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About Surge

  • Birthday February 21

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  • Location
    Puerto Rico

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy birthday, buddy.

  3. Thanks for the happy birthday message (again). You're really on top of this, aren't you? Commendable.

  4. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  5. Happeh Birthday, Lt.~!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!

  7. Happy Birthday!!!

  8. Hii!! Welcome to SF!!! :D

    Have A Nice Day!!! :D

  9. Their promotions are not forced at that chapter, as you have the option of simply keeping the Lunar and Solar Braces for later. Also, I don't see how that's a problem, seeing as Scorched Sand is the chapter before and Ruled by Madness is Orson's chapter, meaning that Eirika not being promoted at that point is completely plausible. If you mean something like Eirika's not supposed to be promoted at that point anyway, I suppose it's a win due to the fact that an unpromoted Eirika taking down two promoted units with rather high stats. Which is pretty win. Also... Another fail. Happened today while I was power-training the characters I never used. Gilliam gained no Speed from level 1 to level 20 as a General. It stayed at 10.
  10. Yeah, I was training Garcia too. He was supposed to support with Neimi and Seth, but I like to keep my units close together. That's how it happened. Garcia had been angering me with horrible level-ups, so I decided to off him instead of continuing to let him waste exp. Also... Another fail, to get back on topic: Lyon summoned a phantom with maxed Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck with a Devil Axe. Tried to break a wall in the ruins with the phantom, but it committed suicide instead.
  11. Ross had a B with Amelia already. It was for a support chain.
  12. 1. Ike. WE LIKE IKE. WE LIKE IKE. "Prepare yourselves." 2. Soren. Dumb sub-humans. 3. Heather. Confident in her sexuality enough to openly hit on other women. 4. Edward. He solos chapters and eats villages. 5. Tanith. We all know who wears the pants here. 6. Zelgius. Fire Emblem's own bipolar disorder awareness mascot. 7. Shinon. Picks on children. 8. Gatrie. Hits on children. 9. Ilyana. Available almost every chapter in a game that follows three different sides. 10. 3-13 Archer. FOR THE GLORY OF DAEIN
  13. Fails: A fully maxed Lyon got stone-killed by a pair of Gorgons. Used Myrrh. Cormag got Pierce-pwned by Valter when he had an obvious advantage in the battle. Accidentally supported Ross with Garcia when it should have been Lute. Wins: Ephraim fully maxed out by lv 10 promoted with no RNG abuse (except HP). "Accidentally" lost Garcia, therefore allowing Ross to support with Lute. "WHOOPS, sorry, Garcia. Didn't see that myrmidon there." Haha, loser.
  14. Aion. As has been previously stated, he gets totally neutered by Kishuna. What a loser.
  15. Lloyd Reed, hands down. The first time I encountered him, none of my characters could touch him. I literally had to start another file just to train Guy up without gimping his Str.
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