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Everything posted by Dily

  1. I always thought that Ashnard dumped him in Gallia after he kidnapped him.
  2. Do you think Greil knew who Soren really was? When you think about the timeline, Soren seems to have been born BEFORE Greil and Elena ran off with the medallion. And, being one of Daein's Four Riders, one would think he would be privy to the information regarding Ashnard's family. Could be one of the reasons Soren was accepted into the mercenaries. What do you think?
  3. Is there a site that has a good selection of fe10 fanart? Just curious...
  4. And if Skrimir had listened to Soren, he wouldn't have gotten his arse kicked. I loved it when Zelgius said, "You should have offered a treaty after crossing the river..." I laughed. You should've listened to Soren, you douchebag!
  5. Fiona's dad (Lanvega, was it?) kicked the bucket, too, I think.
  6. I noticed a theme-- it really sucks to be a father in Tellius. There's lots of Daddy issues: Ike/Mist: Greil stabbed his wife and, years later, got stabbed and died. Rafiel/Leanne/Reyson: King Lorzeiah has been sick and bedridden for the last 20-some years. (And no art or thumbnail for the character tree! Damn them!) Amy: Largo turned to stone! Kurth/Almedha/Rajaion (children) Rajaion Jr. and Soren (grandchildren) : Dheginsea sided with Ashera's plan to destroy everything and start over, only to be killed by the squad his children and grandchildren joined. Ena: Her grandfather, Nasir, joined Dheginsea and Ashera in their plot to destroy mankind. Rajaion Jr.: After Impregnating Ena, Rajaion Sr. got kidnapped, warped, and then killed. Lehran Jr: Lehran was forced to deny his child, wherein he attempted suicide. Later, he also wanted to destroy the world. Sanaki/ Micaiah: Who the hell knows what happened to their father/ grandfather? The game just mentions the grandmother. Presumably, the parents and grandfather are dead. Zelgius: Someone on his "father's side" was "with a Laguz" Elincia: Ramon? Murdered! Naesala: I'm not 100% sure about this one. The former king, his dad I presume, fell victim to the blood pact. Ashnard/ Soren: Ashnard killed his daddy, and then Soren indirectly killed Daddy Ashnard. (he didn't put the sword through his head, but he sure as hell helped the process.) Anyone else smell a theme here? ;)
  7. I think the previous person was saying that Soren is on the bottom tile, so you can't shove him toward Micaiah. You can only shove him left and right.
  8. I noticed on Serenes Forest, in the special boss conversations, that Micaiah can have a special conversation with http://serenesforest.net/fe10/special2.html I think moves on the very last turn, but never moves at all. How can Micaiah attack, well, any of them? Her long range isn't quite enough...
  9. This is quite simple folks. Danved can fight 10 men. So we'll call it DV^10. Devdan is his alter ego. Since that is have a man, we'll call it DD^5 Nadved is a paper doll. We'll call it ND^stupid. But, the only way he can fight ten men is if he replenished his energy every now and then, like a vampire sucking blood. Except Danved/Devdan's power source is little boy's...well, we'll just leave it at that. In order to calculate energy factor, we need to figure the creepiness scale. Let's take lines from Path of Radiance as an example. To Tormod: Creepiness factor: 10 Creepiness factor: 14 Creepiness factor: 25 Creepiness factor: 150 Creepiness factor: 10,000,000,000 There also was once, known to very few, an extra chapter in Path of Radiance where Devdan kidnaps Ike and demands of Soren: Creepiness factor: Dude, that's not funny. Now that all the variables are known, we plug it into the equation: Number of men that Danved can kill = Dude, get away from me. And there you have it.
  10. How long was Almedha pregnant? Coudn't have been that long...
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