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Posts posted by sirmola

  1. On 3/13/2019 at 2:48 PM, indigocean said:

    Sounds pretty funky to me. It might be the rom or translation that you're playing, but it might also be because the game probably intended for the player to use Seliph or Julia to defeat Julius, but don't quote me on the it.

    Although they did add unique dialog for killing him with someone other than julia, so they at least planned for the possibility.

  2. 3 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    Wait isn't Holsety just Sety's prf weapon?

    Although sety as levin's son (and thus the wielder of holsey) is cannon, you are free to pair levin with someone else (such as tiltyu, it you want holsety on a horse). holsety and the blagi staff are the only two holy weapons that can be inhereted onto anyone this way, as all other holy weapons are on mothers or fixed characters. Heck, you can even give sety the blagi staff.


    1 minute ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    But can't Sety wield magic anyways since his class is mage? And if it does have to be [assed then what partner should I give Lewyn?

    Sety can only ever use B wind tomes unless levin is his father. As a reminder, holy blood and promotions are the only way to raise  weapon rank in this game.

    As for who is the best user of holsety, people debate endlessly whether arther or sety is the better user. Sety has pursuit and high max stats, whereas arther has a horse (which are broken in this game). the only other possible user is corple, but he has neither of the things mentioned above, and comes super late. All other sons can;t use holsety due to being unable to use magic at all.

    As for arden, His problem is that lex has everything he does as a father exept inheretence potential. Arden has high atk and def growths, but lex has a high atk growth, and holy blood which improves both children's def growths. Arden has vantage, but lex has vantage and elite. Arden is a chore to use, but lex is a great unit, who can easily max his level (and you want a high level so the kids have higher base stats). Arden's only advantage is that he can pass on bows (and i guess also swords, but trading those is easy in gen 2). Lester can get the killer bow passed down from arden (and inheretence from is the ONLY way to get a decent bow on lester for the first 2.5 chapters of gen 2), but mider and jamka do the same thing, while being better dads for lester, and being able to pass on the brave and sliver bows as well.

  3. 2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    I saw Fury 4. I can't wait to see Eldigan with Fury 7 and/or Hinata if he gets a Fury sword with the update.

    Also, the seasonal weapons are all Spur Everything 2. I like that.

    Also wow seasonal Ike has Radiant Aether. I thought that was supposed to be exclusive to Legendary Ike?

    Red Tome Horse Titania looks neat though, and basically confirms we're getting a Tempest Trials+ with this banner. Which is nice, I'll need a way to restore my Orbs after tossing all of mine at Duma's banner.

    I might pull on this, if only to shoot for Ike (Radiant Aether and Special Fighter? All he could want outside of that is maybe a different sword, not sure if Slaying Edge+ or Wo Dao+ though) or Greil (Fury 4 fodder, since I have LA Hector if I need an Axe Armor). Can't wait for these two to show up on a Legendary/Mythic banner! (and also Soren and Mist, but mostly Ike and Greil)

    @Anacybele Congratulations on calling the banner exactly! Good luck pulling Ike!

    The news post in the app explicitly says that she will be the next TT reward.

  4. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I would assume reclassing was not being factored in this discussion. Regardless, both Robin and Corrin can walk on water.

    In fact, the fact that chrom and robin can both cross water is abused in the "water trick", which is a reletively easy (although still nontrivial) method of clearing awakening's prolog on lunatic/lunatic+. Simply kill the enemies near your starting position plus one or two pesky ranged enemies, have Chrom and Robin pair up with Fredrick and Lisa, walk onto the water on the left side of the map untill no one can get to you, and pick people off with robin. Obviously, this would not work if either the tactician and lord classes could not walk on water. The trick can be used on normal and hard, but clearing the map legitimatly is not that difficult on those dificulties, so no one really bothers.

  5. Quote


    Honestly, FE4 is a very polarising game. That being said, many games in this series inspire strongly divergent options. I for example, love both SOV and fe4, because i don't really mind the sloggy bits both games have. I also like SD more than most pepole seem to. on the other hand, i dislike RD, due to the horrible character ballance, and profushion of hidden items (I hope you like the desert map item mechanic, because half the maps in the game use it. ANd don't even get me started on getting a copy of bolting). That being said, it is the sequal, and I recomend trying it next for that reason. The plot does tie closely enough in that it is probably best to go in fresh. If you can't i'd recomend SD or FE4 because they both introduce a ton of lore that lots of games in the series reference. It's nothing essentual, but SOV in perticular includes several recuring characters from SD (and makes certain subtle references to fe4). SD is easier, and has almost no BS exept the gaiden chapters and prolog (both of which can be patched easily.) because fe4 makes refereces to fe1 (which SD is remake of), i would recomend RD, followed by SD.

