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Posts posted by Sara

  1. FE5 is pretty much as easy, when Sety is doing his Gatoh function.

    FE5, as easy as FE7.



    MSN is down >:

    (Well I get start it for some reason.)

    Hihi. :3


    I lost a bet.






    Hi. =D

  2. We could practice for that. I'm a bit tired today so the official tourney match could go to tomorrow or something.

    Getting on?

    Sure. ^^

    Besides practicing a bit might be a good idea.

    Too much sugar.

    Caffeine. =P

  3. Woah calm down there :o

    Besides it's not like our tourney match is due tomorrow or something with the other 2 still in the previous round.

    I'm just really pumped.

    I wanted to try now, since I finally beat my friend's Olimar with Jiggs; and that my day has been really busy/boring.

  4. AHA! I got an MSN!!! Now things should be solved!!!

    I think people have to add me before I can see them online...

    I'll add you Lux. ^^


    I need to reinstall MSN soon...

    Aura is good for OHKO only. Other than that, lol20wt

    yayaurabombs! =D

    weaking enemies for Dew~

  5. I still think Lakche does her best with Holyn as the father, due to various trials, lol.

    But Skasher always seems to have hax HP with Lex as the father.

    I trying LexXAira next! =D

    I forgot to mention I finished FE4, but decided to do another playthrough.

    And I'm going to abuse Dew. ^^ Meaning boss-abuse of course.

  6. The air offers defensive options as well. You can't get grabbed by convetionnal Z grabs ( though things like Flame Choke and Falcon Rape work ) for one.

    Most good aerial approaches also are good for defensive spacing.


    I'M SO SORRY! ;-;

    I just needed to meet other people!

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