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About Cullen

  • Birthday 02/27/1994


  • Member Title
    A horrible decision maker

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  • Interests
  • Location
    On a bus

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. To give the short version, Shin Megami Tensei is one of Japan's leading RPG series. (The last rating I heard of it was 3rd popular just after Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, don't know if that still holds or not) It didn't have any presence in Western nations until the 5th generation, in which the first couple Persona sub series games got localized. Persona 1 and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment garnered a small following, so they started porting over more games in the 6th generation, and Persona 3 and 4 managed to cement it as a presence in the West. Personal favorites of mine and notable games in the series would be SMT 3 Nocturne (or Lucifer's Call depending on your location), and the Digital Devil Saga Duology on the PS2. On the 3DS, there is Soul Hackers, another Sub Series game, which I heard good things about from my friend, and SMTIV, the newest entry which was also pretty good. If you have access to a PS2, I can strongly recommend Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, and Persona 4. If 3DS is all you have, give SMTIV a shot because it's pretty good. There's also Devil Survivor, a SRPG sub series which would be good to recommend since I can presume you're a Fire Emblem fan. EDIT: In regards to Persona 4, if you happen to have a PS Vita, there is an updated version of the game available on that.
  2. Jesus Christ/10 Adam SandlerXThe Ghost of Chris Farley
  3. There are times when playing Fire Emblem that an otherwise valid plan goes awry due to pure rotten luck, be it the enemy popping a low chance crit, or you missing and them hitting with 85%/20% hit rates respectively. Other times, the game pulls a move you just weren't anticipating, like instant-action enemy reinforcements in the worst possible place. And then there are the times you just make a straight up hash of your turn with really bad calls on what you make your units do. It could be that you placed characters in combat range without checking the chances they'd actually survive those conflicts, overlooking enemy units in places that completely uproot the formation you just made, or (And this happens to me embarrassingly often) you can just outright forget to have a unit do something really important and end your turn. In the end, the predictable results of a really bad play fall through, and you likely end up resetting. Anyone have any notable times they made a really bad call on their turn, and thus cost them either a unit (or units) or caused them to fail the map outright? I made a doozy of a bad play in PoR recently. I was on chapter 19, and only paying vague attention to the Crow Laguz units mulling around the bottom right of the map. Of course, they eventually transform, and having not paid them any mind, I left Rhys and Mist right out in the wide open, in their attack range. Needless to say I'm short two healers now. On the bright side, Soren promoted after the map, and two new positions opened up in my party for those who been on bench warming duty.
  4. Getting lost is half the fun, though. Thanks for the welcomes thought, even if they aren't personalized. As for Euklyd, I'm generally pretty foul mouthed, but I try to keep it subdued when making first impressions. I've gone on some pretty foul tirades in my time, which if my grandparents heard, they would never look at me the same way again.
  5. When I first started playing Awakening, my thoughts were mostly along the line of "Huh, this is pretty cool." After playing it for awhile though, I have to admit I'm pretty conflicted about it. Like, for every cool thing the game puts forth, it brings up a counter point of variable detrimental value to my overall enjoyment of the game. Just to give a couple examples: Tons of class options and room for growth for practically every unit, countered with some classes being downright useless compared to others, some which don't even have worthwhile abilities. (Utility units like thieves got hit pretty bad with this, they're completely pointless once you get the skills) There are tons of supports and no limits on them, leading to extra character interaction and character development. This is juxtaposed with some characters being fairly shallow and some supports retreading the same territory over and over again. I guess what I mostly feel about Awakening now is that I really like what it puts forth, even if it handles it a bit clumsily. I'm interested to see how IS expands upon this in the next installment of the series, hopefully vastly improving with this ground work laid out. So put concisely, while I do enjoy the actual content of Awakening a fair amount, I'm more interested in seeing what's done with it in a future installment than how it appears in the actual game I'm playing, if that makes any sense.
  6. Good morrow dear friends I just met. My name is Cullen. That's not an alias or some handle with a story to it, it's just my name. I was never very creative with web handles, and I'd rather just be known by my real name anyway, so it seemed appropriate. I am a wayward lad of 20 years, college attendee with an awesome minimum wage job. I like playing video games to pass the time and talking wif mah frenz. I try to be witty, with varying degrees of success depending on the alignment of the sun. I am a fairly meek individual, and quite the pushover, so if it looks like I might get in a protracted argument, I generally bow out at the earliest opportunity to avoid angering anyone. Needless to say, I lack skill as a debater so I generally avoid such confrontations. I hope to have a good time here and maybe make some friends along the way. I've played Fire Emblem games for quite some time, but have just recently been getting really involved with the series, so I hope to learn a few things here and have enlightening discussions on the subject of the games. Or just have good time shooting the sh*t with people here. Either or. Other than that, I like a wide variety of games besides Fire Emblem, the RPG and action genres typically being my favorite. Some favorite game series of mine listed in no particular order are Shin Megami Tensei, Silent Hill, MegaMan, Disgaea, Pokemon (Because of course that's one of them), Snork da snedgehog, Metal Gear, and most anything made by Suda 51. (Even Michigan: Report From Hell). I also enjoy long walks and pizza. In closing, this is why Cheetamen II is the greatest game ever made.
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