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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. oh look a video someone who is bored would benefit from it maybe
  2. And how can you NOT head bop to the song like golly
  3. Shock and I became insta-fans of Mystery Skulls'
  4. that's a good question >w> hey, so is yours I can't help but sing it
  5. omg daniel pls It'll only be a little while! Then you can change back :3
  6. tbh it felt kind of strange changing it craii
  7. That's what I forgot! O: /runs to get the honey Aww... We're all becoming night owls.
  8. ^^ Okie dokie~ *hugs back* Yeah, a nap would do us good!
  9. My throat will be alright! Yeyey !!!! Nonono Sorry to hear that :C I hope you don't have a headache or anything from lack of sleep. Sigh...Well you're not alone. My sleep was kinda poopie too.
  10. Yeah! The coolest of beans! :D Hiya Tende! Heya Shock! I'm okay :) Though I woke up with a sore throat so I'm going to get some tea to fix that. And how are things with y'aaaall?
  11. #helloCROW Welcome to HHH ٩(●ᴗ●)۶ splendid
  12. who is this other tristian you speak of
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