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Posts posted by Nice

  1. I'd say that Celice makes better use of the Leg Ring than Arthur and Lynn, at least until he promotes (Fuck you, Chapter 7).

    Chapter 7.

    Celice with the Leg Ring can get to Yied earlier. It also helps in Chapter 6 if you went to Sophara instead of Isaac.

    I'll try to give Leg+Elite rings to Celice in the next playthrough. It's so annoying to wait him slowly walk to conquer the empty castle :P

    btw, Does any one try these in Chapter6 ? Can the game progress to the next chapter if I do these things?

    (FYI, I always choose Johan the Axe Knight)

    1. What happens if I just kill the boss of Johanva's castle but don't let Celice conquer it. Will this affect my Tactics rank? as the guide says "Your rank drops by 1 for each player-controlled castle that is destroyed."

    (my favourite playstyle is in fast-paced so I don't like to wait Celice walks back-and-forth :( )

    2. I recruit Johan then kill the enemies before they can conquer the South Castle and make it red.

    it seems the game let me progress normally? I'm not quite sure. I reset because I can't get Rezire this way :(

    (If anyone wonder how can I do this, I use Fee to block the castle gate and she must be lucky and strong enough to survive untill the rest comes :P )

  2. OK, so here's where I'm at. My pairings (solidified) are:

    AyraxLex (made)



    AideenxMidir (made)




    Now what items should I pass down?

    I'll try to suggest various style and reason.

    Holyn => Patty

    Pursuit Ring, Hero Sword, Return Ring + Power Ring + Shield Ring to quickly return home and wipe out Arena

    Fury => Fee

    Hero Lance, Power Ring, Life Ring, (Shield Ring)

    Sylvia => Leen

    Leg Ring, Knight Ring

    Sety oops I means Azel => Arthur

    Leg ring because it's so annyoing that Arthur has only 5 movement while others have 6+ , (Shield Ring - help in arena)

    Elite ring, because when he promote you can return the Leg ring to Leen, who deserve it most.

    and he appears as early as Celice.

    (Oh maybe I'm too favouritism with Arthur, because my last playthrough it's LolSety!Arthur , not Azel!Arthur)

  3. I'm missing Briggid and Sylvia though.

    I'd say BrigidxHolyn because Faval can be great with any father, so help Patty.

    For the first playthrough, I suggest SylviaxClaude because this way you don't have to play money game to trade expensive stuff like Leg Ring and Knight Ring to Laylea. (plus story-wise)

  4. Noish is great, but the problem with Critical is, at least in my games, the Hero Sword is over 50 kills. That means only Skasaha will benefit from it.

    huh? If Lakche has Critical skill then she doesn't need 50-kill sword to activate critical.

  5. EDIT: ...well. Apparently all I had to do was keep the formation for a few turns, they're lovers already! @_@ The guide said it usually takes till chapter 8...

    Could you please upload your save file? I'm too lazy to make them a lover by myself. Thanks :D

  6. I know Lex/Ira seems slightly more canon than Holyn/Ira, but I don't like the wierd cousin issues it arrises

    in 2nd Gen. (I like Lakche/Johalva for some reason. NOT Johan, he's a sick freak)

    lol I'm the opposite. really LOVE the cousin issue in this game. :P

    Aira with either Holyn or Lex can rise this issue. - Holyn in the 1st gen. Lex and his daughter in 2nd gen with Nier blood brother :P

    Despite that I love semi-incest issue I don't pair Aira with both because imo her kids don't need Lex's elite/tough growth and Holyn's Moonlight can't activate with Meteo sword (unlike Noish's critical)

    oh and I thought Holyn and Noish has similar face, so... (must be the hair color though :D )


    In my 1st playthrough in 1997 I pair Ira/Holyn just because of the same class and movement. Never think about they could be far relatives, same minor blood. Didn't know about the blood (Just know that the glowing ball one can use legendary weapons). Didn't know that there's 2nd gen! (imagine my face when the screen is end and prompt to save after all 1st gen die, then I saw Sigurd's son :P )


    in my 2nd play I don't care much about pairing in 2nd gen so it's all pre-destined. (I forgot who's Tinny lover, maybe no one or Sety)

    Celice/Rana Shanan/Patty Lakche/Johan Fee/Arthur Aless/Leen, the only one I love is Leaf/Nanna but they fall in love too fast so that I miss stat boost in ch10 (happens with Shanan/Patty - Lester too).

    and these pairngs totally irritate me

    so in my 3rd play I plan to pair for all semi-incest, noble with noble, commoner with commoner(although they all have noble blood) lol

    Shanan/Lakche (I never like Johan, personality-wise, never try Johalva because I prefer mounted)

    Lester/Patty (The 1st gen twins' kid falling for each other, interesting huh. not to mention that this is pre-destined too :P, aside from Shanan fangirl)

    Aless/Nanna. hah, Nanna's mother incest wierd love to her bro can't be fullill. so the daughter continue with his son.