  6. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Well, if that happens to a main game, then I will probably just skip that game and wait for the next main game. I am not well endowed like Camilla and Loki to for them to keep milking me like that!

    granted, i doubt it will, because nintendo is probably very well aware that what flies in a mobile game does not fly in a "core" console game, but but that hasn't stoped EA et al from trying to normalize it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Some of us love Fire Emblem way too much. I personally do not mind spending the money. Advance Wars died and broke my heart, but I am not going to let Fire Emblem go down the same path if I can help it.

    I never got this logic. Although spending money on FEH gives this impression across, it can also say things like "FE players are fine with gatchas. it's okay if we stick some into three houses or other future $60 games" I spent money on this game BECAUSE I LIKE THIS GAME. And at a certain point it started feeling abusive, and I  spent more than I had meant to. I no longer spend money on this game any more. (and if i start feeling "used" by dragalia lost, I will have to drop that one too, despite loving the core mechanics.) i still play feh, but not that heavily (i do most of the time limited stuff, but i have even not done blessed gardens for the last few months..

  8. 34 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    actually its easy to determin. I am sure IS can monitor what happens with th char afterwards and can deversify if the buyer is heavily invested in AR or Grail unit merging.

    Good point. I didn't think of that.


    10 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

    Wow this really shows why the gacha games make such insane amounts of money compared to other models.  So the normal price is 75 bucks....well over the price of a AAA full game, to get 140 orbs which will get you 1-2 five stars depending on type of banner on average.  So again 1 to 2 five star characters (maybe not even the one you wanted) in a mobile game, 75 bucks.  

    So one could buy Fire Emblem Three Houses and go see a new movie in the cinema, or they could gamble with 140 orbs to get on average 1-2 five star characters in Heroes.  Yet enough people must be whaling on this and other gacha for them to pull the ludicrous profits they do annually.   It is hard for me to understand.


    From what I understand, 75 bucks is NOT a normal price for a pack like this. for comparison, Dragalia Lost's limited 5* summon voucher pack is $25 (plus the equivalent of 40 orbs.) Granted, it is still a random nonseasional 5* character, and dupes can happen, but still...)

  9. 12 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    IIRC Laeg's a free unit.  I wonder if it's a way to see whether or not people are more interested in getting a unit out of the gacha + materials for a better Aether Keep (more for battlers), or for getting units out of the Heroic Grail store (more for collectors/people who use F2P units).

    Or maybe it's another battle between Nifl and Muspell.

    But that's exactly my point. The what it is currently set up, it's both. some people are going to pick based on the unit they want, and some are going to pick based on stones/grails. IS won't be able to easily tell which factor predominates. let's say the Ice princess banner sells twice as much. Does this mean that twice as many people want stones compared to grails, twice as many people want fjorm compaired to laevatein or (most likely) some combination of the two? My point is that it is impossible to tell which of these two choices predominates for most people (unless you make an assumption), so it is just not a very good experiment for seing what people like more.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Florete said:

    When I saw that there would be packs with the new Fjorm and Laevatein, I was excited. Then I noticed the orb count and price and my hype went from 9 to 1.

    I really don't know what they're thinking with this. It's clear they decided the price they wanted to sell it for before deciding how many orbs, so it's not like they just priced it according to how many orbs were in it. But whales would buy anyway and this isn't going to grab many lesser spenders.

    Yeah. Honestly, i'm a little confused as to who these packs are even for. are they for f2p or minimal spenders? not a chance. Are they for meduim spenders (dolphins). I doubt it, although some of them might be persueded. $75 is steep for medium spenders. Is it for whales? maybe, but i feel like they were going to buy the orbs anyway. People have aregued that it is a thank you for whaling present, but that seems like a horrible idea because it makes everyone else feel excluded (as opposed to just giving everyone fifty free orbs for a present), and whales now get to spend less because of the free unit.


    4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Eh.  Looks like an experiment.  I have no intention of buying a bundle, ever (even if my beloved Leon was an amazing alt), but I'm curious to see how well this will go over.  I think the high price is like that because of the guaranteed new unit.  I feel it would be a huge profit loss if the gacha circumvention was too cheap (it's a free merge, at worst).

