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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. And I RESPECT that opinion :U *shakes hand* And I'm glad we always come to an agreement. Kaiden is wondrous! Eh, is that a cookie? Gimme ( >'^')> Je m'excuse! I is calm now.
  2. She is and has always been fabulous. I think. Opinions and stuffs. Whaaaaa?! Oh my! Kaiden is clearly superior! ( 'w' ) Um..uh.. you are like.. so r00d x infinity! <: Nothing much. Just the usual stuffs. Life can be poopie. But it has its moments! And those moments make up for errthing (^.^)
  3. Kaiden always seemed like an underdog idk but I still haven't ME3. That is, watch someone else play it Hm... hmmm... okay you win. Thanks for hurting my feelings ;^; ( ' v ' ) YEAH AMERICA AND ALSO CANADA Nope But I've watched my bro play through the first two games... if that means anything :3 pictures or else it didn't happen
  4. oh, hello kaiden next time you're in a bind i'll MAKE SURE i'm not around to help :3 only sometimes...C: :V woops, i changed it O: Really? *sends more...along with some maple syrup bc why not* (thanks for being here for me buddy pal ;v;) Alright! We'll show those doofs!
  5. <u^ Heehee and i agree. Apple pie is the bestestest! Ooo! *ships boxes for frosted flakes to your home* No one in my house, other than my dad, likes the cereal.. I know, we're bad. yeeeeey you're help is appreciated~ <(❛ヮ❛✿)>
  6. Noxberry! I hope you're doing okie!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stargirl


      Nooo ;~;

      My poor bubu!

      Gosh... that Noxberry has become such a meanie beanie

    3. Aryabug


      The berry shall be sliced into halves C:

    4. Stargirl


      *Sharpens knife* C:

  7. Golly... Soledai must be taking one heck of a nap.
  8. ^u^ I read that as "at least, pie" :L ...now I want pie ._. in b4 "apple is masterrace" It saved me from getting in trouble. Yes! Sugary cereals are so delish! What are your favourites? I'm bad at plotting :'c And it's two against one... I might not survive this holiday.
  9. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈✿ฺ) Many thankies Hatt! Idk if it's a Welsh thing or just Dusk being a poo. Could be both <u<
  10. k den why didn't you send help mister smh.... r00d
  11. ohmehgosh i remember seeing this somewhere 2 CUTE
  12. Awww I hope you feel better :C I'm doing alright for the time being
  13. D: I can't stop send help (awesome! and i am WELL RESTED) <v< Classes... ;~; I'm sorry to hear that. At least the semester is coming to an end. And soon you'll be FREE! I'm fine right now. My cousin woke up early and my mom asked me to make him breakfast. but I overslept oops Turns out he just wanted cereal and things so it's all good in da hood. But you know... I'm kinda nervous. I think he and my brother are plotting something against me >n> With their combined strength I won't stand a chance :C
  14. i was gonna do dat >:L how is everynyan?
  15. hello thread (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) hope everything is fine and dandy
  16. :L Oh. I thought you were going to bed. Sure... Yes! Let's go with that :) haha
  17. Pfft Anon is YOUNG but not that young Heehee! See ya o/ ...Hey. Are you implying somethinggggg? >w> well, whatevs :U
  18. Anon wait! /kicks Alright. Have a good night young one :)
  19. @Shock: u know my pain ;w; Woah snap I see himmmm Bbl
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