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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. O my Ninian *sniffs* t-thanks Good night. Feel better soon.
  2. I'm saving the heck outta that right now
  3. Dammit I missed an earlier typo *cries* T_____T
  4. Those baby penguins are too much for me. >.<) Sooo cute
  5. not MY voice you're a fan of Kim's ! and Kitty's???
  6. This happened to me. Then the person decided to sing and I was literally crying.
  7. Lol Naughx is a fan :3 of their voices
  8. i'm going to have to disagree here u and kitty surpass me in da voice
  9. Is that so? :o Alrightey, I'll pop in the call one of these days.
  10. Kim and Kitty's voices are the cutest things I've ever heard I know nothing about DQ tho :c
  11. I'd love to LP one day but my voiceeee D: I hate listening to it in recordings.
  12. heehee You seem like you'd have a mature voice. I do too...or I'd like to think... (>.>) No. Dats you.
  13. Glac sounds just like I imagined she would ^.^
  14. Sleep soundly Graham I don't want you to get too stressed :c I hope those teachers won't pile on the hw later on. Uni was such a big jump for me, though it's different for everyone. As long as you plan and stay on top of your work you'll be okay :> Aww...I know I felt like crying during my gr12 math exam ;_;) After such stress don't forget to treat yourself! Oooh poo. Summer school... :'c
  15. Good night Lord Ike Waluigi As hectic as the first days were, I appreciated that teachers didn't give us much to do. Other than getting settled in the classes. Not until I hit university did I begin to dread the first day of class :( They loaded us with work and notes and ugh. Finals are nerve racking ;~;) But I love that feeling of finishing your last exam. Freedom from education for a while! Unless you have summer school, that is. That's what I like to hear! Sally forth brave Kitty! Oh and good luck to you on your upcoming exam!
  16. We're on the same boat! :o I'll be strong! The weekend's almost here! I find the beginning and the end of the school year to be the the best days. I'm happy you're enjoying it so far. Suspicious teachers huh? Better keep an eye on them -__O
  17. Waking up early for work has been hard At least the weekend it almost here How's school? Not too stressful, I hope
  18. A Hashuni Mei that's about to leave for the day
  19. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay!
  20. We've got a true chocolate lover here! Well, chocolate is a feel good food. (^.^)
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