    I am a little confused by how this would work as an experiment. You would expect an a/b test if there were two bundles (which changes a variable to see what people like more), but they changed TWO variables between the two packs, which results in a situation where they can't be sure wheter the pack that sold better did so because of the unit, or the chioce between stones and grails. you could argue that the experiment is having a pack at all, but in that case, why have two packs? why not test one first, and then two later? the only reason that makes sense is if this is essentially the format they plan to use in the future, in which case, it's less of an experiment, and more of an introduction of the new standard (with the only test being "does this idea bomb or not")

  11. Honestly, i swiched to dragalia as my main game a while back, and have not spent a cent on feh since. I hear Cygames has a good record with not getting abusive, and they are certainly super comunicative and much more willing to give out free stuff (we got a 5* summon voucher as a Christmas present for crying out loud). I would compare  pricing with the equivalent new year's bundles, but although they announced the content of bundles, pricing will not be revieled untill the bundles drop tonight.

    THat being said, the one issue that I have with DL is the fact that the a LOT of aspects of the progression can be payed to be accelerated (in fact very few things can NOT be accelerated in some way.) that being said, FEH seems intent on mimicking this with its various bundles, and DL has zero pvp (only co-op), so someone getting an advantage does not mean very much to you, except that they indirectly give you an advantage through co-op and helper abilities. It helps that DL has a good story (nothing transcendental or anything, but i legitimately want to see what happens to these characters).

  12. 10 hours ago, Dayni said:

    Time travel.

    That there are chests that you can unlock in multiple time periods. Try to get all of them in the furthest forward period of time and then work backwards.

    You can also use the same trick on certain endgame bosses
    Some times (for certain sealed chests), you have to interact with the chest in the past, but not open it to get better loot. otherwise, you just get two copies of the worse loot.

    two events require the L and R buttons. If yours are broken like mine were, it won't lock your progress one one but it will on the other.

    Three, if you count the DS exclusive dungeon.

    The DS exclusive dungeons can be a bit long in the tooth to get through, moreso the first one because of the way it's handled.

    The DS exclusive content is really repetitive, and the story switches between non-existent and badly tying into the sequal despite a massive tonal mismatch. I personaly dislike it. I recomend skiping it untill after the final boss, and only doing it if you really want more.

    One tricky boss changes weakness. You'll have the way to change this but keep it in mind when making your party.

    Make sure to save the sappling, as doing so gives you access to an extra dungeon.

    Don't read that much about the plot. It's pretty good, and throws some curve balls I was not expecting.

    One more thing. This game is not especially hard, (and it is also pretty short). You can play the game completely blind and win pretty easily, especially with things like the maps and item/skill/enemy lists in the ds version. There are fairly major missables, but new game plus allows you to go back and get them all. I'd recomend playing close to blind, and then using a walkthrough to get everything on the new game plus playthrough.

  13. 33 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I stopped using Robin around the first week after Skill Inheritance came out when he got his +10 ass handed to him by a Lucina.

    You are right as far as arena goes, but he's still super usefull in PVE when you know exactly what to expect (it helps that his build is super f2p friendly). In fact, raven in general is hands down my favorate way of ranged tanking in pve modes.

    Edit: I have Not confimed this myself, but gamepedia says that F! robin's special refine  effect is identical to M!robin's

  14. 14 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    As negative as all that sounds, I'm not actually displeased. The story was serviceable and it's an excuse for new characters plus a pretty sweet free one.

    EH. I would be surprised if Eir's arc was not essentualy identical to cat sith's from ff7. Villan prefends to join heroes, ends up deciding to actualy join heroes.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    These are pretty much my sentiments. +4 to all stats with the Tactic restriction is not as potent as it used to be with how easy it is to get multiple +6 buffs now.

    Since +6 buffs cannot stack with +4, pretty much any stat you're running a standard Tactic skill on is now wasting one of the weapon's stat buffs.

    Titania is still the better buffer and can at least actually fight.

    I actualy got a ton of use out of my M!robin, despite the fact that i got his as a free summon with a questionable nature and was never INTENDING to use him. Granted, is is always in pve modes, but still...

  16. 4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    The winners of this refinery update: Everyone except the Robins (raventome is garbage).

    Even Palla with her Ruby Sword is a beast with Triangle Attack. Catria and Est so powerful. Navarre could do something crazy stuff. Ogma I feel like will be underrated. That Heavy Blade plus atk/spd bond would work wonders

    I have to disagree. For some modes, yes, but for things like blessed gardens, squad assault, and the various difficult pve maps, it is great. If you can plan in advance, there are SO many situations where you can ensure only getting attacked by colorless and one other color. My M!robin is actually one with a suboptimal nature that i got as a free summon a while back, but i still get a TON of use out of him, despite not really trying to.

