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Posts posted by Sara

  1. I'm stuck in a lonely tower? ;-;

    ...How do you know!? o_O

    Because my parents died too.

    Mama died when I still little. Papa...was killed by Grandpa because he loved Mama. It was before I was born.

    EDIT: I g2g, I have a art class to go to tommorrow. D= Bye Everyone!

  2. I suck at RPing, but I'll try. D:


    You're just like me... your parents died too....

    You father Sigurd was brave, and a great leader. Your mother Dierdre was quiet, but kind.

  3. I know. Celice doesn't though.


    I was joking, since since you weren't Leaf anymore. ^^;

    my Ness was a disgrace tonight. I will avenge myself against I

    You weren't that bad. I don't remember exactly but you definitly weren't as bad as one of my friends, they are godawful at spacing. x_x

  4. You're not that bad Sirius, JungleJapes water just likes messing with everyone. D=

    Thank you. Your Ness is always there to give me some trouble.

    Yay, I get to be a troublemaker. =P

  5. Make that two years, soon to be 3, in my case. (17th Birthday on the 20th) I believe Camtech/Gordaran is the youngest here.

    I'll remember to give you a birthday PM. ^^

    Hmm... You seem familiar somehow. Not because of the age, but...

    A lot of people here have told me that. Why am I so familar?

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