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Posts posted by squkyshoes

  1. I read through the translated supports for Cyrus, and listened through the untranslated ones on google translate (can understand spoken japanese, can’t read it though), and:

    [spoiler=Here I will simply list which female supports were and were not enjoyable to read]

    (Just because I won't be mentioning these in the list [as I'm doing this for translations interest sake] most of the already translated ones were the boring ones. [which is what lead me to looking for these better ones in the first place])

    (Also, any un-translated support not listed here was neither good, nor bad)

    In no particular order--

    Enjoyable to read: Rinka, Mozume, Kagerou, Elfie

    A real chore to read through (one-dimensional): Nyx, Felicia, Belka

    And this looks like a good time to post

    Nyx+Cyrus C-support

    this is all I'll be translating from their support for a while though (cause it's bland. Not really what I go for in translating...)

  2. About Nyx/Suzukaze, she's also blushing up a storm through every single conversation. Any time she's embarrassed by what Suzukaze's saying, there goes the blushing. In fact, after she first complains about what he's saying in the C support, she spends the rest of the conversation blushing. And meanwhile Suzukaze's just smiling as usual.

    I really love this one. It's really, really good.

    Oh my god, this support is trying to kill me. (*q*)

    Oh yeah, can someone point me to some Cyrus supports where he doesn't feel as flat and one-dimensional as a cardboard cut-out?

    All of the ones I've read so far (except for Suzukaze's) has been 'make the other character's distinct-character-trait extremely showcased cause it's all I ever talk about!!'.

  3. [spoiler=Spoilers on the Nyx/Suzukaze support. If you haven't read it GO READ IT!]Awww! He was interested in her from the very start of the C-support~! <3

    (At least, that's the very strong vibes I got from what he did and said throughout the entire support)

    I think that's the best / most realistic support I've read so far! Definitely shipping in my Nohr route!

    Plus, that support made me really like Nyx a lot.

    She reminds me of me.


  4. Owain/Odin:

    Fates: これが真の力だ!(Kore ga shin no chikarada!) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=6m40s

    Awakening: これが真の力だ!(Kore ga shin no chikarada!) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=3m10s

    Fates: 力が暴走する…!(Chikara ga bōsō suru…!) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=6m48s

    Awakening: 力が暴走する…!(Chikara ga bōsō suru…!) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=3m18s

    And this time Owain named his sure-fire-kill (hissatsu), so it's not the same anymore. )=


    Fates: あたしなら…!(Atashinara…!) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=7m23s

    Awakening: あたしなら…!(Atashinara…!) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=6m8s
    Fates: 終わりにしましょ? (owari ni shimasho?) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=7m27s
    Awakening: 終わりにしましょ? (owari ni shimasho?) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=6m2s
    And since I don;t have footage of Luna's crits (without going into the spoiler territory of looking at livestreams)
    That's it!
    A LOT more than I thought they would use.
  5. Lazward also has a few that's the same as his time from Awakening!

    Fates: なに見てんの?Nani mi ten no? (although the mi is a bit hard to hear in this one) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=5m51s

    Awakening: なに見てんの? https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=2m55s

    Fates: …ごめんね。(...Gomen ne.) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=6m

    Awakening: …ごめんね。(...Gomen ne.) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=2m45s


    Fates: 遊んであげる… (Asonde ageru…) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=6m18s

    Awakening: 遊んであげる… (Asonde ageru…)(only said a lot creepier in comparison) https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=5m9s

    Fates: うっふふふふふふふ!(not gonna count the number of ふ's to be accurate though) https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=6m26s

    Awakening: うっふふふふふふふ!https://youtu.be/72Cx5U1E4vw?t=5m3s

    Basically, Holy shit! There was a lot more than I expected.
    And I'm not even done yet.

  6. (More specifically, do Odin, Lazward and Luna have the same critical hit/skill activation quotes from their real identities from Awakening or are they different or vaguely reference their awakening quotes? And do Gray, Matoi and Shara have the same critical hit/skill activation quotes as their previous selves from Awakening? Or are they new/vaguely reference their awakening quotes?)

    Oh Oh! I realized Grey has a critical that is the same as his Awakening critical line!

    Fates: 甘すぎるぜ! https://youtu.be/9xqb5cVBBK8?t=40s

    Awakening: 甘すぎるぜ!

  7. Joker/Flora.


    Also Luna, Lazward, and Odin + Matoi, Grey, and Shara.

