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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Duck you have so many brothers <.< well... having three brothers is not that much >.> well... i guess to me it would be
  2. I've got this! I'll take this sickness down!
  3. Ah! I'll help out too! Thanks a toooon! ^^ Heh, perfect timing. You wouldn't let a little sickness slow you down, right? >:)
  4. character song/stage huh? hmmm... i'm thinking jenna's theme from golden sun as for a stage... i don't really know :/
  5. Oh... that's still great I guess :L Heya Maron o/ Yay! I'm happy you're feeling better. Being sick is so annoying. A little overwhelmed by school, but I'm pushing through
  6. I was just about to ask about this... You guys are making a game? :o That's so cool :D
  7. I hope y'all are doing okay I'm just peachy And you?
  8. I sure am!!! Little kids are so cute!!!!
  9. Silvaaaa :D indeed haha tis okie and thanks again Much congrats Sol. Glad that first step didn't end up leaving you stuck Skype is not looking like an option today >.>
  10. you lie >.> this cough is all too REAL ahhh thank you kindly :) not to bad actually how was your day? hiya knee ill forgive you for the joke :>
  11. oh my ill take some tea too my incessant coughing has started to hurt my throat
  12. ! nightey night sweet kitty feel better
  13. Um, goodbye all. Enjoy the rest of your day oh...heehee. yeah, that's ace it is alright :3
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