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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I'll never get used to sudden temperature drops :'C i prefer when the temperature is stable
  2. Shytende! I was dizzy this morning but now I am grud I shall I dislike Fall :'< I always get sick this time of year
  3. The temperature dropped suddenly and I wasn't prepared ;~; Aw, how sweet. i will conquer this cold alone! it is no match fo--*sneezes* t-thankss :>
  4. "nose" is one of those words i constantly forget how to spell why brain? why do you want to spell nose as noessss D':
  5. i caught a cold so the sleeping business hasn't been happening for me but last night i slept soooo much and my nose stopped running yayay
  6. Yaaaawn~ Good afternoon everyone (*´∀`*)
  7. Man, I'm loving the Villager The side b is so useful Yes, very soon Shin >:O
  8. The future is a happy place Lots of rainbows and stuff
  9. Bye bye Kitty Sleep well o/ Anon I haven't seen you in like 10 years Well, good to hear that you're doing okay
  10. all is good Fre i've had some pretty bizarre things said to me, so that was minor in comparison not saying that i'd like something like that to continue though :<
  11. curses1!!11! nitey nite Glac! sleep well :3
  12. W-what just happened? o///o good golly... (0.0)
  13. straight to their deaths wowie! go me! ^///^
  14. smh tho im with you on the money thing lets go wreck some players with the jiggs >:) that's the opposite of how i feel. i feel like more people can judge you online idk but you go hoshi woshi boshi. strut your online confidence :L
  15. merci beaucoup ;~; hashtag lazy jiggly is mah gurl/boi that's so hard to imagine bc you're so vocal online :o i know you have a soft voice tho :> no :>
  16. what is that. fud is gud okie jiggly is da best :P okay (;~;) i mean, i can't persuade you to do anything but i want to make you're confident before making such a big decision then there's the issue of not being able to speak for a while... was it 3 months? anyways, i don't want that to interfere with your life though you're probably not going to do the surgery anytime soon illjuststoptypingnow
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