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Everything posted by gabethegreen

  1. Likes gen 6 pokemon Please dont hurt me but my favorite pokemon is the icecream
  2. Has one of the cutest profile pics at the time of posting this
  3. hey i jut got this game a few days ago. I have been having fun with the online mode and was wondering if anyone wanted to friend me on it and go hunting later. My ID is gabethegreen Im HR3
  4. I just realised i never included stats for my character. Do you still need them?
  5. Is correct and i will try doing it later XD
  6. KNows characters i have never heard of like tana
  7. Has played more games in the fe series then me
  8. Final fantasy XI and fire emblem thracia776 Idk XD
  9. Im a young man who shares his name with a turtle . I am part of a revolt to free my home. My best friend is a decent myrmidon And i am the worst archer in this game bar none
  10. Question how bad would it be if i give up because i have been drained of any joy in playing this game anymore.
  11. I Cant seem to rig it without things going south fast. Maybe i shouldnt have picked this game XD
  12. Ummm ok well is that an emulator thing or a physical cartrige thing?
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