    Fee/Oifye for lolicon skill boost

    Celice/Tinny because of portrait-wise, both are my top favourites in 2nd gen and love-talk. well, in my 2nd play I tried Julia glitch but then too lazy to continue.

    I'd love to pair Rana with Faval (same issue as Lester/Patty) but Faval come really late so I must stick her with Skasaha to prevent her to become Celice's lover.

    if you're pairing Levin and Tiltyu, as Arthur will really want that ring.

    well I decide to give it to Tinny to train her. Why do you suggest to give it to Arthur before Tinny?

    Leading me to believe his love points had been erased now that she had a lover. I'd like to know if the same thing happens if the female dies.

    I can confirm this. Just loaded my savestate and tried to kill Sylvia before she become Jamka's lover.

    the love points was erased immediately in the same turn.

    (If she's killed after becoming lover, they'll still "bound to each other")

    for the sake of perfectionism in me and story-wise, I feel a bit sad to kill her at the VERY near the end of ch5. if only I use a few less turns, or don't place her near any male :(

  7. I didn't get the bargain ring in Chapter 2. I've heared its incredibly difficult to do, though. For the record, I didn't get the Knight Ring either. (Lachesis's knighs kept trying to suicide themselves at every oppertunity, and in the end I just got fed up with them)

    I have no problem with getting both ring in 10-11 turns. I'm lucky enough that in my 2nd play I can get knight ring easily without reseting (I mean reset when the trio dies, I use savestate though). but in my 3rd play I must reset about 2 times to plan new strategy.

    Here's some of my suggestion

    - Put Ethlin to where the boss can hit her but (almost) nobody can't, so the boss won't kill the trio. Put Cuan/Sigurd near her if possible. (but sigurd must talk to Lache immediately so he's always infront of the castle). Ethlin may do critical to weaken him.

    - Fin is the target (and can die)

    - Midir is the target (hope he can avoid with speed ring)

    - enemy don't like to attack Lex and Cuan.

    - Put units adjacent to trio to protect them. hmm this maybe useless because mounted can move after attack, and the trio move around too after recruiting Lachesis.

    and the next castle, to get the bargain

    - Sigurd go as far as possible, kill the staff user first. Don't go back, attack and forward only.

    - Cuan with Jeveline/Lex with hand axe follow him to clear the enemies in front of the castle.

    - other units to lure the big army behind.

    - Ethlin: enemy love to attack her, right? place her well. Follow Sigurd to relive and bonus to kill the boss.

    I know personal exp means nothing but I think it's not that difficult.

    hope this help :)

  8. Firstly, as you seem to be a first time player, I would not advise making any pairings that are a pain in the ass to do. I.e. Fin/Lechesis and Levin/Tiltyu. Well, not unless you do massive research into the loves system and plan WAY ahead. (which, IMO, kinda ruins a first time playthrough)

    Don't listen to anyone who says there's only one way to pair everyone that's far superior to everyone else. That may work for ranked or highly compettitive runs, but if you're playing for the first time, the most important thing is to make pairings that are at least decent, immerse yourself in the story and just have fun playing. For that reason, I'd recommend you choose out of these pairings, prioritising those that are the easiest to make. (marked with a *) (except for Brigget)

    Edain/Midale(*) or Jumuka (if you can spare a pursuit ring)

    Ayra/Lex(*), Holyn, Noish, Jamuka or Dew (but any non-magic user who isn't Alec will work, just make sure you don't get her subs!!)

    Lachesis/Beowulf(*) or Fin (but avoid Fin on your first time playing! You don't want to have to put in that much effort this early in the game)

    Sylvia/Claude(*) or Death (really, those are your only two choices, on ANY playthrough)

    Fury/Levin(*!) or Claude or Noish if you're pairing Levin with Tiltyu

    Tiltyu/Azel(*) or Levin

    Brigget/Jumuka, Dew or Holyn (she's jut about the only one where you DON'T want to go for her easy pairings)

    Again, don't worry about which are better than the others on your first time playing. After you beat the game once, come back and look at these topics, (the 'reasonable pairings' topic has some good discussion) and try out the pairings you didn't do the first time that look interesting. Try to make different pairings on each playthrough. By doing so, you can find the ones that work for you. For example, there's a lot of controversy over which Levin pairing is better. (I'm a LevinSety fan myself) The only way to really know which you, personally, like more is to try both out. Always try to form your own opinion, rather than be influenced purely by others.

    On a final note, make sure you don't have Alec talk to Sylvia in Chapter 2 unless you're planning on killing her!!

