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Squidmark Iggy

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Posts posted by Squidmark Iggy

  1. I only got around 800 coins XD (BTW, is the maximum number to get all non-gold parts 2700?)

    But I do unlocked all the characters, so that's gotta mean something, right?

    And also, I might say that my main lightweight is Koopa Troopa (And he will always be.) and my heayweight main is Wario.

    Yes, I got a sucker for green, yellow and purple. They just blend in perfectly X3

  2. I usually main Iggy with Mach 8 and Metal tires.

    And my Miiverse ID is Trolltorb, being my first ever username I ever used in the Internet. And my Mii's name is Nicholas. (My real name, BTW :P)

    Anyways, I'm very happy to join this tournament with you guys. I hope we will have fun races! ^_^

  3. Time to continue the run! With something! Something Horsebirdy!

    [spoiler=Chapters 3: FAAAAAAAAAABULOUS!]

    Lyn: This village... It's burnt down...

    Vick: It's a house.

    Lyn: And?

    Vick: It's a house. Therefore, not a village.

    Lyn: And?

    Vick: It's not a village. It's just a house.

    Lyn: And?

    Vick: Lyn... Why won't you play with your Lady Sword?

    Lyn: LADY SWORD! :D

    Doodieman: Man, she's so obsessed with it.

    Sain: At least she's not a turd face. Unlike you...

    Doodieman: You just HAD to say that, didn't you?


    Vick: I can't belive it, those two horses are still fighting?

    Doodieman's horse: Ne-he-he-heigh... BD

    Sain's horse: Nei-hi-hi-gh... B-)

    Vick: O_O They're creeping me out now...

    Doodieman: Don't worry, they always do that when they look at a pegasus. And speak of the devil, there's a pegasus over there.

    Florina: Huey... Why did you stomped those men?

    Huey: Neigh! Because they're as not as FAAAAAAAAAABULOUS as me!

    Florina: It's not an excuse to stomp them!

    Huey: Neigh! And what if I say they're bandits? That want me alive? And want to enslave you?

    Migal: Gentlemen, get that horse! It knows too much!


    Vick: Yo. We heard you were in trouble.

    Florina: Really?

    Vick: Actually no, we heard your damn horsebird. That's all.

    Huey: Guess my FAAAAAAABULOUSNESS hit through a human's heart! Ain't that swell!

    Doodieman's horse: Neigh... Very swell...

    Sain's horse: Oh yeah, very swell indeed... Neigh...

    Lyn: LADY SWORD! Also hi Florina, did you know that I have a LADY SWORD?!

    Florina: Hello there Lyn... I kinda noticed before... You shouted "LADY SWORD!"...

    Lyn: Good! Because I got a LADY SWORD!

    Vick: I also have to quote that thing you said when we were having lunch...

    [spoiler=What did she said?]

    Vick: *Tries to imitate Lyn's voice* You know, I think that I should marry my Lady Sword. Why? Because I want Lady Sword babies! Then those babies will make other babies, and then they will make other babies, and the list goes on and on and on and on...

    Lyn: That was NOTHING like me.

    Vick: You DID said that!

    Sain: But you failed as an actor! Actors are supposed to be amazing, and--

    Vick: Alright, alright! I failed as an actor! There, end of the story! Now, if you excuse me, we have a battle to do.+

    Lyn: WAIT!

    Vick: What is it, Lyn.

    Lyn: Let me visit that village! I want to show them my Lady Sword and that they will never get one!

    Vick: You know you're kind of a dick sometimes, right?

    Lyn: But I'm a girl!

    Vick: *sighs* Fine, go and brag about your darn sword.

    Lyn: It's a LADY SWORD!

    Vick: *stares menacly at Lyn* Lyn...!


    Wil: Oh really? Does your sword have a ranged attack?

    Lyn: I... Well...

    Wil: Knew it. Ah well, guess you'll have fun bragging about a sword that won't even attack enemies on a distance... Archers... Mages... Javelin-Wielding Lancemen... They all have a chance of hitting you, and you don't have a chance of retaliating...

