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Posts posted by Ledah*

  1. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I didn't say it was weird? Other people can do it if they please. Doesn't bother me if they do. I said it's something I'm not comfortable with. Why can't I be uncomfortable with it?

    ...I never said they were too young to get married? I said I don't feel comfortable having my avatar marry someone younger than her.

    you gotta admit that it s a really strange stance since most real life couples in this divorce age we are living in have a 3 to 8 year gap between then, so you are a pretty unnusual individual to be bothered by it unless you are a teenager or something

  2. 16 minutes ago, Lord of Riva said:

    I do agree to some extent, however there are no magic flyiers making them pretty lackluster in certain circumstances (heavy armor and monsters) and healing which would necessitate using other classes as well to protect your mages. You could probably help out with levin swords but yeah.

    I do agree that they are pretty strong, in some maps incredibly useful (timed maps) and overall probably the best classes due to their flexibility alone but if they work without the other classes in tow? i somehow doubt it.

    Yeah I think they are akin to the Paldins in the gba games, best class by far but not the absolute only one you bring in the map


    But not using Magic for me is a non issue since the magic growths and spell lists make only some caracteres good as Magic classes , usually only two per house

  3. So in my second playthrough and it seems that in this game pegasus and wyvern line are the best classes by far, the game is sacred stones level of dificulty on hard but its good to know for lunatic

    The maps are big enough in general that movement matters a lot

    Several maps have forest, desert and other type of terrain that penalyze cavalry but are a boon to flying Unit

    Its pretty easy to play around the archer weakness and you got dismount mechanics and at S Plus you got free iotte shield

    The classes have more logical requirements and you dont need to make a hybrid só ai tu propor tutelares you hit the power spikes way sooner and you can even include a bow ir other second weapon to increase your options

    They dodged the "speed nerf "

    Tl Dr they are the best class by far for a efficient playthrough

  4. I actually really like that in Fire Emblem Heroes you can make the Armor emblem actually work because I really like the aesthethics of the class. Especially in Echoes.

    The most logical fix is to have wary fighter and a speed penalty to them, but not a movement penalty mmaking them have the same move as infantry.

    The most complicated fix would be having maps and chapters where they can shine, but that could create problems for people who didn't level up their armor because of the low movement being screwed up in their game.

    Another thing would be having the return of dismount and indoors levels but while I loved them most people hated it 

    Still they were created to be a better enemy unit than a player unit like the ballistician

  5. On 08/09/2017 at 0:20 AM, Captain Karnage said:

    a cast full of teens with no military experience

    Fire Emblem actually is one of the few game franchises that avoids it. From the top of my head the young protagonist is usually with a more experienced general that acts as the advisor and more likely handles the logistics of the army, Marth has Jagen, Sigurd is an experienced man but Celiph has Oifey, Eliwood and Roy have Marcus, Ike has Titania, Eirika has Seth, Alm has Lukas and Clive, Chrom has Frederick and the list goes on.

    Plus they usually have been trained since young in the art of the war, this is another thing that people complain about but since it's medieval times you would expect the nobles to do the war thing, having a protagonist being a village boy that should be farming becoming the leader of the army is more overused and ridiculous than the noble boy that was trained the entire life for that coupled with an general

    And cavaliers being professional soldiers are to expected since again its very expensive to have a horse in these times and you can't expect a farm boy to actually have ever ride one let alone trained in horseback combat.

    Echoes illustrate this well with the nobles of the army being cavaliers ( Ferdinand, Clive, Berkut) and the common soldiers, low nobles being soldiers or archers like Lukas and Forsith

  6. I haven't played Monster Rancher, but the Bahamut Lagoon system is different. You still feed your dragons, but dragons are a more central part of gameplay and can be very loosely controlled.

    I doubt the level of control you have with the dragons ( the general follow/attack/defense) will be bigger than what you get on IF. It won't do to not having it in a SRPG game because otherwise the unit would keep going alone and suiciding

    The tittle is wrong because the system is more akin to Bahamut Lagoon considering Lufia 2 is a traditional RPG and I have to point out Lufia 2 capsule monster system is the OLD Tamagotchi ( I wonder if people here are old enough to remember it lol) formula put in a RPG

  7. goodperson is right it isn't that unusual of a system you can find the SAME with a actual SRPG mixed in Bahamut Lagoon a classic snes game(never localized).

    In that game you can feed the monster(dragons) they even change form depending on this and they follow your units in combat but are computer controlled. So anything IF system is pretty much sucked from Bahamut Lagoon.

    So the tittle is wrong

  8. It's a strategy-RPG like FFTA.

    It is also based around the notion of choice (none being morally better than other) with different person joining you depending of your side, or the same but in different circumstances.

    When IF was first announced I thought about this game first.

    At the end of the first chapter you have an important choice to make.

    Depending of the path you choice, he'll always be your rival, which means in one path he's a righteous fighter (if you chosed the questionable choice), and the other he'll be a bloodthirsty lunatic (if you oppose this choice). (like refusing to kill people in one path and sacrificing his allies when they outdate their usefulness in the other).

    LUCT's writing is really excellent (one of the best scenario I've seen. I could discuss in length about each part.), but Vyce being a totally different character depending what choice you take have always been one of the wierder choice.