    Parent and child or just a normal support, I don't care! just let them talk to each other! (Yes, I know Luna+Matoi mother/child support already exists, I just want MORE)

    Edit: Also Joker+Zero. Just imagine the supports of them both being total assholes to each other in the B and C supports. It would have been hilarious to watch!

  8. It shows how fast certain characters built support with each other.For example, in FEA Stahl built support up with Miriel faster then with any other female.Normally it took him 6 support points to get C rank with every female but Miriel where t took him only 3.

    Huh, I had no idea this existed for characters other than Chrom.

    (No wonder! The support table isn't linked anywhere on the awakening support page. Was only able to find it through a link in a tumblr post!)

    Edit: This looks like a good place to say I'm going to translate Setsuna+Luna. (Just so someone else doesn't use up their time translating this)

  9. So is it fair to say that all m x f second generation units (that aren't siblings, lol) from within each side (or neutrals) can be paired together?

    And has there been any talk of Nohr x Hoshido second generation supports exclusive to the third route?

    All your questions can be answered here~ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qChXmQq1GBIamsWz1-NYmf4EYXv_7Vi2liT-lvafxcc/edit#gid=1006852859

    Or if you don't care about the translation-progress (+ don't want it confusing you): http://squky.tumblr.com/post/123711504332/fire-emblem-fates-support-graphs-since-the

  10. If requests are still being accepted, I'd like to request Zero x Belka at some point.

    All of Zero's supports have been gold so far, and I kinda want to see what he's like with another shady type like her.

    Speaking of which: Here's Zero x Elise. He likes making her cry and telling her she has a sexy body. And turns her M. What is this I don't even... 0_o'

    If no one else has already taken up the support (and please let me know if you have), I'll translate it for you.

    I'll be doing it support-level by support-level instead of C-S all at once, though. Reading the whole thing all at once for their support isn't really anything to write home about.

    Edit: I take it back. This japanese grammar is too complex for me to be able to translate it accurately. Sorry guys.

  11. Unfortunately their supports (like many others) aren't translated yet. (We have an manually--updated graph that shows which supports have been translated here)

    If you want to run this through google translate, here's the cleanly-formatted version of the C-S support:


    Shara: そこの貴方…少し、待って…

    Dia: …なんだ?俺に…用か?

    Shara: …えいっ。

    Dia: …痛えよ。…なんで急に俺の髪の毛を抜いた?

    Shara: 貴方…陰気そうだったから…

    Dia: …説明になってねえ。

    Shara: 呪術の素材で必要だったの。陰気な人間の髪の毛が。別に…一本くらいもらっても怒らないでしょ?

    Dia: …なるほど。理由は理解した…

    Shara: そう…なら、よかったわ…

    Dia: でもよ、陰気な人間の髪の毛が必要だったんなら…俺のじゃなくて…自分の髪の毛を抜けばよかったじゃん…

    Shara: 私は陰気じゃないから…むしろ…陽気よ。

    Dia: なるほどね。冗談は言えるんだな…しかし、陽気じゃないだろ…

    Shara: …そうかしら?秘術を試してる時とか、すごく…陽気だと思うけど?

    Dia: そうなのか…それなら別にいいけどよ…

    Shara: じゃあ…私は帰って秘術を試すから…うふ、うふふふふ…

    [shara leaves]

    Dia: ……………ちょっと、待て。俺の髪の毛を使ってなんの秘術をするつもりだ?

    [shara returns]

    Shara: 決まってるじゃない…人形にあなたの人格を宿らせるの…うふふ…きっと、すごく陰気な人形が生まれるわよ…

    Dia: やっぱ返せ…俺の髪の毛。


    Shara: あら、こんにちは…ちょうどいいところで会ったわね…

    Dia: お前か…また、よからぬ秘術を試そうとしているのか?

    Shara: 酷い言い草ね…傷つくじゃない…私の秘術なら貴方の悩みを…解決することも…可能なのよ?特別にやって…あげましょうか?貴方…何か悩みごとはないの?

    Dia: 特にない…

    Shara: じゃあ、願いとか、欲しい物とか…なんでもいいわよ?

    Dia: そうだな…強いて言うなら…古代王家が使っていたという、伝説のティーセットが欲しいな…とは言っても、今はもう…土中深くに眠っているはずだけどな…

    Shara: わかったわ…私にまかせなさい…

    Dia: …できるのか?

