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Everything posted by Halfy

  1. Honestly both, I can't stand either of those. I'm from Spain so Latin American dubs just don't sound right to me and the European MLP dub is gargabe IMO.
  2. I agree and would rather have had an Equestria Games episode with another story in the background than a Spike episode with the Equestria Games in the background. All aboard the hype train for the finale though.
  3. League of Legends is such a fucking horrible game that I just put 1780 RP into. FML and fuck this game being so addictive.
  4. I don't think you're going to be able to keep your promise for long, Raul.
  5. I would change my avatar to Twilight but I don't feel like making a new one as I made this one last night. The spanish dub indeed sucks. I am the aforementioned boyfriend Leo watches the episodes with. Twilight and Luna are best ponies. I have nothing else to add.
  6. Halfy


    Hello. I don't really play FE much but I joined anyway. I'm Halfy and I'm from Spain. I play video games. I like cats, computers, scarves, TLoZ, the earlier FFs, Portal and League of Legends even though it makes me yell a lot internally both at myself and at my teammates. But it's a fun game sometimes when it doesn't frustrate you. I haven't played Fire Emblem once this year and that should speak volumes about how much I like the series. But I've looked at quite a few pictures of Henry from Awakening and he's pretty rad. I like Henry. That's it pretty much. Bye. EDIT: Wait, shit. I haven't stated that I like other stuff such as MLP: FiM and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Welp. I'll probably want to edit some other stuff into this later but won't out of laziness.
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