    Wow a SRPG fan never played Tactis Ogre? Go play it man the PSP version is quite good lthough i only finished the Snes version so far. But still the Vyce situation was kind of awkward but I think Yasumi used it to demonstrate what would happen if Denim pushed that particular decision all the way becoming either a manipulative,liar,power hungry fool or a total rebel

  9. It's a shame that it's never happened the way, compared to the other Final bosses of the series, FE4 and 9's felt highly anticlimatic since ever other FE bar maybe Thracia(still working on it) ended with a dragon or a god as a final boss. It feels much more rewarding slaying FE7's steriod Fire Dragon or Ashera, so I wish Julius could've transformed like a manakete into Loptyr. It would of made the battle more rewarding.

    Course, I also wish Arvis was playable, and I don't like FE4 overall, so my opinion may not mesh with everyone else here.

    A important detail is that both Loputosi and Narga tomes don't have a "world map animation" in FE4 and are the only tomes that a dragon is acrtually shown. That and the fact that in the end we see a world model of Loputosi when we kill Julius may indicate that they can actually materialize the dragons or transform the wielder temporaly and the way they are shown are because technical limitations or what not so there can be some sort of precedent.

    And I wish we could play with Aerone(absurd that we can't let me kill Hannibal or Corpul for him) and kill Arvis 10 times over

  10. It depends on how you define what a manakete is. If it's someone who can use a dragon stone to transform, then yes Kamui is one and his siblings are not. If it's a dragon (as in a species) that takes on a human form until they use a dragon stone, then Kamui is simply a human with "dragon blood". I'm not bothered by the distinction. Kamui is a manakete, in practice if not also in name.

    Question: If a Elibe, Magvel or Akaneia Manakete lost their ability to transform and was stuck in their human form, would they still be a manakete?

    Gotoh don't use the manakete class in any game although this could be because of gameplay reasons. Take that as you will

  11. I'm pretty sure it says that all of the siblings have Dragon blood (Which is why they can use the Dragon's Pulse/Vein ability, but only Kamui herself won the genetic lottery which meant that he inherited a huge amount of dragon blood (Moreso than their siblings) which is she has red eyes, pointed ears and the ability to use dragonstones. My Japanese kinda sucks so if anybody else is willing to give a better translation, we would appreciate it.

    So I think it's safe to say Kamui is a manakete and that their siblings are just descendants of dragons/manaketes.

    That's the point I think. It's like in SOIaF there is a family with "dragon blood", the Targaryen, but only one after many years had enough to get and dominate dragons (so far and simplifying the story but whatever)

    The reason why we can't change his eye color is probably because the red manakete eyes mark him as the only true dragon on both the families at the moment(if Aqua isn't one) and that is a focal point of the plot

    The major difference with Julius or not is the pocession that I doubt it will happen with the protagonist and I think him like the other major blood guys so far don't is a manakete per se but his dragonstone can activate his blood turning him in a dragon

  12. The interviews so far were pretty clear I mean we can hope all we want but they said basically more than once

    Nohr will have more diverse objectives and a HARDER campaign with a more unique story in the series and using the non world map system

    Hoshido will keep the gameplay similar to awakening, common objectives like rout all enemies and the EASYEST campaign with a more standard FE story of "defending your good guys country"

    And Third path will be a middle ground easyer than Nohr and harder than hoshido.

    This is all confirmed so yes it seems IS intent is make Nohr more towards "hardcore" SRPG fans while Hoshido try to retain and add more of the Awakening fanbase. Regardless of how everyone feel about this that is their intention although I'm sure they would love that people end up buying both of the versions


    Pretty clear cut

  13. For some reason I don't really feel this game will have a strong presence at E3. (though, thinking about it again, Nintendo just has E3 directs now, so there might be a better chance of it showing up than I realize?)

    I think it will appear in a Nintendo E3 Direct at least and we will maybe will have confirmation if the western release will be of two games or only the two-game-in-one edition

  14. Your right the human armor is similar to the Manakete form, specifically the arms and legs have very similar designs between the two forms.

    Pretty sure the armor was designed to be similar to the manakete form not the other way around as a ingame nod of the importance that the Nohr and Hoshido attributte to his Dragon Form(maybe). On this vein I think Kamui is probably FEIf equivalent to either a Divine or Earth Dragon (whatever they worship in this one)

    Since Kamui is a member of royalty is a given he has custom made armor and his dragon form seems to be known since the beggining of the game so his armor is probably a "formal attire" as Nohr Dark Prince

  15. How would he be similar to Tyrion?

    Well it was when he is sent to King's Landing by his father and try to change the way the Lannisters (more or less Cercei) govern the realm as well as how Joffrey threats his subjects and Sansa etc and to change things for the better in the inside while still fighting against his family enemies.

    I think the Nohr side in the beginning it will be a more action packed with way worse writing of that situation. Until, like in his case things don't work out so well and go out of control but let's avoid more GoT spoilers....

    Btw I'm talking only about the books(in this case the second and the third of the Song of Ice and Fire) never saw the series yet

  16. But why is the Japanese country the casual side? If anything it should be reversed.

    Kamui's situation reminds me of Altenna in FE4.

    Funny I think it's more similar to Julius. Especially because the CG with Kamui attacking the dancer. If my hopes come true Kamui in Nohr side will at least be more similar to Tyrion instead of Greyjoy

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