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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. :> That takes me back to the days when I really couldn't comprehend the content. And would push random buttons and think I've won the game. A scary thought indeed :< Let us suppress the thought! No math? Sounds heavenly :3 Lucky yooou. Science was one of those subjects I had to spend hours studying for. Expect Chemistry. Chemistry rocked. And thank goodness for silly internet forums
  2. Nice! Sleep is so important but I find myself staying up longer than I need to And as a result mornings are big mess lol Ah so essays weren't a complete nightmare, huh? :L Sigh Philosophy. It's creates such DEEP conversations. 8 hours! Woah! I find it hard to sit through 3 hours each week :P Merci beaucouppp ꒰✩’ω`ૢ✩꒱ Gross Math. In all seriousness without school stuff like videogames would be a challenge. Imagine life without videogames. ahhhh D:
  3. And Hey, if I have your support I just might succeed. lol :P Yeah! Like you never know when you'll need to apply the skills you've learned from school. Hoooooly schnikes Will do! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
  4. Woo! That's good to hear! Heh, I woke up early too (^.^) It's the worst, isn't it? (v.v) Wowie and most of my profs require 4 pages double-spaced at least. I could never get away with 2 pages... But it's okay. I'm sure you're putting good use to your analyzing skills outside of essays.
  5. haha i think I've had 12 posts before my own once yeah... :< and i've got more chances to improve so... Da bestest (▰˘◡˘▰) I'll endure and stuffs! Just watch me.... come back tomorrow crying about school again ;~; I like to think that I'm pretty insightful, in general, but I can't recall a moment when thinking abstractly has helped me :<
  6. Gasp Yay my favourite line of hers〈( ^.^)ノ
  7. Bonsoir Weegee and Lux (^-^*)/ Sigh, unfortunately. Totally! And they're a nice change from my usual grades this semester! By the way I'm kidding. Kinda... ;~; Heehee >.> The only thing to do is endure. I never would have guessed. But my old teacher said I had the ability to analyze abstractly. Which is needed in my philo class :> Shyyyy!! I've had a good day ^.^ Hope yours was good toooooooo
  8. Hey fellas! I'm doing just fine and the day was as good as a school day can get :> Meaning that it was pretty meh >.> Buuut I found out that I got a good grade on my philosophy commentary so I can't complain much
  9. Howdy hey! ヾ(^∇^) And good day all
  10. I watched a bit of it the clips kept stopping
  11. I was saying goodnight to weegee toooooo
  12. Awww ꒰⌓̈ ॢ꒱ ̉ Sorry to hear. I'm still a little sick too. I hope you get better soon and not have a 3 week long cold like me.
  13. I stayed between the lines at least ^.^
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