
  6. ^____________^ no need to apologize! i'm the same way! all of this is so exciting
  7. OMG QJKLNGEKNWH I literally can't handle right now Hiya Shock : ) How are you
  8. Yes and good (almost afternoon) morning o/
  9. Squeeeeee I'm jumping on the hype~ heh I literally was just reading that
  10. Howdy hey thread! And a super howdy hey to GoonFrog! I'm Mei but yeah introductions aside... What can I call you?? Goon? Frog? Goon the Frog? Froon? And meep! Sorry if this is sudden... >w<
  11. !!! u pls ^w^) thank you <333 That is like...so nice to hear! Never stop smiling omg :'^U the ones that sometimes make me nwrjnglngk
  12. <W< ;w; omg im sorry as long as you're okay now :^D ouch my feelings
  13. Hi Levant o/ omg this dusk >: lol okie
  14. you KNOW that's not where I was going you poop I'm sorry friend Curse those jeans that only reached the ankles >w<
  15. damn gurl Though being tall has it's downside in pants. It's hard to find the right length!
  16. Tende!!! It's been like, 10 years~ ٩(•౪•٩)三 I'm doing good! How are you?
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