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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Shoot I won't be here to 9300 with y'all
  2. Alas... (v.v) I hope twas not your brother that ate all the ice cream... Would hate for you to experience that pain I have gone through. Heh, you night owl :L Is it possible to fail at it... Well, I'm sure I'll find out soon! I'll be strong! I know exactly what steps to take if her behaviour persists. Plus I'm older than her and this grandma ain't gonna take her foolishness for much longer >u> I hope not. :> But you should see the looks she gives me when the children choose me as their partners for games. Yes! I'll start preparing our course of action!
  3. Bummer that you didn't have ice cream to go along with it :C I should stop arriving so late in the day, though. Ahhh, it will stop once school is over... I can't wait for the break~ I saw this playthrough of CM and was tempted to watch. But, really, I'd rather watch you play it. \(^.^)/ Sigh. It's really just this one girl. Arrrgh her attitude drives me insane and I know she's not just a bother to me but to other staff as well. >:C I think she's mad because the little ones like me more than her. idk wow i'm more bitter than i thought You're help would be appreciated :D
  4. My condolences Soul. Math class, huh? That sucks... At least you have an awesome teacher... >_>
  5. *unnecessarily loud gasp* Cupcakes <333 Sounds like a GREAT day to me. Aww... how courteous of you :) Classes are almost over, thank goodness. Work is good and bad right now. Good because kids and bad because certain workmates.
  6. Yay! That's what I like to hear. It's alright. You need your rest. And I'm resting good. Maybe too much because I keep sleeping through my mornings ^^; :L
  7. Good to see that you're still alive! Just a couple more hours left. You can do it! SOOOL! I'm feeling pretty good. How about you?
  8. Yeah! You know, don't even worry about it You need the rest even though... sleep is for the weak
  9. Noooooo That's just poopie ;~; Well I may catch you in the morning if I wake up on time but stillll
  10. Gosh, that's right! You're working TOMORROW night. Best of luck. I hope you don't get trampled or something. *is not sure how bad the crowds get at that time of day*
  11. Meh :S I bet a Breezy day was even better. Home is great. Woo-hoo! No dry turkey to spoil the meal. Sounds like a pretty rad day! :D
  12. Really busy. I'm just glad to be home finally! And how was your Thanksgiving? !! I should have Spanish'd Pido disculpas
  13. Howdy Hope y'all had/are having a good day
  14. Good day! I hope you had a good rest Sol! We missed your presence last night. And best of luck at work today Tristian (;~;) My spirit is with you. I'm off to work myself, so I'll see you when I get back :L >v>
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