    Shara: ふふふ…私の秘術に不可能はないわ……そこで見ていなさい。ぶつぶつぶつぶつ…

    Dia: …………

    Shara: ふふ…うふふふふ…ふふふふふふ…

    Dia: …楽しそうだな。

    Shara: あ、そうそう…この秘術を完成させるには…貴方の目玉を供物に捧げることになるけど…別にかまわないわよね?それでようやく…一割の確率で秘術は成功するわ…

    Dia: …大問題じゃん。

    Shara: 舌も捧げれば…秘術の成功率が三割まで上がるけど…?

    Dia: …秘術、中止で。

    Shara: …つまんないわね。

    Dia: まあ、でもさ…俺の願いを叶えようとしてくれたことは…素直に感謝しとくよ…

    Shara: ふふふ…どういたしまして…また何かあったら言いなさい…私の秘術に不可能はないから…

    Dia: ああ…考えとくよ…


    Dia: よう、シャラ…何してるんだ?

    Shara: 秘術の研究をちょっと、ね…

    Dia: 熱心なのはいいが…無茶はすんなよ?

    Shara: 無茶って…例えば?

    Dia: 新たな生物を生み出したり…誰かを呪ったりとかかな…

    Shara: …そうね。父さんにバレても面倒だし…控えめにするわ…

    Dia: ふっ…お前、本当に研究が好きなんだな…

    Shara: …………

    Dia: …どうした?

    Shara: ディーアって…私を気味悪がらないのね…

    Dia: …ん?

    Shara: 普通の人は気味悪がって…私から距離をとるのに…

    Dia: そうなのか…俺は別に気にしないぞ…

    Shara: めずらしい人ね…

    Dia: 今まで…寂しかったのか?

    Shara: いいえ…寂しいと思ったことは一度もないわ…一人の方が…ふふふ…秘術の研究に没頭できるし…でも…ディーアは…側にいても研究の邪魔にはならないわ…不思議ね…どうしてかしら?

    Dia: 陰気どうし、気が合うんじゃね…?

    Shara: 私は陽気よ…前にも言ったでしょう…

    Dia: はいはい…まあ、好きに言っとけばいいさ…俺も好きに聞き流すから…今更気を遣う間柄でもねぇしな…

    Shara: じゃあ気を遣わないで頼むけど…秘術の研究を…手伝ってくれない?

    Dia: ああ…別にいいけど…

    Shara: 良かった…素材集めに苦労してたのよね…まずはお化けミミズの目玉を調達してきて欲しいの…腐敗した土地の土中にいるらしいわ…とっても凶暴らしいから気をつけてね…後は…禍々しいマンドラゴラの根ね…これが厄介なのよ…引き抜いた人は…必ず不幸になると言われているから…

    Dia: やっぱ、前言撤回…もう少し気を遣ってくれ…


    Dia: シャラ…聞きたいんだけどさ…お前の秘術ってさ…なんでもできるわけ?

    Shara: そうね…大抵のことは可能だと思うわよ…まぁ…試してない秘術の方が多いから…断言はできないけど…ただし、どんな秘術にも相応の対価は必要よ…

    Dia: そっか…じゃあさ…例えば…縁結びの秘術なんてのは…あるか?

    Shara: 縁結びって…ディーアと誰かを…ということ?

    Dia: そうなるな。できるか?

    Shara: …ないわ。そんな秘術はないわよ…

    Dia: …え?…ないのか?

    Shara: ないというか…やりたくないというか…

    Dia: …ん?

    Shara: うるさいわね…ないと言ったらないわ…あんまりしつこいと…呪うわよ?

    Dia: そうか…残念だな…

    Shara: ちなみにだけど…縁結びの相手って…誰よ?ついでだから教えて……末代まで呪ってやるから…

    Dia: 相手は…シャラだよ。

    Shara: …………わ…私!?

    Dia: ああ…おかしいか?

    Shara: な、なんで…私なのよ?私なんかのどこが…

    Dia: うーん。それを説明するにはまる一日は必要だな。

    Shara: そ、そんなに私のことが…好きなの?こ、困ったわね…

    Dia: 困る…のか?

    Shara: 困るっていうか…う、嬉しいけど…でも、そういう話なら縁結びの秘術なんて…いらないわ。

    Dia: シャラも俺のことが…好き…ってこと?

