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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Hibye everynyan. Just popping in to say I hope the day is treating you well. And for those who have smash wiiU, I am so jellyyy.
  2. Being anonymous feels so comfy idk lack of a better word
  3. Hehe :3 I... Alright. I'm sorry it came to this Sol. But no matter what comes after, know that you won't be facing it alone. (;^;)7
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9g14ClNwT8
  5. :| Hehe are you hungry? Hmm... I actually wouldn't mind some marshmallows >o> *takes a deep breath* I-If we must. Purging might be our only answer... Curse you typo curse!!1!
  6. No. I don't...want you to feel obligated. I'll just draw. Haha, he's not. It's just the term we use to describe the soft hearted children. Sigh >_> If we don't do something quickly the curse will haunt us forever ;~; But I'm simply out of ideas at this point.
  7. but water doesn't have variety either!! not getting into flavoured water its really about tastes. i'd be content with lemon iced tea forever <333 >: Oh. If you are not in the mood, you don't have to. I was just wondering if it was true. Yeah, he's a sweet kid. Kind of a marshmallow (in that he cries over little things) but most of the time he listens to me. Guh. Don't get me started on the misbehaving children... what timing i was just thinking of this but for something completely unrelated.
  8. There's still a chance for your day to pick up! Idk if this is correct but were you thinking of playing a game on a call tonight? A little bit clingy but once we got the games going he left me alone. I'll give it my best shot! Those who gave you unpleasant names are bumfaces x10. Yesss... look forward to it >:) *snickers* But small print is great \o/ (⑅ ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ Now I'm super pumped! Fine. Water IS pretty amazing so I'll let you have this one. enjoy! Nitey niteeee. Sleep well.
  9. I sure do! If meibutt is a fitting nickname, then I'll just have to be the gosh darn bestestestest meibutt out there! Wow you have history.... Um, I'll come up with a great nickname that will put the others to shame! This is not a certainty. I know. I'm terrible. Heh, I'll be waaaaaaiting. :3 It's okie! We all fall into slumps at times. Next time you get an urge for water, just stop for a moment and think...TEA! You'll take my tea? Okie, I'll get the shipments ready! Sounds like a musical day :3 Aww, but the high point has passed huh? >: My day was boring at first but work helped to liven it up. One of the kids decided that I was his "mom for the day" ...It was interesting in a weird way (>.>)
  10. Aaaand I'm back to being the not really offensive but not as sweet, Meibutt. That took a turn :L *tries to think of a not really offensive name for Dusk but fails* Wow, milk tea looks GOOD. I command you to make me some. No afternoon tea? Come on Duskyyy! :O I accept all forms of coffee, as long as it's sweet (^.^). But there is a good pile of tea that I'm gonna have to say no too. I bet drawing would be a lot more fun. Though... nothing can making colouring fun >:
  11. I should really get a drawing tablet...
  12. YEAH CANADA Y-you really think I'm bestestest? That's like the sweetest thing someone could say.( > ;w; < ) I have been underestimating tea for too long. Smh at myself. But picking a kind of tea is always a challenge. That's why I'm a coffee person. >w<
  13. Hooray! You're the bestest! I'm thinking some tea will do me good right now... Hmm... but what kind of tea...? >w> Merci beaucoup! The weather is so wacky. But I shall endure like every true Canadian >:)
  14. Je ne parle pas l'espagnol aussi :) Pretty good overall. And I hope things stay that way.
  15. Currently shivering ]: Do you mind if I just...send my weather over to you? And I'll take yours? ...Thanks other half :D
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