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Posts posted by Sara

  1. I woke up to welcome Sara back. I must now go because gwah--

    thanks much

    Allow me to follow along. I'm too sleepy.

    Night, all.


    Ninji's pretty much gone - I haven't seen him as of late.

    Darn, that's unfortunate...

  2. I'm TheEnd

    Marthur is still Marthur

    Dio is Woodshooter

    Srs is still Srs

    Lux doesn't care about this anymore

    Fia disappeared just like you recently

    Who else

    I just (...well, recently) somewhat discovered how to make stairs NPCs actually can climb

    One more step to make structures that make sense

    Oh, it's coming back to me a bit.

    I always assumed Fia disappeared a lot. I don't remember ever getting the chance to really talk to her more than once or twice.

    Sad to hear about Lux.

    I saw someone mention NoNameAtAll is still around. What about Ninji?

  3. Everyone you knew and loved is now gone, young one



    I can't even seem to recognize anyone to be honest. Everyone's seemed to have changed their names and I'm just here like. "Hi, uh yes, I knew you, I think."

  4. I think a bunch of people graduated to Skype in lieu of MSN.

    In any case, hi. I'm pretty sure we never really met before, but I've heard quite a bit about you.

    I see, and thanks! It's nice to meet you.

    If you guys still have room, would you mind inviting me? I'd like to kind of get accquainted with everyone again. My skype is theglasscolossus.

  5. Wait, weakness to status?

    Ah wait, my fault. I'm tired; I somehow mixed both Spiky and King's Shield together in my head.

    Oh, yes please, as long as it have Bulletproof, I'm fine with it, I can handle Nature and IVs later. although, if you could get a female one in a premier ball it would be gr9

    We'll see~

    Weeeee usually I'm the one into the cute or super pretty pokemon

    But I think the main thing that made me really love Chesnaught was because I managed to not spoil him to myself, so when he became Chesnaught it was such a surprise~! And I love the little smirk he wears x3 So I really like Chesnaught~

    I also really really like how Delphox looks as well though!! =o Next file I will be picking Fennekin~

    Edit: O-oh, yes, and hello Sara~

    That used to be me. Team was something like Gardevoir, Froslass, Milotic something in Gen IV. Don't really know what happened there.

    Chesnaught's my fav~

    Wait, what, Sara actually came back?

    No, I am an illusion.

    So Sara, what happened

    You disappeared suddenly and came back years later, so

    I got involved in a few things and just lost track of time.

    The next thing I knew, it'd been a real long time, and I was sort of afraid to come back.

    Seems pretty dumb now.

  6. Hi Sara. *Waves*


    Because... I'm probably no one special, remarkable, etc. :<

    Talk like him.

    I...never saw the official art, haha, but it's sooooooo powerful. ;n;

    I never got the hidden abilities. Zak did.



    Linked, cause why not.

    Spike Shield was surprisingly useful for me sometimes.

    I still need to get one with Bulletproof :c I'll need it for my Grass starters team

    Spiky Shield is okay. I'm not sure if the weakness to status makes up for the 1/16th damage recoil on the opponent.

    If you want, I can breed you one. Chesnaught's one of my future breeding projects anyway.



  7. Delphox is NOT fugly! Well, I initially thought it looked weird but then I still went with Fennekin and I still love Delphox as a partner. My second best would be Froakie, that'll be for another thing or something. I...can't really say I'm fond of Chesnaught. I ended up benching him. >_>

    ;____; No it's not. I don't want to. Well, I sort of do... well I don't know! It just makes me wanna spend more time with him when I can't and I know I shouldn't this. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help me relinquish my feelings though.

    Yes. To ask you.

    I didn't really like Delphox when I first saw it either. I think the official art really made for me though. It looks a lot more like a "wizard" than it protrays in it's in-game model.

    Chesnaught's pretty cool with bulletproof. :v

    Hi there. Although you dunno me.


  8. Oh gosh.


    It looks like I'll be having a lot of catching up to do.

    I'm really sorry about disappearing for so long. Life happened.

    Do you guys still frequent on here? I remember we all had a chat on MSN, a long while back. Is that still around?

    I know Microsoft recently closed MSN, so I was just curious.

  9. Hello, I've returned from a (I don't even know how long) hiatus for absolutely no reason. I used to frequent 'Far from the Forest...', though I'm not sure if anyone I used to know is still around.

    To reintroduce myself: I'm Sara, and I like Pokemon and fighting games. My hobbies are drawing, and playing the keyboard/piano.

    I'm in college, and majoring in Computer Science. My goal is to be a software developer and game designer, though I don't code as much in my free time as I'd like.

    I come off as a little cold sometimes, but I'm actually pretty friendly if you get to know me.

    I haven't played FE in a while, but I hope to get a job on campus sooner or later, so I may actually have enough spare change to buy games and other, more important stuff.

    I don't really have a laptop so I probably won't be around very often.

    PM me about Pokemon or something.

    See ya'll around~

  10. @Sirius: Why?

    Been bitten by a few >_>.

    Loud and annoying.

    They won't leave me alone... I've yet to see a dog that has not started barking a lot when I'm in sight.

    My dog doesn't bark at all. At anything really!

    He's really nice. ^^

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