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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. ..Are you Bizz's brother?

  2. I've seen a few decent radds on wifi
  3. I know, I know. but I don't feel like starting over. Does anybody have a radd they can loan??
  4. Trust me my team will be good, i'm one of the better players out there. i've played over 600 wifi matches and lost no more than 70, im just trying something new
  5. OK so I'm playing on H3 and on an arena level. I'm trying to level up a few characters but its impossible to do so because they're just to weak. So my question to you all is if you have any of these characters leveled up can I please borrow them just enough to get them up a few levels pleaseeeee The characters are: athena radd * navarre wolf sedgar shida abel barst
  6. dear sylvan, i hate you.. I'll beat you one day
  7. Good Games Tatsumaki I just played your axes of talys team, I used my new breed team
  8. im availiable for about 15 min. if anyone wants to play
  9. Name : Mizz Code: 4382 7332 7240 always looking for a challenge
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