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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Like you passed your drivers test and your theme starts playing
  2. What if people had themes in real life
  3. Poor Sock :< But at least you don't have little kids climbing all over you
  4. i hope you're not one your feet all the time like me >.<i *frantically waves*
  5. I had work as well Sockie It's so tiring... And hey Weegee o/ Enjoying smash I assume
  6. *cartwheels into thread* Howdy hey Hope y'all have enjoyed your day
  7. And I guess this is a hibye for myself Good night thread [▓▓] ☍(¦3ꇤ ꒱
  8. This is so late but nite nite Kitty I hope you sleep well
  9. Do you're best! Yeah, heh, it's hard for me to refuse sweets ^.^; Okie dokie. If you say so :L Thanks much! Good night Sleep well I'll be off too...
  10. I can only dream of drawing that good.
  11. They've become a bad habit. She's known enough in the HM community. I like when Youtubers take the time to respond to comments, though I get that they can't do so all the time.
  12. I will. You be safe too. o7 He gets a little... like he's the only teacher that doesn't allow electronics in class and he made the first 3 rows of the class move to the back so late people would have a place to sit ._. but the people at the front were on time so i don't get why they had to move. Sweets or candy. I have a big sweet tooth :3
  13. howdyyy Actually not so much. The only writing I've done in class was for my essay. I, was well as most classmates, are on labtops. But I remember those long essay writing dayssss. The sore pinkie was def a thing T^T (∗ᵒ̶̶̷̀ω˂̶́∗)੭ RayofHope somethingsomething She's so niceeeee Nice thinking ahead! We will need the best of the best. And while you soldier that I will head to the market to purchase more equipment. We are running low. Awesome! Watched out for my health studies teach tho. He's a bit of an odd bird. I've already pulled up a bean bag chair. heheh :P
  14. My. You are a fortunate fellow :o *buys a camera for sock* More like Miss Lper. Just someone whose HM videos I'm fond of.
  15. KITTY i totally understand that pain. stay strong.
  16. I agree. But I've had too many experiences at fancy schmancy restaurants with great looking food and a taste of meh/10 It'll be for the best. do it do it do it do it no pressure This could turn out to be a long battle. Let us make haste. ^.^ Yes (;^;) Do you wanna, like, go to my classes for me and complete all the assignments? ......Really?! Oh, many thankies Sooool (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) I finishedddd. And it only took me 45 minutes ^.^ Pssh... My comments AND fan lett-- I'm totally kidding.
  17. They've def gone up a level :O They had caramel inside. True. Wish I could have done a little more so I won't need to bother for tomorrow. When the writer makes a ton of grammatical/spelling errors the task can become quite gruelling. Yes! An Lper :) haha sock needs is food to look flashy :3 Y-yeah I'll just be moving on Maybe you should become a photographer Ehhhh? *nudge nudge*
  18. Sock your picture is so nice like damn I think I'm gonna make it my desktop background
  19. you know you have it rough when you're complaining about a typo and manage to make a typo
  20. pumpkin pie is a reflection of happiness it's better that i initially thought some don't like the texture but i think the taste makes up for that the runny nose and coughing... tis too much ;^;
  21. just spotted a horrendous typo ;^; Twas ^.^ I would have shared but it was gone before I could head for thirds lol My day... hmm... some random lady gave me chocolates. I was also being really productive for a while but ended up getting distracted by the computer. Now I'm trying to edit a fanfic but reading through it is a challenge. T^T OH and this person I like on youtube messaged me and I almost died. howdy hey man i missed out on such a great dish for so long Right on Me neither. I don't know about you but I ALWAYS end up getting sick around this time of year because of sudden temperature drops.
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