    Wow I really like the way you think. How many playthrough do you play FE4? I thought it's your first (in Elite ring thread) but this post made me think again :)

    In my 2nd play (actually my 1st in this decade - see sig) I went for some hard to pair like

    1. Tityl/Lex - not quite satisfied with the kids though, mage with low mag/mdef oh my. Although wrath+ambush has some fun but Levin's critical is better, not to mention that Lex's kids are high defense, so wrath is not activate often enough to satify critical-lover like me :P.

    2. Lache/Fin - My Finn must stick to her all the time in ch2 (and can't fight because I want the Knight ring) so he's underlevel and I had a bit hard time to protect Lenster in ch7

    3. Aira/Dew - for all aroud growth but then realized Aira's kids are always good in most case. - again not quite satisfied because training Dew is quite boring in the early stage and I don't have enough 50-killed swords for critical animation fun.

    The next playthrough I go to just-for-critical-anime-fun paring Aira/Noish :D

    These pairings I decided without asking in this forum (read the gamefaqs/walkthrough though)

    my 3rd pairing I asked for suggestion here and got some points I don't know before, like Sword skill for foot unit only.

    Like you said, planning WAY ahead for the 1st(2nd in my case) time quite ruin my playthrough.

    my 3rd playthrough has a lot more fun.(although still plan way ahead, but easier to plan after finishing the game and look back,like you said.)

    and I absolutely agree with your pairing suggestion.

  9. 1. Elite ring - I'd suggest Celice (since you have no problem with Arthur, I always has problem with low-movement unit because I don't like to wait.)

    Celice must go around to conquer the castles in Ch6-7 so he may be behind other units. Also, the earlier, the better.

    Then you can sell it around after you meet Leaf/Party and Celice can get money too.

    2. Thief sword in 2nd gen. At first I let Celice have it but immediately I sell to Oifye so he can "almost" kill enemies (and don't hog exp) and let someone do the finishing blow. Thief sword are really cheap to sell around. I prefer mounted units have it so they can switch to appropriate weapon after stealing. Money is not the problem in 2nd gen after you get Patty, you can sell it to almost every units when entering arena. My units are on or almost on Lv30 in the mid of ch10, no boss abuse. I don't do this on my 2nd playthrough (you can say it's my 1st, see sig)and just let the money die in the pocket of some units, what a waste.

    btw, after I finished my 2nd playthrough I reallized that I don't need silver axe at all. Too heavy so that the triangle advantage is not much and The Master Knights already full of stuff.

    3. I always give Prayer sword to Pegasus knight because she solo a lot (along with Hero/Brave lance). When Fee is tough/fast enough I sell it to Altenna because it's light-weight and useful when she faces mage with shield in the Arena - Pray and hope for critical and it works! (Wtih Gae borg, she may lose before do critical)

    P.S. I always train Patty because she's easy to train in my pairings (Holyn and Lex) one of hero swords go to her when she can use it, along with a lot of rings *favouritism* :P

    P.P.S. I tried Prayer sword for male glitch in 2nd gen (sell and buy, not by interit) unfortunately, male can have it but he can't use it.Is that normal? :(

  10. Finally I finished FE4 first playthrough (for the second time :P if I count the playthrough 12 years ago.)

    I want to try some new pairings and get the children that won't make me hard time. Any suggestion?

    My play style is offensive. I don't use healers much and I don't like to wait unmounted units

    I don't use Holy weapons much except final chapters (Other chapters I use just Mistoltin and Tyfling for resistance when needed)



    Aira-Dew. Great children stats but they walk slow so I don't use them much in later game (what a waste :P )

    Sylvia-Claude. boring.

    Fury-Levin. Epic win for Sety and Fee

    Tiltyu-Lex. Wrath+Ambush is great, but what the point of high strength and low magic Tinny?

    Lachesis-Fin. I heard this is better than Beo so I choose this pairing.

    Aideen-Midir. Lester attacking 4 times is really good.

    Brigid-Holyn. Patty with hero sword, pursuit ring and moonlight sword is awesome.


    [New pairings]

    Aira - Noish. Just for the sake of critical screen battle. (Last playthrough I don't have many weapons that killed 50 times, or it comes really late.)

    Sylvia - no one. I want to try Laylea

    Fury - Claude. I want Fee as a mage killer (high resistance)

    Tiltyu - Levin. Holsety on horse.

    Lachesis - No idea. Dew? Solar sword for Nanna may be cool? or Lex? I want stronger Nanna too.

    and the twin that make me headache because I really love my old pairings.

    Aideen - Azel? or Jamka? I'm not sure I need Rescue staff in 1st Gen.

    Brigid - Dew? Jamka? Alec? I want great Patty. Faval comes late and walk slower.

  11. I think it's true, except that I don't think I care much about others :)


    You Scored as Light

    You value loyalty and friendship, and you care about others. You can be pretty literal.

















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