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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Duck just reminded me of homework I still need to do... >.> *sigh* lifeeeee
  2. @Sock: I say 'howdy hey' a lot i guess... i think... hmmm..
  3. It feels like Karas has been gone the longest. Sock! Use your powers to bring Karas back!
  4. ꒰♡˃̶̤́ ॢ꒳ ॢ˂̶̤̀ ꒱ yay we're getting a yearbook the radness is spreading
  5. Ah, poop I was getting excited Pretty rad :3
  6. If I had to be a laguz I'd be apart of the dragon tribe. I don't think I'd enjoy walking around with a tail or wings in my non-animal state. Plus dragon power of breath, yes! >:)
  7. Yay Alright, so... Ike Ike Ike Chrom Ephraim Usui Takumi Haruka Nanase Death the Kid Tyson Granger Eh... maybe another Ike to make it ten.
  8. Huh. When you put it like that, it really is entertaining thinking about things you can do next :D Gosh. Why must my brain focus on the negatives? >.> ...One left you say...? >.> <.< *swoops in and steals the cookie*
  9. Oops before I forget... Good night Fre! I hope a good nights rest makes you feel less wobbly :)
  10. (人*´∪`) Yay! Welcome to the club my November Buddy! (´∪`*人) I hope the day gives you lots of smiles and cake. Or cookies... Though if you don't want the cookies I'll gladly take them off of you. K now I'm rambling... HAVE THE BEST B-DAY TRISTIAN☆⌒(*^∇゜)
  11. Hoshi, why you leave? ;~; Don't get too lost in your thoughts. ^.^ Shameless overuse of a phrase. I think what gets to me is that the time you spent thinking about something that didn't need the attention in the first place, is gone. It's like 'grr I could have spent my time...idk cleaning my room or something.' Ooooh, I see <: ...now I want raisin cookies. :)
  12. thanks kim i'm a sucker for cute things and i thought it looked...sig-able ^.^
  13. You must always be thinking ahead, then. :L I guess it can help out, sometimes, to always be thinking like that. Though 80% of the time it feels like a wasted effort >.< I hope this 'saying' has something to do with good fortune. Raisin cookies are so yum. Ice cream would have def made it better but, hey, look on the bright side... you gots cookies :L Heehee, thanks!
  14. @Sock: I'm a lot better than I was last week. I dropped out of a really annoying class, so my Fridays should be less stressful from now on. And I finally got over a headache I was experiencing for about 2 weeks. Woooo! Good to hear that nothing is ailing you. New video games? What a treat. Enjoy good sir :D @Kitty: Yay, that's good news! I hope things stay good for you. I've been doing better myself recently. GOOD NIGHT! sorry I type so slow! @Sol: Worrying Sol strikes again. I kid. I worry a lot too and it's a real problem ._. I started missing people by being gone for only 3 days. Just call me overly attached. (^.^) Please don't. Heh, soon. Wowie you got cookies? You lucky duck. Yeah, pretty good couple of days if I must say.
  15. So like how have things and stuff been y'all? :O
  16. I got my work done a lot faster than I thought I would :D Also I was starting to miss everynyan ;~; OH and I didn't want to miss saying something to a certain someone WOAH DER *bear hugs* hiya Sockie pal o/ or Vibie pal o/ whatever you prefer Ahhh, bonsoir Lux! ^.^
  17. Of course I made a typo on my first post back -_______-
  18. Need more muffins...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stargirl


      Blueberry. They were so good!

      I needs moreee!

    3. Soledai


      Yes! There was no right or wrong answer, but Blueberry is the best answer!

      I want some now.. >_<

    4. Starman


      Blueberry muffin master race

      Which we are

  19. Howdy Kitty Long time no speak to yoooou ฅ(*°ω°*ฅ) I hope you are swell
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