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Posts posted by Melissa

  1. Ohmigosh I am SO happy this exists! Excited to see what everyone else has going on:

    • My Castle Code: 01069-04661-04351-05827
    • Chosen affinity: Revelation
    • Avatar Name / Castle Name: Alexa Ray / Pizzaton Alley
    • Region (NA/JP/etc): NA
    • Food Resource: Peaches, Wheat
    • Mineral Resource: Pearls, Emeralds
    • Battle Level: Hard

    Twitter: @AlexaRayC

    Someone from Gamespot is within our premises, should we be worried?

  2. When you walk around in My Castle, you have the normal map sprite, so you are on your horse. When you press L and zoom in to 3D view, you are standing unmounted.

    Note this: Corrin uses the generic model for every class. So if you see what another unit looks like in X class, just imagine that with your Corrin's head and that's exactly what you'll get.

    For example, Corrin will look just like how Saizo and Shigure do in these classes:

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