    Lyn: Well, what can I do?

    Wil: I know! I should join you! I'm an Archer, and I can deal with enemies that can attack me at a range! However, I cannot melee retaliate, so... Still care about me?

    Lyn: Sure!

    Vick: So, how was the bragging?

    Lyn: Vick, I want you to meet Wil! He's an Archer!

    Vick: Cool. Go and kick ass.

    WIl: Excuse me?

    Vick: You heard me. Kick ass, take names, chew bubblegum. And be sure you're out of bubblegum.

    Wil: Then why you're asking me about chewing bubblegum? It dosen't make any sense!

    Vick: Dude, this is war! You can do whatever the hell you want! Here, have an example. SAIN!

    Sain: Yeah?

    Vick: Make me a sandwich while doing parkour on a shark-filled lava lake.

    Sain: Will do!

    Wil: What is wrong with you?! You just sent that man into a suicide trip!

    Vick: Don't worry, he's fine. See?


    Wil: Oh. Guess I should go and kill these bandits then.

    Migal: SAY WHAAAAAAT?!

    Wil: Never thought I heard a Bandit saying those two words. But alas, he said those two words!

    Vick: So, you never heard a bandit that said "Say What". Archers, everybody! Fucking Archers!

    Wil: At least he's dead.

    Doodieman: Good job, newbie!

    Wil: Your face... It's made of poop. Why?

    Doodieman: Don't ask.

    Wil: But--

    Doodieman: Don't. ask.

    Wil: Okay then...

    Florina: Well... They're all dead, right?

    Vick: Yes, because they can resurrect and eat your brains... Of course they're dead, for mom's sake! Do you really think they can return as zombies and then say: "Gimme your brains... Blaaaaah..."

    Florina: Err...

    Vick: Anyways, Good job both of you. You are now part of this merry band of fun people! And there's no turning around!

    Sain and Doodieman's horses: NEIGH YES! THE SEXY PEGASUS WILL JOIN US!

    Vick: I don't think you should be that happy: I did saw some "questionable things" on that horse's rear. And it's called Huey.

    Doodieman's horse: Neigh! So this means...?

    Vick: It's a male. Most likely.

    Sain's horse: Neigh! Excuse us while we are going to barf...

    Huey: Neigh! Guess that those two horses couldn't resist my FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLULOUSNESS!

    Vick: And I cannot resist your overall irritation level. Good mother, you're irritating as her! Speaking of her, I wonder where she is...

    [spoiler=Meanwhile, at Anna's RNG palace...]

    Anna: There we go! Finally made it! Now, I have to patiently wait for a healer to join Vick's army...

    And cliffhanger! Why is Anna waiting for a healer to join Vick's army? Why is Huey so FABULOUS? Why is Doodieman Doodieman?

    Tune in next time for a new chapter on Vick's Saga: A Fire Emblem run!



    Lyn 03 17 06 08 11 06 02 01

    Doodieman 03 22 07 08 08 02 06 02

    Parkour Sain 04 22 10 04 08 04 07 00

    Florina 02 17 05 07 10 07 05 05

    Wil 02 20 06 06 06 07 05 00

  4. And now, it's time to continue Vick's journey!

    [spoiler=Chapter 2: WANTED: Lady Sword]

    Kent: I STILL cannot belive I lost a bet to this guy over here!

    Sain: Oh come on! Think about the positive things! Like... Cookies! And cake! They solve everything!

    Lyn: Suuure... Anyways, Vick! Where are we headed?

    Vick: I dunno, my mom should be here at any moment...

    Anna: Called me?

    Vick: And there she is.

    Sain: My my! You are one beautiful lady, I must say! Such dazzliness is allowed by only the ladies like you, dear Anna!

    Anna: Why thank you, I'm flattered! And guess what, I'll give you a little present: Something you'll never forget!

    Sain: (Oh, please let it be a kiss. Even on the cheek, I don't care!)

