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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. This gets my support. And welcome to this luscious forest! Good to see that you're having a great time here :)
  2. Yeah... YEAH! I need the time to recovery anyways. You once told me of your adventures in the snow. It was very enlightening. The snow makes the cold weather okay. Really cold weather without snow is just wrong.
  3. I slept a lot, read, and watched anime. I don't know... I feel like I could could have accomplished more but eh Heh... that's right. You are a fan of snow like me. Unfortunately it's still too early for the packing snow... (the snow that sticks to the ground). It needs to be December already. you're welcome
  4. >: okay...if you say so i'll be around if you ever want to talk about it or something
  5. helloooo |°з°|┘ dread? :o gosh, did something come to mind and bring on that feeling?
  6. oh no what's wrong? >: nah :/ i kinda wasted my day again if you consider sitting in one spot all day a waste... but i woke up to a bit of SNOW twas so pretty :3
  7. Howdy hey Sol o/ I'm the same as always :)
  8. I just missed Mayo D: Ah... Well sweet dreams to you!
  9. Nice to meet you too! Enjoy your time in this luscious forest!
  10. I need to invest in a coffee maker <.<
  11. We are bound to the Internet forever, Sock. There is no escape ;~; But still... with our combined American/Canadian force we will accomplish great things >:D
  12. Elieson seems like such a nice person And I'm sure he is a fantabulous dad
  13. I did subconsciously lol (>.<) b-but I edited it And I'm sure he understands ;~;) If only I spent less time on the internet It's hard when there are so many distractions.... We need willlpower! I appreciate it though ^.^
  14. GOOD MORNING THREAD and hello there eliedad you don't know me but I somewhat know you ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥ Eeep! I knew it was my fault! Forgive me friendssss T^T I wasted yesterday but hopefully I can get something done today! ...Hopefully >.>
  15. Peoples are still sick oh noes ;~; Well at least I'm not alone
  16. What's this about sickness? Get well soon Kimmy (;~;)
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