  17. 11 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

    RIP Aether Raids indeed.

    I'd strongly, strongly recommend leaving feedback. Those of you who use Reddit or whatnot, go bug them to do the same. There's like a 0.0001% chance that they would change things but we should make our displeasure with the Mythic Heroes and how they impact AR rather clear. 

    Just did, and complained about the 5* pool for good measure.

  18. 29 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    RIP Aether Raids

    Unlike what i just replied to you in the other thread, I totaly have to agree with you here. These mechanics are designed to make score even MORE dependent on pulling all the mythic heroes, and +10ing them. and we thought legendary heroes where whalebait. In fact, if you notice, they give you notable effects for having a hero in your barrics. The game has NEVER done this before, and the upshot is that f2p teams are at even more a disadvantage, because , no matter how well the team is designed, they can't count on having every mythic unit. granted, these effects are not in-combat effects, but they still make the mode less grindy, and make it easier to offset defense losses. 40 lift for each mythic hero is quite a lot, given we are talking about around 100 lift for each victory otherwise. (the merge bonus is less, but still..)

    Possibly more importantly, you also can't equip new and old blessings at once. THis means that you can use a unit optimaly for arena, or aether raids, but not both. This encourages you to pull (and spend money for) twice as many units. it's such an obvious cashgrab.


  19. 18 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Haha. Rip Titania

    Not really. +6 to 3 stats is much better if you have a way to cover that 4th stat. It is also worth noting that literaly  any non-infantry axe user can give +4/+4/+6/+6 to adjacent allys of their movement type using ardent service, the fortify emblem buff, and the hone speed seal. Dance buffs can also combo with hones and the dance skill seals to buff all 4 stats at once (and can be gotten pretty easily by inhereting silvia's skill onto any dancer). Brave veronica also exists. This skill is still usefull, but thare are a WIDE variety of ways to get at least +4 buffs to every stat using only one unit, whereas +6 buffs are still a little harder to find. TItania is still the only unit i am aware of who can +6 three stats that easily.


    2 minutes ago, XRay said:

    The game is about 1.75 years old and they have had plenty of time to improve their workflow. I think they are bullshitting at this point. Someone in management should have done something about it by now. If it takes them 6 months to 1 year to get stuff done and they cannot even change it, there is something wrong with management in my opinion.

    THat's a good point, but it ttakes time to do things like scedual voice action sessions. The best example i han think of off the top of my head of last minute changes resulting in awkward drops in quality are how the reshoots in "Justice league" (which were an attempt to deal with bad reaction to other movies) resulted in having to digitally remove a mustache from superman's actor (which he had due to another project). The resulting obvious patch job was a big meme.


    2 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

    Also this is a 3% banner which means that there is somewhere near a 1.5 % chance for each I think. I also don't care about beast units or the radiant dawn and binding blade banners and I have somewhere around 60 orbs so might pull for one Surtr.

    That's not quite how the probability works out, due the fact that you pull orbs based on color. However, it is true that the odds of getting a unit are higher when there are less of them, due to the probability getting "split" fewer ways.

  21. 9 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    And I’ll disagree with you on that one. These people know what they’re doing. These banners are planned months in advance. 

    THat's also part of the reason that i suspect that is unintentional. Thay are planned months in advance, but they can't be changed much after that, which makes IS appear non-responsive (the developers have mentioned this in interviews). I feel like that is the reason why we got the message abut fe6 and 10 heroes. THey suddonly realised how much demand there was, but the next few banners could not be changed). And besides, just because someone plans in advance, does not mean that this planning is intelligent (especially because there is not necessarily much time between when the decisions are made, and when it is too late to change anything without additional cost and overtime).

  22. 1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

    This also explains Legendary Eirika as well as Camilla getting another alt: creating alt fatigue on purpose. Those 2 are top contenders for CYL3 on the female side. Getting what is basically the definitive version of Marth was mainly for the Japanese so people vote for someone else. If this really keeps up, Alm will most likely get an alt of some sort before the year ends. 

    I highly doubt that IS would intentionally annoy fans and create fatigue to end up with the right CYL characters. That just feels like unnesesairaly playing with fire. Besides, my moto is to never assume malice when stupidity is a reasonable explanation.

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