    Anna: TA-DAA! *Zaps Sain with a lightning bolt*

    Sain: YEEEEOW! I... I never thought a goddess' kiss was THIS shocking!

    Kent: That wasn't a kiss. She zapped you.

    Anna: Oooh, Captain Obvious strikes again!

    Kent: Please, I also had other nicknames, such as: Mr. Serious, Dutyman...

    Anna: Doodieman? Pfft... Hahahah!

    Kent: Lady, you're wrong--

    Anna: What, that your name isn't Doodieman? Please. I'll give you a present, since you made laugh so much!

    Kent: Err... Okay!

    Anna: Ready? 1, 2, 3... And enjoy your present!

    Kent: ...I don't feel anything different.

    Anna: Look at the mirror...

    Kent: Okay then-- WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS MY HEAD A TURD?!

    Sain: *laughs hysterically* Doodieman at its finest!

    Lyn: *giggles* Guess we got a Doodie... man.

    Vick: Oh dear. Mom strikes again... With Doodieman.


    Anna: Oh, really? Well, you know I'm a god, right? I can change your name from Kent to Doodieman in a split second...

    Kent: You wouldn't dare...

    Anna: I could, but I'm VERY tempted... Hmm... Should I? Or shouldn't I? Oh heck, of course I'll change your name to Doodieman!

    Doodieman: ...I hate you.

    Anna: Oh come on, no need to be mad at me! Besides, we've got some bad guys to defeat!

    Vick: Brigands?

    Anna: And a Mercenary!

    Lyn: This will be fun.

    *Warp to place where bad guys are*

    Glass: Ha ha! I am AWESOME!!!

    Vick: A guy thinks he's awesome. Shall we let him think otherwise?

    Lyn: ...Oh crud. It's him.

    Vick: Is he someone you know?

    Lyn: His name's Glass... He's also known as the Laughingstock of Sacae. We had a relationship.

    Vick: Did you break up?

    Lyn: Eyup. I didn't knew he was a moron. I learnt that the hard way.


    Lyn: ...Shit.

    Vick: What's the matter? Afraid of fighting your ex?

    Lyn: Nope, he noticed me. He also shouted that he's doing this for me.

    Vick: And?

    Lyn: I think he wants us to return as a couple.

    Vick: ...You want him dead, though. Right?

    Lyn: Yes. Now.

    Vick: None sparred?


    Vick: You heard her. Go and kick ass.

    Doodieman: Guess that's the only thing I must do. (Why I must be called Doodieman?)

    Sain: Kill Lady Lyndis' ex boyfriend? Why not! I need some training, too!

    Glass: Who are you people? I'm trying to impress my girlie Lyn!

    Lyn: ...*eye twitches* K-Kill him now...

    Sain: Sure will! *Stabs him with lance*

    Glass: Bye, Lyn! See you in heaven! Or hell! Whichever you prefer!

    Lyn: I just wanna be away from you. Because you're really a moron.

    Vick: Hey, he's dead! Want this awesome sword made for ladies only?

    Lyn: Lady Sword? Count me in!

    Anna: Hello there! It seems you found the Mani Katti, Sacae's sacred blade! ...Or whatever.

    Lyn: Yup!

    Vick: Seems you're satisfied. Anyways, apparently we have to fight even more bandits in the future! Joy!

    Anna: But you get a new person! Aren't you happy with that?

    Vick: ...I guess so.

    Anna: Good! How about we call it a day?

    Vick: Sure! It's not that I'm gonna do anything other than get more praise!

    Sain: Uhh... Vick? Nobody is praising you at the moment.

    Lyn: LADY SWORD! :D

    Doodieman: I hate my name...

    Vick: Eh, I don't give a shit.

    And done!

    And here are everyone's stats:


    LADY SWORD LYN 03 17 06 08 11 06 02 01

    DOODIEMAN 03 22 07 08 08 02 06 02

    SAIN PANTHER 03 21 09 04 07 04 07 00

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