    Shara: !?す、好きか嫌いかで言えば…好きよ。

    Dia: それじゃあ駄目だ…俺はシャラのことが大好きだからな…

    Shara: そ、そんなにはっきり言われると…照れくさいわ…でも、安心して…私も…好き、よ。好き…好き好き…うん…大好きね…

    Dia: 確かにそんなにはっきり言われると…照れくさいな…

    Shara: ディーアが言わせたんじゃない…もう…恥ずかしいわね…こんな恥ずかしい思いを私にさせたんだから…罰として死ぬまで私の側にいること…いいわね?

    Dia: ああ。もちろんだ。

  12. I don't know if anyone shared this already but here are the "bath lines" (aka onsen/hot spring), translated by Leoppi, from all the characters when they are married to Kamui:


    Does anyone know if the lines from when they AREN'T married to Kamui are translated too? I also want to see some onsen videos ;A; haven't found any yet...

    Fuuga(why the fuck is he here)

    I like how people don't even know he's marriageable since no one ever talks about him. Everyone is just like, "Do not want".

    And in the text dump there are files for the units' comments (same gender as you) when you walk into the bath, and what they say once you're in the bath with them. Though I can't find anything with the opposite gender yelling at you when you enter their bath (which is really what I wanted to see).

    As for the hot spring footage, you're best off looking through the footage of one of the livestreams saved/uploaded on twitch or YouTube.

    Edit: Also, is it okay if I claim the Grey x Matoi translation?

    Edit: I've already completed C-rank. It's mine!

  13. I wonder if Ryoma and Kaze knew that the two were lovers once.

    If so, and Kaze ended up S-supporting Kagerou it would be very awkward.

    "Yo nii-san, I ended up marrying your ex-girlfriend!!"

    Wow this damn good work here very nice!

    Thank you! If you ever want to see the cleaner version to just see who is able to support with who (without the distracting bright yellow) I uploaded them all here


  14. I'll give it a go! I've spent too much time managing that compilation list, so I can waste more by doing spreadsheets.

    I'm kind of confused with the Parent/Child graph though. Is it possible to show an incomplete support translation on it?

    Other than that, it looks pretty good. Poor Saizou indeed. That guy needs more love.

    Good point. I just added in a few colors below the existing color legend for that chart to make marking that possible.

    I'll PM you for your G-mail so I can add you as an editor.

  15. I just finished a visual list of what supports we already have translated! I just really like spreadsheets, okay.

    Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qChXmQq1GBIamsWz1-NYmf4EYXv_7Vi2liT-lvafxcc/edit?usp=sharing

    For anyone whose managing a support compilation, if you would like to keep this updated (cause I sure as hell can't) I can make you an editor. If not, this is still a good screenshot in time for translator organization.



    Lol, poor Saizou.

    So Marx and Takumi are totally done (besides children supports) and Charlotte is done in terms of romantic supports (you can change sheets on the bottom of your browser to get to this and other support graphs).

    Also, b/c I got my all info from the very long compilation list by KYHCAD, I'm bound to miss a marking few supports here and there.

  16. Oh wow, thanks for the link! It must've been posted recently, because it wasn't on the compilation when I last checked. Squkyshoes, I hope I didn't cause you any trouble, since you offered to translate it for me! I still really appreciate the offer!!

    As for the support itself, it sure was funny, if not a bit awkward at parts. I wouldn't mind them together, but now I think I just see them as friends. In any case, they make a great pair, and I'm happy I got to read it. :D

    Hmm... I just skimmed through the translation on GameFAQ and, wow, the actual support is SO MUCH better just than. Their personalities don't shine through in that translation at all. I'm going to keep going :P. Their support is not even nearly that bland sounding in the slightest.

  17. By the way, I wonder why so many of the supports in general have the word "sinful" in them. Is that just a translation thing, or what? It just seems kind of odd to me.

    Hi, this is the person who translated the Felicia+Nishiki support. The word 'sinful' in that particular line comes from "罪な" (pronounced as tsumina) in the sentence. The base word in this case is 罪 (pronounced as Tsumi), which literally means sin or fault, and since she is talking about the cat, I just translated that as sinful.

    (also perhaps a little gag toward the Amie feature? Hue)

    I'm afraid not. More than a reference to Amie, it's more of a reference to a friendly house pet. 撫で (prounced Na-de)(, and is an inflection of the base verb 撫でる) means "to brush gently, to stroke, to comb down".

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