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Posts posted by Stargirl

  1. Oh, did you notice that Ranulf gained a little more muscle in RD too? I loved him more cause of that. :D

    Eeep I did notice! I've always loved Ranulf because of his personality but after seeing him in RD I'm convinced the game makers were trying to slay all the Ranulf fangirls out there :P

    Twas too much (O///o)

  2. I'd say that you'd probably like Anacybele a lot. Try and go check her profile out.

    I've got into a discussion with her about Ike. She seems cool!

    Dango Daikazoku. YOU'RE IN.

    Alright! Nothing unites people more than the Big Dango Family :D

  3. Exactly! Also Boyd and Ike had that whole rival thing going on so they probably trained and got buff together.

    I'll admit I was initially surprised at how big Ike got but then I remembered that he had his father's legacy to live up to. The Greil Mercenaries could not be led by some weak sauce.

    Thus hunky, muscle toned, Ike was born. And pfft I am not complaining one bit.

  4. This is the moment I've been waiting for ~!!! \(◎o◎)/

    Sorry if I'm creeping anyone out but it's all fun and games. But back to business.

    Ike... hot hot hot hot hot! Mama knew what she was doing with this one. I thought FE9 Ike was super cute. Then came FE10 Ike and I hit the wall. How can they make a drawing look so sexy? What are these magical powers?

    Those muscles..mmhm. Headband...whew! Red cape...dashing. Blue hair... delicious. I know there are people shaking their head right now but listen. In elementary I remember my teacher asking the class to write down our dreamboats for this family assignment. I basically described Ike (headband and all) :3

    Other hoties:

    Tibarn - I guess I have a thing for muscles :/

    Boyd - You see where this is going...

    Oscar - Him being able to cook made him x10 hotter

    Ranulf - Kitty cat man ^.^

    Zelgius - Beautiful bone structure

    Reyson - The definition of beautiful (I mean Oliver actually is but Reyson is another good reference to beauty)


    Rolf - Of course



    Aran - I know this is random but I think he's kind of cute

    Okay I'm done being weird.

  5. Do nothing serious. I really couldn't think of a title for this. Well... I guess a simple "Hello" would do but.... meh >.>

    I've been creeping on this site for YEARS and I just now realized that it had a forums. I don't even know what is wrong with me! Now I can finally voice my opinions on Fire Emblem with someone other than my brother. Hoop-lah!

    Let the forumzing begin :3

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