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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I'm hearing that something is up with Milla but I refuse to spoil myself! :o It really is a great game. :> I must complete it! Ikr. I love when he bugs jude in those skits xP
  2. hiya duck Exactly! Why struggle when you can...like...not struggle! >:c
  3. there, there fre ;~; i know of your struggle
  4. i can't even make the drawing come out half decent That sounds terrible... If I come across that ice cream I'll be sure to give a try. Wowie, we have a ninja over here. And you'll leave it in the past right? :> Time to focus on positives! See ya (。´∀`)ノ
  5. not obviously i don't really care for the celebrations i just like staying at home and watching the snow from my window :3
  6. And I find the best part of winter to be late December to early January. heheh all is forgiven :3 rainbow sherbet? that sounds yummy. lol i would probably do the same as that owner. gasp you bad sol you Praise that friend with excellent timing!
  7. incoming triple post i was meaning to comment on this masterpiece... itz gr8
  8. ah i see, i see looks like you're not the only one who had an up and down day i hope there were more ups than downs :3
  9. the snow is so pretty! I can't wait for winter too! you dare laugh at my dreadful situation. heehee...i miss the days when i had C&C ice cream in the fridge...those days were happier days :3 i'm glad your day is getting better. hooray ^^ what is one thing you turn to when you're feeling little down?
  10. howdy hey shock! how was your day? good? :3
  11. idk how things are where you live but over here it is so hooot D: i was thinking of getting some ice cream but that would require me to step out into the heat... ...so no ice cream for me (v.v) how have you been?
  12. Is that a noxberry I see? It's a great game isn't it? Currently saving up for xilla 2. :D Though Gaius and Muzet are such a pain. I still haven't beaten them >.<
  13. Wow such compliments that's so sweet (ノ≧∀≦)ノ stars are my weakness Goodnignt to you Maron. Sleep well.
  14. okie. i'll try to stop comparing myself to others >.< ... Sol's a twin?! wowie! being a twin must be so awesome :D i love twins!
  15. :o kim and kitty >>>>>> me and aside from cuteness i remember your voice being pretty fantastic ꒰⁎ᵉ̷͈ ॣ꒵ ॢᵉ̷͈⁎꒱໊ And as your buddy you can count on me to be there for you! Hooray!
  16. Aww, thankies. ʕ•̫͡•ʔ *patiently waits for you to get a working mic*
  17. Good night Fre and Loca (Maron)! Ack! Well...um...I spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out a unique insult in French. ...And I couldn't think of one. :3 Well I could, but I didn't want to be too mean. Alors, voila "poo-poo"
  18. The options are great. And when the time comes I shall use such strategy to the full.
  19. Hmm... That is a little extreme. But it's still an option nonetheless >:)
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